The Management Pack for Dell EMC VNX creates views that allow the user to view statistics of metrics for various VNX resources. The views help give a broad picture of the entire system, as opposed to a more in depth view.

The following views are available in the Management Pack:

VNX File Views VNX Block Views
Control System Properties Array Properties
Data Mover Capacity Disk KPIs
Data Mover KPIs Disk Properties
Data Mover Properties Environment KPIs
Disk KPIs Fast Cache Capacity
Disk Volume Capacity Fast Cache KPIs
Disk Volume Properties Fast Cache Properties
File Array KPIs Host Bus Adapter Properties
File Array Properties Host Bus Adapter KPIs
File Pool Capacity Logic Unit KPIs
File Pool KPIs Logical Unit Properties
File Pool Properties LUN Capacity
File System Capacity Port KPIs
File System KPIs Port Properties
File System Properties Raid Group KPIs
VNX File Health Raid Group Capacity
Network Interface Properties Raid Group Properties
NFS Export Capacity Storage Pool Capacity
NFS Export KPIs Storage Pool KPIs
NFS Export Properties Storage Pool Properties
Virtual Data Mover Properties Storage Processor KPIs
Storage Processor Properties
Tier Capacity
Tier KPIs
Tier Properties
VNX Block Health
VNX Block KPIs

To access the Management Pack views:

  1. Navigate to Environment > All Objects > EMC VNX <File or Block> Adapter.
  2. Double-click on the desired object (resource).
  3. Select the Details tab, then Views.

The available views for that resource are listed and can be selected.

Accessing Views
