The Management Pack for Dell EMC XtremIO collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to Dell EMC XtremIO resource kinds.

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Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Description
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Build string The number of the XMS build.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details DB Version string The version number of the database.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Days of Records In Log integer Days in Event Log (the number of days of records that are currently in the log).
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details IP Version string The IP version used by the XMS for both southbound (towards clusters) and northbound.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details ISCSI Route Count float The aggregated amount of iSCSI routes for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Initiator Group Count float The aggregated value of Initiator Groups that currently exist in all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Logs Size float The aggregated log size of all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Management Interface string The physical network interface used by the XMS to communicate with the clusters.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Maximum Records In Event Log float The aggregated value of maximum records in the Event Logs of all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Mode string Determines whether NTP is automatically or manually configured.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Overall Efficiency Ratio float The aggregated value of the ratio of provisioned Volume capacity to the cluster's actual used physical capacity.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details REST API Protocol Version string Exposes the supported RESTful API version.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Server Name string The fully qualified name of the XMS server.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Software Version string XMS software version. This version should be identical to the cluster's software version, unless it is undergoing a special process (e.g. upgrade).
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details System Count float The number of clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Uptime string The amount of time passed since the XMS was last rebooted.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details User Account Count integer The number of user accounts associated with the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Version string The installed XtremIO XMS version.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Volume Count float Number of volumes for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details Wrong CN In CSR string Triggers an Alert if the default CSR (Certificate Signing Request) contains CN which is not the XMS's FQDN.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details XMS Gateway string XMS's default gateway IP address.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details XMS IP string IP address of the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Details XMS IP Subnet string XMS IP address and subnet mask. The XMS IP address is optional. It is not required if this command is only used to update the Storage Controller's IP or IPMI addresses.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency float The aggregated latency for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 128KB float The aggregated latency of 128KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 16KB float The aggregated latency of 16KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 1KB float The aggregated latency of 1KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 1MB float The aggregated latency of 1MB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 256KB float The aggregated latency of 256KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 2KB float The aggregated latency of 2KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 32KB float The aggregated latency of 32KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 4KB float The aggregated latency of 4KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 512B float The aggregated latency of 512B operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 512KB float The aggregated latency of 512KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 64KB float The aggregated latency of 64KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency 8KB float The aggregated latency of 8KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Average Latency Greater Than 1MB float The aggregated latency of operations greater than 1MB for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Disk Space Secondary Utilization Level string Disk space secondary utilization level. Measures XMS's aggregated value of capacity monitoring.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Disk Space Utilization Level string Monitors the aggregated amount of free disk space on the XMS system for the root partition. An Alert is triggered when the disk utilization of the root portion exceeds the threshold percentage.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Free Disk Space Secondary float Aggregated free disk space at the secondary utilization level for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Free Space Disk Space (/root) float Aggregated free disk space of the root partition for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 128KB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 128KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 16KB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 16KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 1KB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 1KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 1MB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 1MB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 256KB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 256KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 2KB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 2KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 32KB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 32KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 4KB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 4KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 512B float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 512B operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 512KB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 512KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 64KB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 64KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS 8KB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for 8KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS By Block float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for Block operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk IOPS Greater Than 1MB float The aggregated value of total read and write real-time input/output operations per second for operations greater than 1MB from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Logical Space In Use float Aggregated used logical disk space for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Maximum Observation of IOPS integer Maximum observed value of metric IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Maximum Observation of Throughput float Maximum observed value of metric Throughput.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read / Write Ratio float The ratio of read to write IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS float IOPS of read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 128KB float IOPS of 128KB read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 16KB float IOPS of 16KB read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 1KB float IOPS of 1KB read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 1MB float IOPS of 1MB read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 256KB float IOPS of 256KB read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 2KB float IOPS of 2KB read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 32KB float IOPS of 32KB read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 4KB float IOPS of 4KB read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 512B float IOPS of 512B read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 512KB float IOPS of 512KB read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 64KB float IOPS of 64KB read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS 8KB float IOPS of 8KB read input/output operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS By Block float The aggregated value of Block input/output per second handled by all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read IOPS Greater Than 1MB float IOPS of read input/output operations greater than 1MB from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency float XMS's total real-time average latency of read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 128KB float XMS's total real-time average latency of 128KB read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 16KB float XMS's total real-time average latency of 16KB read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 1KB float XMS's total real-time average latency of 1KB read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 1MB float XMS's total real-time average latency of 1MB read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 256KB float XMS's total real-time average latency of 256KB read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 2KB float XMS's total real-time average latency of 2KB read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 32KB float XMS's total real-time average latency of 32KB read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 4KB float XMS's total real-time average latency of 4KB read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 512B float XMS's total real-time average latency of 512B read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 512KB float XMS's total real-time average latency of 512KB read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 64KB float XMS's total real-time average latency of 64KB read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency 8KB float XMS's total real-time average latency of 8KB read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Latency Greater Than 1MB float XMS's total real-time average latency of read operations greater than 1MB.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 128KB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 128KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 16KB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 16KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 1KB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 1KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 1MB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 1MB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 256KB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 256KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 2KB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 2KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 32KB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 32KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 4KB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 4KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 512B float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 512B operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 512KB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 512KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 64KB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 64KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput 8KB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for 8KB operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput By Block float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for Block operations from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Read Throughput Greater Than 1MB float The aggregated value of real-time read bandwidth for operations greater than 1MB from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Thin Provisioning Savings float The aggregated value of percentage of Volume capacity not in use.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 128KB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 128KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 16KB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 16KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 1KB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 1KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 1MB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 1MB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 256KB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 256KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 2KB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 2KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 32KB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 32KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 4KB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 4KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 512B float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 512B operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 512KB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 512KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 64KB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 64KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput 8KB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of 8KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput By Block float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of Block operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Throughput Greater Than 1MB float The aggregated value of total real-time read and write bandwidth of operations greater than 1MB for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 128KB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 128KB operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 16KB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 16KB operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 1KB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 1KB operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 1MB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 1MB operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 256KB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 256KB operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 2KB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 2KB operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 32KB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 32KB operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 4KB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 4KB operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 512B float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 512B operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 512KB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 512KB operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 64KB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 64KB operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS 8KB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output 8KB operations per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS By Block float The aggregated value of input/output per second handled by all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write IOPS Greater Than 1MB float The aggregated value of total write real-time input/output operations greater than 1MB per second from all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 128KB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 128KB write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 16KB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 16KB write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 1KB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 1KB write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 1MB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 1MB write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 256KB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 256KB write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 2KB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 2KB write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 32KB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 32KB write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 4KB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 4KB write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 512B float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 512B write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 512KB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 512KB write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 64KB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 64KB write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency 8KB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of 8KB write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Latency Greater Than 1MB float Cluster's aggregated value of total real-time average latency of write operations greater than 1MB.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 128KB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 128KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 16KB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 16KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 1KB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 1KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 1MB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 1MB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 256KB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 256KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 2KB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 2KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 32KB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 32KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 4KB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 4KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 512B float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 512B operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 512KB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 512KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 64KB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 64KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput 8KB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of 8KB operations for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput By Block float The aggregated value of current bandwidth for all clusters managed by the XMS, used to get a Snapshot of the aggregated totals by block size.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Disk Write Throughput Greater Than 1MB float The aggregated value of total real-time write bandwidth of operations greater than 1MB for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Status Object Severity string The XMS's severity, based on severity level of current Alerts (Alerts still uncleared) for this XMS. Possible values are 'clear', 'information', 'minor', 'major', and 'critical'.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Status Value of 100 for Capacity Calculations integer Metric generated with purpose of Value of 100 for Capacity Calculations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance User Configuration Allow Empty Password string Whether or not the user account can have a blank password.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance User Configuration Default User Inactivity Timeout integer The XMS's default timeout period. The XMS logs the user out when a timeout period is not set.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance XMS Performance CPU Utilization float The current XMS's CPU utilization.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance XMS Performance Memory Utilization Level string Monitors the aggregated free memory on all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance XMS Performance RAM Free float Aggregated free memory for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance XMS Performance RAM Total float Total available RAM for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance XMS Performance RAM Usage float RAM usage for all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance XMS Performance Used Memory float Memory in use.
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Relationships Cluster Children string List of child Cluster resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Adapter Instance Relationships Dell EMC XtremIO Tag Parents string List of parent Dell EMC XtremIO Tag resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Tag Relationships Cluster Children string List of children Cluster resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Tag Relationships vSphere World Children string List of children vSphere World resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Tag Relationships XtremIO Management Server Children string List of children XtremIO Management Server resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Related Objects Relationships Datastore Children string List of children Datastore resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Related Objects Relationships Host System Children string List of children Host System resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Related VMs Relationships Virtual Machine Children string List of children Virtual Machine resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Accumulated Daily Uptime integer Accumulated daily uptime of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Average Daily Temperature integer Average daily temperature of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Battery Runtime integer Runtime of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Battery Voltage integer Battery voltage.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Firmware Version string Current firmware version of the BBU.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Hardware Revision string Hardware level of the power supply unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Identify LED string Identify LED for the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Index integer Index of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Index In Brick integer The BBU's index within the X-Brick, either 1 or 2. Always 1 for multiple X-Brick clusters (for all X-Bricks), but two BBUs are available for a single X-Brick cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Input Frequency float Input frequency of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Model Name string Model name for the BBU.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Output Current float Output current of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Output Frequency integer Output frequency of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Output Voltage float Output voltage of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Part Number string Part number. An EMC-assigned string identifying part (SKU).
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Power integer Power of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Power Feed string A and B PSU power feeds.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Real Power integer Real power of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details Serial Number string Serial number of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details UPS Battery Charge In Percent integer Battery charge of the UPS in percentage.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details UPS Battery Uncharged In Percent integer Percentage of the UPS battery not charged.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details UPS Load In Percent integer UPS load in percentage.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details UPS Load Percent Level string The load percent level of the UPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Details UPS Voltage integer UPS voltage of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Enabled State string Indicates whether the battery backup unit is currently enabled or disabled, either by the user or the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status FRU Lifecycle State string FRU lifecycle state of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status FRU Replace Failure Reason string The reason (if any) for the FRU replace failure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Firmware Version Error string Firmware version error (if any) of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Is Bypass Active string Whether or not the bypass is active for the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Is Low Battery Has Input string Whether or not the low battery has input.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Is Low Battery No Input string Whether or not the low battery has no input.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Is Low Battery Runtime string Whether or not there is low battery runtime.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Is UPS Overload string Whether or not the UPS is overloaded.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Object Severity string Object severity of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Outlet 1 Status string Outlet 1 status for the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Outlet 2 Status string Outlet 2 status of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Status LED string Status LED for the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status UPS Alarm string UPS alarm of the battery backup unit.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status UPS Connection State string The state of the UPS connection.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status UPS Input string UPS input.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status UPS Need Battery Replacement string Whether or not the UPS needs a battery replacement.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status UPS Status string The status of the UPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Status Value of 100 for Capacity Calculations integer Metric generated with purpose of Value of 100 for Capacity Calculations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Battery Backup Unit Relationships X-Brick Parents string List of parent X-Brick resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details CHAP Authentication Mode string Describes the CHAP mode for Initiator discovery (applicable for iSCSI only).
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details CHAP Discovery Mode string Describes the CHAP mode for Initiator discovery (applicable for iSCSI only)..
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Compression Factor (Text) string Text representation of the cluster's compression factor.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Compression Mode string Compression mode.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Configurable Volume Type Capability string Denotes whether the cluster supports the capability to configure a Volume's vol-access.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Critical Alert Count integer Number of critical alerts on the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details DAE Count integer Number of DAEs.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details DPG Count integer The number of DPGs.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Data Reduction Ratio float Data reduction ratio of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Data Reduction Ratio (Text) string Text representation of the cluster's data reduction ratio.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Debug Create Timeout string Debug Create Timeout for the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Dedup Ratio (Text) string The text representation of the deduplication ratio of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Encryption Supported string The capability parameter reflects whether Data at Rest encryption is possible for this cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Free Physical Space In Percent integer Percentage of physical space that is free.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details IB Switch Count integer Number of IB switches
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Index integer Index of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Internal Volume Count integer Number of internal volumes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Last Upgrade Attempt Timestamp string Timestamp of last upgrade attempt.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Last Upgrade Attempt Version string Version of the last upgrade attempt.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details License ID string Cluster's license index number.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Major Alert Count integer Number of major alerts on the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Maximum Data Transfer Percent Done integer The percentage of the maximum data transfer done.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Maximum SSD Count Per DPG integer The maximum number of SSDs a DPG can contain.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Minor Alert Count integer Number of minor alerts on the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details NAA System ID string A Volume's SCSI NAA name consisting of three elements.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Node Count integer Number of nodes for the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details PSNT Part Number string PSNT part number.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details SSD Count integer Number of SSDs.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Size And Capacity string The size and capacity of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details System Activation Timestamp integer Cluster's activation uptime timestamp as of 1.1.1970, measured in seconds.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details System PSNT Serial Number string Cluster's Product Serial Number tag (PSNT) serial number.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details System Software Version string XIOS version.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details System Start Timestamp integer Timestamp of the cluster's commencement.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Target Port Count integer Total number of the cluster's target ports
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details UPS Count integer Total number of the cluster's BBUs.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details Volume Count integer Total number of the cluster's provisioned Volumes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details X-Brick Count integer Total number of X-Bricks for the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details XEnv Count integer Number of XEnvs for the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Details XMS GUID string GUID of the cluster's XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency float Average Latency
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 128KB float Average Latency 128KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 16KB float Average Latency 16KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 1KB float Average Latency 1KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 1MB float Average Latency 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 256KB float Average Latency 256KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 2KB float Average latency for 2KB block size.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 32KB float Average Latency 32KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 4KB float Average Latency 4KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 512B float Average latency for 512B block size.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 512KB float Average Latency 512KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 64KB float Average Latency 64KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency 8KB float Average Latency 8KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Average Latency Greater Than 1MB float Average latency greater than 1MB for the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Compression Factor float Compression factor for the cluster
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Dedup Ratio float The deduplication ratio of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Dedup Space In Use float Deduplication space in use by the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Free Logical Space In Base 10 float Free logical space in base 10
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Free Physical Space In Base 10 float Free physical space in base 10.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Free Physical Space Level string Free physical space level of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS float IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 128KB float IOPS 128KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 16KB float IOPS 16KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 1KB float IOPS 1KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 1MB float IOPS 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 256KB float IOPS 256KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 2KB float IOPS 2KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 32KB float IOPS 32KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 4KB float IOPS 4KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 512B float IOPS 512B
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 512KB float IOPS 512KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 64KB float IOPS 64KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS 8KB float IOPS 8KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS By Block float IOPS by block for the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk IOPS Greater Than 1MB float IOPS greater than 1MB for the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Logical Size In Base 10 float Logical Size In Base 10
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Logical Space float Total logical space for the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Logical Space In Use float Logical space in use by the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Logical Space In Use float Logical space in use.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Logical Space In Use In Base 10 float Logical space in use in base 10.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Maximum Observed Total IOPS float Maximum observed value of metric Maximum Observed Total IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Maximum Observed Total Throughput float Maximum observed value of metric Maximum Observed Total Throughput.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Physical Space float Physical space for the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Physical Space In Base 10 float Physical space in base 10.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Physical Space In Use float Physical space in use on the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Physical Space In Use float Physical space in use.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Physical Space In Use In Base 10 float Physical space in use in base 10.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Physical Space Per SSD float Physical space per SSD for the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read / Write Ratio float The ratio of read to write IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS float Read IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 128KB float Read IOPS 128KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 16KB float Read IOPS 16KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 1KB float Read IOPS 1KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 1MB float Read IOPS 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 256KB float Read IOPS 256KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 2KB float Read IOPS 2KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 32KB float Read IOPS 32KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 4KB float Read IOPS 4KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 512B float Read IOPS 512B
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 512KB float Read IOPS 512KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 64KB float Read IOPS 64KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS 8KB float Read IOPS 8KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS By Block float Read IOPS By Block
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read IOPS Greater Than 1MB float Read IOPS Greater Than 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency float Read Latency
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 128KB float Read Latency 128KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 16KB float Read Latency 16KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 1KB float Read Latency 1KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 1MB float Read Latency 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 256KB float Read Latency 256KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 2KB float Read Latency 2KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 32KB float Average read latency for 32KB block size.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 4KB float Read Latency 4KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 512B float Read Latency 512B
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 512KB float Read Latency 512KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 64KB float Read Latency 64KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency 8KB float Read Latency 8KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Latency Greater Than 1MB float Read Latency Greater Than 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput float Read Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 128KB float Read Throughput 128KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 16KB float Read Throughput 16KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 1KB float Read Throughput 1KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 1MB float Read Throughput 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 256KB float Read Throughput 256KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 2KB float Read Throughput 2KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 32KB float Read Throughput 32KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 4KB float Read Throughput 4KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 512B float Read Throughput 512B
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 512KB float Read Throughput 512KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 64KB float Read Throughput 64KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput 8KB float Read Throughput 8KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput By Block float Read Throughput By Block
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Read Throughput Greater Than 1MB float Read Throughput Greater Than 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk SSD High Utilization Threshold Crossing string SSD high utilization threshold crossing of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk SSD Very High Utilization Threshold Crossing string SSD very high utilization threshold crossing of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Small IOPS float Small IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Small Read IOPS float Small Read IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Small Read Throughput float Small Read Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Small Throughput float Small Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Small Write IOPS float Small Write IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Small Write Throughput float Small Write Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Space In Use float Space in use by the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Space Saving Ratio float The space saving ratio of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Thin Provisioning Ratio float The thin provisioning ratio of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Thin Provisioning Savings float Thin provisioning savings for the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput float Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 128KB float Throughput 128KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 16KB float Throughput 16KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 1KB float Throughput 1KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 1MB float Throughput 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 256KB float Throughput 256KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 2KB float Throughput 2KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 32KB float Throughput 32KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 4KB float Throughput 4KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 512B float Throughput 512B
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 512KB float Throughput 512KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 64KB float Throughput 64KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput 8KB float Throughput 8KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput By Block float Throughput By Block
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Throughput Greater Than 1MB float Throughput Greater Than 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Unaligned IOPS float Unaligned IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Unaligned Read IOPS float Unaligned Read IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Unaligned Read Throughput float Unaligned Read Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Unaligned Throughput float Unaligned Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Unaligned Write IOPS float Unaligned Write IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Unaligned Write Throughput float Unaligned Write Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS float Write IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 128KB float Write IOPS 128KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 16KB float Write IOPS 16KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 1KB float Write IOPS 1KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 1MB float Write IOPS 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 256KB float Write IOPS 256KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 2KB float Write IOPS 2KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 32KB float Write IOPS 32KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 4KB float Write IOPS 4KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 512B float Write IOPS 512B
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 512KB float Write IOPS 512KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 64KB float Write IOPS 64KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS 8KB float Write IOPS 8KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS By Block float Write IOPS By Block
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write IOPS Greater Than 1MB float Write IOPS Greater Than 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency float Write Latency
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 128KB float Write Latency 128KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 16KB float Write Latency 16KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 1KB float Write Latency 1KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 1MB float Write Latency 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 256KB float Write Latency 256KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 2KB float Write Latency 2KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 32KB float Write Latency 32KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 4KB float Write Latency 4KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 512B float Write Latency 512B
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 512KB float Write Latency 512KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 64KB float Write Latency 64KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency 8KB float Write Latency 8KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Latency Greater Than 1MB float Write Latency Greater Than 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput float Write Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 128KB float Write throughput for 128KB block size.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 16KB float Write Throughput 16KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 1KB float Write Throughput 1KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 1MB float Write Throughput 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 256KB float Write Throughput 256KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 2KB float Write Throughput 2KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 32KB float Write Throughput 32KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 4KB float Write Throughput 4KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 512B float Write throughput for 512B block size.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 512KB float Write throughput for 512KB block size.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 64KB float Write throughput for 64KB block size.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput 8KB float Write Throughput 8KB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput By Block float Write Throughput By Block
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Disk Write Throughput Greater Than 1MB float Write Throughput Greater Than 1MB
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Memory Shared Memory float Shared memory of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Memory Shared Memory In Use float Shared Memory In Use
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Memory Shared Memory In Use Ratio Level string Shared memory in use ratio level of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Memory Total Memory In Use float Total memory in use by the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Memory Total Memory In Use In Percent integer Percentage of total memory that is in use by the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Network FC Port Speed string FC port speed.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Cluster Expansion In Progress string Whether or not a cluster expansion is in progress.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Consistency State string Consistency state of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Is Any C Module Lazy Load In Progress string Whether or not any C module lazy load is in progress.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Is Any D Module Lazy Load In Progress string Whether or not any D module lazy load is in progress.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Memory Recovery Status string Memory recovery status of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Mode Switch Status string Status of the cluster mode switch.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status OS Upgrade In Progress string Whether or not an OS upgrade is in progress on the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Object Severity string Object severity.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Shared Memory In Use Recoverable Ratio Level string Shared memory in use recoverable ratio level of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Stopped Reason string Reason for stoppage.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status System Health State string Health state of the system.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status System Manager Connection Error Reason string Reason for the system manager connection error.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status System Manager Connection State string State of the system manager connection.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status System State string State of the system.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status System Stop Type string System stop type of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Under Maintenance string Whether or not the cluster is under maintenance.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Upgrade Failure Reason string Reason for the upgrade failure (if any).
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status Upgrade State string Upgrade state of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Status VAAI Thin Provisioning Limit Crossing string VAAI thin provisioning limit crossing of the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster User Configuration Encryption Mode string Controls whether encryption (Data at Rest) is performed for all cluster SSDs, DAE SSDs and Local Disks.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster User Configuration Obfuscate Debug string Determines whether debug information is created while obfuscating IP addresses. Default is disabled. Debug information is placed in the log bundle.
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster User Configuration SC Front Panel Temperature Monitor Mode string Storage Controller front panel temperature monitor mode (the parameter used to disable the feature if the front panel sensor is faulty).
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster User Configuration SSH Firewall Mode string SSH Firewall Mode
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Relationships Dell EMC XtremIO Tag Parents string List of parent Dell EMC XtremIO Tag resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Relationships InfiniBand Switch Children string List of child InfiniBand Switch resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Relationships Volume Children string List of child Volume resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Relationships X-Brick Children string List of child X-Brick resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Cluster Relationships XtremIO Management Server Parents string List of parent XtremIO Management Server resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Details Available Rebuilds float Number of available rebuilds the DPG can currently perform.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Details Index integer DPG's index number as defined by the XMS upon its creation (a unique positive number).
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Details Integrating Slot Number integer Slot currently undergoing processing. The value is 0 when no specific Slot is undergoing processing.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Details Node Count integer DPG's total number of Storage Controllers.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Details Proactive Metadata Loading string This Boolean property reflects whether the cluster performs proactive loading of the metadata (property returns true). This may happen after the cluster is started or recovers from an extreme situation. At this stage, there may be performance degradation.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Details SSD Count integer DPG's total number of the SSDs.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk IOPS float IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Maximum Observation of IOPS integer Maximum observed value of metric IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Maximum Observation of Throughput float Maximum observed value of metric Throughput.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Physical Percent Free Space integer DPG's percentage of free physical space.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Physical Space float Total physical space on the SSDs.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Physical Space In Use float Reports how much of physical space of the DPG is currently in use.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Physical Space In Use float Physical space in use.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Physical Space Levels string DPG physical space levels. Events are triggered for any change in this parameter.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read / Write Ratio float The ratio of read to write IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS float Read IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 128KB float Read IOPS for 128KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 16KB float Read IOPS for 16KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 1KB float Read IOPS for 1KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 1MB float Read IOPS for 1MB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 256KB float Read IOPS for 256KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 2KB float Read IOPS for 2KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 32KB float Read IOPS for 32KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 4KB float Read IOPS for 4KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 512B float Read IOPS for 512B reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 512KB float Read IOPS for 512KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 64KB float Read IOPS for 64KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS 8KB float Read IOPS for 8KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS By Block float Read IOPS for block reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read IOPS Greater Than 1MB float Read IOPS for reads greater than one megabyte.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput float Read Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 128KB float Read throughput for 128KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 16KB float Read throughput for 16KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 1KB float Read throughput for 1KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 1MB float Read throughput for 1MB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 256KB float Read throughput for 256KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 2KB float Read throughput for 2KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 32KB float Read throughput for 32KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 4KB float Read throughput for 4KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 512B float Read throughput for 512B reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 512KB float Read throughput for 512KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 64KB float Read throughput for 64KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput 8KB float Read throughput for 8KB reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput By Block float Read throughput for block reads.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Read Throughput Greater Than 1MB float Read throughput for reads greater than a megabyte.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk SSD Preparation Progress integer Indicates if the DPG is currently performing an SSD preparation, and its progress.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk SSD Size float DPG's overall size of unfailed SSDs.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Throughput float Total Throughput(read + write)
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Useful SSD Space float DPG's total amount of useful SSD space over all unfailed SSDs, for this DPG.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS float Write IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 128KB float Write IOPS for 128KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 16KB float Write IOPS for 16KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 1KB float Write IOPS for 1KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 1MB float Write IOPS for 1MB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 256KB float Write IOPS for 256KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 2KB float Write IOPS for 2KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 32KB float Write IOPS for 32KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 4KB float Write IOPS for 4KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 512B float Write IOPS for 512B writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 512KB float Write IOPS for 512KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 64KB float Write IOPS for 64KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS 8KB float Write IOPS for 8KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS By Block float Write IOPS for block writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write IOPS Greater Than 1MB float Write IOPS for writes greater than one megabyte.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput float Write throughput.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 128KB float Write throughput for 128KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 16KB float Write throughput for 16KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 1KB float Write throughput for 1KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 1MB float Write throughput for 1MB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 256KB float Write throughput for 256KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 2KB float Write throughput for 2KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 32KB float Write throughput for 32KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 4KB float Write throughput for 4KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 512B float Write throughput for 512B writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 512KB float Write throughput for 512KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 64KB float Write throughput for 64KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput 8KB float Write throughput for 8KB writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput By Block float Write throughput for block writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Disk Write Throughput Greater Than 1MB float Write throughput for writes greater than one megabyte.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Status Object Severity string DPG's severity, based on severity level of current Alerts (Alerts still uncleared) for this DPG. Possible values are 'clear', 'information', 'minor', 'major', or 'critical'.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Status Protection State string DPG's protection state. If the DPG is currently under initial configuration, the parameter is initializing.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Status Rebalance Progress integer Shows the progress of a DPG rebalance.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Status Rebuild In Progress string Indicates if the DPG currently performs a rebuild, and its progress.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Status Rebuild Prevention Reason string When an DPG enters a degraded state (either single or dual failure), a rebuild is generally initiated. However, conditions may prevent the rebuild. The parameter includes the reason for rebuild prevention.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Status Rebuild Progress integer The rebuild progress status.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Status SSD Preparation In Progress string The current state of the SSD preparation.
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Relationships SSD Children string List of child SSD resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Group Relationships X-Brick Parents string List of parent X-Brick resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Details DAE Controller Count integer Number of DAE controllers.
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Details DAE PSU Count integer Number of DAE PSUs.
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Details Firmware Version string Firmware version of the disk array enclosure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Details Hardware Revision string Hardware revision of the disk array enclosure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Details Index integer Index of the disk array enclosure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Details Model Name string Model name of the disk array enclosure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Details Part Number string Part Number
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Details Serial Number string Serial Number
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Status FRU Lifecycle State string FRU lifecycle state of the disk array enclosure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Status FRU Replace Failure Reason string Reason (if any) for the FRU replace failure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Status Identify LED string Identify LED of the disk array enclosure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Status Object Severity string Object severity of the disk array enclosure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Status Status LED string Status LED for the disk array enclosure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Relationships PSU Children string List of child PSU resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Relationships SSD Children string List of child SSD resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Disk Array Enclosure Relationships X-Brick Parents string List of parent X-Brick resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Certainty string Indicates confidence that the XMS and the cluster are synchronized. Value changes from OK if a request is sent but the XMS is unable to determine the success of the request.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Driver Version string Driver version of the Target object.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Fibre Channel Dumped Frames float The Fibre Channel ports' diagnostic counter for dumped frames. Impacts the port_health_level.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Fibre Channel Invalid CRC Count float The Fibre Channel ports' diagnostic counter for invalid CRC count. Impacts the port_health_level.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Fibre Channel Link Failure Count float The Fibre Channel ports' diagnostic counter for failure count. Impacts the port_health_level.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Fibre Channel Loss of Signal Count float The Fibre Channel ports' diagnostic counter for loss of signal count. Impacts the port_health_level.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Fibre Channel Loss of Sync Count float The Fibre Channel ports' diagnostic counter for loss of synchronized count. Impacts the port_health_level.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Fibre Channel Primary Sequential Protocol Error Count float The Fibre Channel ports' diagnostic counter for primary sequential protocol error count. Impacts the port-health-level.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Fibre Channel Sequential Retransmitted Request Count float The Fibre Channel ports' diagnostic counter for sequential retransmission request count. Values impact the port_health_level.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Firmware Version string Current firmware version of the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Index integer Index
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details MTU float Maximum valid values for maximum transmission unit sizes are 1500 when non-jumbo frames are enabled and 9216 when jumbo frames are enabled for iSCSI Targets. Applicable for iSCSI only.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Port Address string Port Address
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Port Index integer Port Index
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Port MAC Address string MAC address of this target port (relevant for iSCSI Targets only).
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Port Type string Port type (Fibre Channel or iSCSI) and port's address.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Details Relative Target Port float Indicates the relative Target port.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Accumulated Read Operation Count float Total accumulative number of read operations having occurred during the Target's lifespan.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Accumulated Size of Read Operation Count float Accumulative capacity KB size of read operations having occurred during the Target's lifespan.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Accumulated Size of Write Operation Count float Accumulative capacity KB size of write operations having occurred during the Target's lifespan.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Accumulated Small Read IO Operation Count float Accumulated number small reads input/output operations for the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Accumulated Small Write IO Operation Count float Accumulated number of small writes input/output operations recursively held by this Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Accumulated Unaligned Read IO Operation Count float Accumulated number of unaligned reads for input/output operations recursively contained by this Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Accumulated Unaligned Write IO Operation Count float Accumulated number of unaligned writes for input/output operations recursively contained by this Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Accumulated Write Operation Count float Accumulative number of write operations having occurred during the Target's lifespan.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Average Latency float Average latency of read and write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk IOPS float Target's total read and write real-time input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Maximum Observed Throughput float Maximum observed value of metric Maximum Observed Throughput.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Maximum Observed Total IOPS float Maximum observed value of metric Maximum Observed Total IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Read / Write Ratio float The ratio of read to write IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Read IOPS float Total read real-time input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Read Latency float Real-time average latency of read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Read Throughput float Total read bandwidth in MB per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Small IOPS float Current IOPS of small input/output operations per second, addressed at the Initiator Group.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Small Read IOPS float Current IOPS of small read input/output operations per second, addressed at the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Small Read Throughput float Current bandwidth of small input/output operations, addressed at the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Small Throughput float Current bandwidth of small input/output operations, addressed at the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Small Write IOPS float Current IOPS of small write input/output operations per second, addressed at the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Small Write Throughput float Current bandwidth of small write input/output operations, addressed at the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Throughput float Total read and write bandwidth.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Unaligned IOPS float Current IOPS of unaligned input/output operations per second, addressed at the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Unaligned Read IOPS float Current IOPS of unaligned read input/output operations per second, addressed at the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Unaligned Read Throughput float Current bandwidth of unaligned input/output operations, addressed at the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Unaligned Throughput float Current bandwidth of unaligned input/output operations, addressed at the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Unaligned Write IOPS float Current IOPS of unaligned write input/output operations per second, addressed at the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Unaligned Write Throughput float Current bandwidth of unaligned write input/output operation, addressed at the Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Write IOPS float Total write real-time input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Write Latency float Real-time average latency of write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Disk Write Throughput float Total write bandwidth in MB per second
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Network Ethernet Kbytes Received float The total KBS received. Relevant for iSCSI only.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Network Ethernet Kbytes Transmitted float The total number of KBS transmitted. Relevant for iSCSI only.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Network Ethernet Packet Received float The number of Ethernet packets received. Relevant for iSCSI only.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Network Ethernet Packets Transmitted float The number of Ethernet packets transmitted. Relevant for iSCSI only.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Network Jumbo Enabled string Determines whether jumbo frames are supported for this Target. The default value is false.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Network Port Speed string The negotiated speed of the port (some applicable for Ethernet and some for Fibre Channel).
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Network Total CRC Error Ethernet Packets Received float The number of Ethernet frames received with CRC error (and thus dropped). Relevant for iSCSI only.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Network Total Dropped Ethernet Packets float The number of packets that failed to be transmitted due to error. Relevant for iSCSI only.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Network Total No Buffer Error Ethernet Packets Received float The number of Ethernet packets that failed to be received due to lack of buffer space. Relevant for iSCSI only.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Status Object Severity string Target's severity, based on severity level of current Alerts (Alerts still uncleared) for this Target.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Status Port Health Level string Port Health Level
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Status Port State string State of the Target port (Fibre Channel or iSCSI).
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Status Tar Error Reason string Failure type causing the Target's target_health_state not to be 'clear'.
Dell EMC XtremIO Host Interface Relationships Storage Controller Parents string List of parent Storage Controller resources
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details 2.5V in Sensor Voltage float The voltage of the 3.3V SX voltage sensor.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details 5v Sensor Voltage float The voltage of the 1.8V voltage sensor.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details ADM1024 Sensor Temperature integer The temperature of the internal sensor closest to the heat-sink.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details ADM1191 Sensor Voltage float The voltage of the 12v voltage sensor.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Fan 1 Speed float The speed of fan 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Fan 2 Speed float The speed of fan 2.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Fan 3 Speed float The speed of fan 3.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Fan 4 Speed float The speed of fan 4.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Firmware PSID string Internal ID of the firmware.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Firmware Version string Current firmware version of the InfiniBand Switch.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Hardware Revision string Hardware level of the InfiniBand Switch.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Index integer The InfiniBand Switch's index number as defined by the XMS upon its creation (a unique positive number).
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details LM75 Center Sensor Temperature integer The temperature of the center temperature sensor close to QSFP cages.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details LM75 Left Sensor Temperature integer The temperature of the left temperature sensor close to QSFP cages.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details LM75 Right Sensor Temperature integer The temperature of the right temperature sensor close to QSFP cages.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Part Number string EMC-assigned string identifying part (SKU), independent of the actual vendor model_name used for this FRU.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Port Count integer Total number of ports in the InfiniBand Switch.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details SX Internal Sensor Temperature integer The temperature of the SwitchX Silicon internal sensor.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Serial Number string The serial number of the InfiniBand Switch.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Temperature Sensor Count integer Total number of temperature sensors.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details VCC Sensor Voltage float The voltage of the VCC voltage sensor.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details VCCP1 Sensor Voltage float The voltage of the V-Core voltage sensor.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details VCCP2 Sensor Voltage float The voltage of the 1.2V voltage sensor.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Details Voltage Sensor Count integer Total number of voltage sensors.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status Enabled State string Indicates whether the InfiniBand Switch is currently enabled or disabled, either by the user or the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status FRU Lifecycle State string The FRU state of the InfiniBand Switch, using the generic FRU transition states. Possible values are 'healthy', 'failed', 'disconnected', 'uninitialized', and 'initializing'.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status FRU Replace Failure Reason string Reason why the FRU replacement has failed. 'null' means that the last FRU replacement was either not performed for this object or the replacement was successful.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status Fan Drawer Status string The fan drawer status, based on the speed of each fan. The fan drawer comprises of four fans. Possible values include 'health', 'one_fan_failed', and 'failed'.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status Firmware Version Error string Used to indicate if the firmware or OS upgrade has failed or is in the process of upgrading. This reflects the aggregate of all Storage Controller OS and firmware upgrades.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status Identify LED string Indicates whether the identification LED is illuminated for this InfiniBand Switch. The property value is reflected in the GUI LED icon. Note: There is no identification LED in the current PSU. Possible values are 'off', 'blinking', 'on', and 'na'.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status Inter Switch IB 1 Port State string The status of the first InfiniBand port used to connect to the other InfiniBand Switch.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status Inter Switch IB 2 Port State string The status of the second InfiniBand port used to connect to the other InfiniBand Switch.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status Is Available string The InfiniBand Switch's availability status in relation to the system.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status Object Severity string InfiniBand Switch's severity, based on severity level of current Alerts (Alerts still uncleared) for this resource and its contained objects. Possible values are 'clear', 'information', 'minor', 'major', and 'critical'.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status Status LED string LED state indicating the InfiniBand Switch's object faults.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Status Wrong SC Connection Detected string Denotes if at least one Storage Controller is not connected to the corresponding InfiniBand Switch port.
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Dell EMC XtremIO InfiniBand Switch Relationships Storage Controller Parents string List of parent Storage Controller resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Details Bad Sector Count integer Number of bad sectors on the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Details Firmware Version string Firmware version of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Details Hardware Revision string Hardware Revision
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Details Index integer Index of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Details Local Disk Expected Type string Local Disk Expected Type
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Details Local Disk Purpose string Purpose of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Details Local Disk Type string Local disk type.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Details Local Disk UID string UID of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Details Model Name string Model Name
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Details Part Number string Part number of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Details Slot Number integer Slot number of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Status Disk Failure string Disk failure status of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Status Enabled State string Enabled state of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Status Encryption Status string Encryption status of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Status FRU Lifecycle State string FRU lifecycle state of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Status FRU Replace Failure Reason string Reason (if any) for the FRU replacement failure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Status Firmware Version Error string Firmware version error of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Status Identify LED string Identify LED of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Status Object Severity string Object severity of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Status Status LED string Status LED of the local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disk Relationships Storage Controller Parents string List of parent Storage Controller resources
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details DAE GUID string GUID of the PSU's DAE.
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details Firmware Version string Firmware Version
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details Hardware Revision string Hardware Revision
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details Identification string Identification
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details Index integer Index
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details Input string Input
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details Location string Location
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details Model Name string Model Name
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details Part Number string Part Number
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details Power Feed string Power Feed
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details Serial Number string Serial Number
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Details Storage Controller GUID string GUID of the PSU's Storage Controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Status Enabled State string Enabled State
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Status FRU Lifecycle State string FRU Lifecycle State
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Status FRU Replace Failure Reason string FRU Replace Failure Reason
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Status Firmware Version Error string Firmware Version Error
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Status Identify LED string Identify LED
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Status Object Severity string Object Severity
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Status Power Failure string Power Failure
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Status Status LED string Status LED of the PSU.
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Relationships Disk Array Enclosure Parents string List of parent Disk Array Enclosure resources
Dell EMC XtremIO PSU Relationships Storage Controller Parents string List of parent Storage Controller resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Alignment Offset integer The alignment offset range is between 0-15.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Certainty string Indicates confidence that the XMS and the cluster are synchronized. Value changes from OK if a request is sent while the XMS is unable to determine the success of the request.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Created From Volume string This parameter contains the snapped_object Volume name, as it was at the Snapshot's creation time, or null when the Volume was not created from a Snapshot. The string remains unchanged when the ancestor is renamed, deleted or reassigned.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Creation Time string Snapshot's creation timestamp.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Destination Snapshot Count float Number of Snapshots directly Snapshotted from this Snapshot.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Index integer Snapshot's index number as defined by the XMS upon its creation (a unique positive number).
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details LUN Mapping Count float Number of LUN mappings defined for this Snapshot.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Lb Size float The 'sector size' (LB size) of the Snapshot.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details NAA Name string Snapshot's WWN/NAA name, globally unique and unique over time, set by the XMS (or by cluster) once a LUN is mapped to the Snapshot for the first time.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Small IO Alerts string When Volume parameter of small_io_alerts is set to 'disabled' (default), no Alerts are sent for a high number of small I/Os.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Snapshot Type string A Snapshot is regular (default) or readonly.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Unaligned IO Alerts string When this Snapshot parameter is set to disabled (default), no Alerts are sent for high numbers of unaligned.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details VAAI Thin Provisioning Alerts string The VAAI Soft Limit warning for this Volume is reported when monitoring is enabled. The threshold is a cluster-wide value as configured in the cluster vaai_tp_limit. The default is disabled.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Volume Access string Denotes the host access configuration. Possible values are 'no_access', 'read_access', or 'writes_access'.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Volume ID integer Snapshot's index number as defined by the XMS upon its creation (a unique positive number).
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Volume Size float Total provisioned capacity. Snapshot KB size as exposed to Initiators.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Volume Snapshot Group Index integer The Volume Snapshot Group (VSG) Index.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Volume Snapshot Source Index Number integer Holds the Volume Snapshot source index number for the Snapshot. This parameter points to an object from which the Snapshot was created, providing that the 'ancestor' object is not deleted, or that create-snapshot-and-reassign was not applied.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Details Volume Type string Denotes the Volume type. Possible values are 'regular' or 'readonly'.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Accumulated Read Operation Count float Total accumulative number of read operations having occurred during the Volume's lifespan.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Accumulated Size of Read float Accumulative capacity KB size of read operations having occurred during the Snapshot's lifespan.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Accumulated Size of Write float Accumulative capacity size of write operations having occurred during the Snapshot's lifespan.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Accumulated Small Read Operation Count float Accumulated number of small reads input/output operations for the Snapshot.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Accumulated Small Write Operation Count float Accumulated number of small writes input/output operations recursively contained by this Snapshot
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Accumulated Unaligned Read Operation Count float Snapshot's accumulated number of I/Os since adding the Initiator.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Accumulated Unaligned Write Operation Count float Cluster's total number of accumulated unaligned writes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Accumulated Write Operation Count float Accumulative number of write operations having occurred during the Snapshot's lifespan.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Average Latency float Total real-time average latency of read and write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk IOPS float Snapshot 's total read and write real-time input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Logical Space In Use float The total used Volume/ Snapshot capacity in all clusters managed by the XMS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Read IOPS float Total read real-time input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Read Latency float Total real-time average latency of read operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Read Throughput float Total real-time read bandwidth in MB per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Small IO Ratio float The accumulated number of unaligned I/O divided by the total accumulated number of I/Os to the Snapshot.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Small IO Ratio Level string Event triggered whenever the unaligned-io-ratio level changes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Small IOPS float Current IOPS of small input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Small Read IOPS float Current IOPS of small read input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Small Read Throughput float Current bandwidth of small input/output operations, addressed at the Snapshot.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Small Throughput float Current bandwidth of small input/output operations, addressed at the Snapshot.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Small Write IOPS float Current IOPS of small write input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Small Write Throughput float Snapshot's small write bandwidth.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Throughput float Total real-time read and write bandwidth in MB per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Unaligned IO Ratio float Accumulated number of unaligned I/O divided by the total accumulated number of I/Os to the Snapshot.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Unaligned IO Ratio Level string Event triggered whenever the unaligned-io-ratio level changes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Unaligned IOPS float Unaligned input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Unaligned Read IOPS float Current IOPS of unaligned read input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Unaligned Read Throughput float Current bandwidth of unaligned read input/output operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Unaligned Throughput float Current IOPS of unaligned bandwidth input/output operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Unaligned Write IOPS float Current IOPS of unaligned write input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Unaligned Write Throughput float Current bandwidth of unaligned write input/output operations
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Write IOPS float Total write real-time input/output operations per second.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Write Latency float Total real-time average latency of write operations.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Disk Write Throughput float Total real-time write bandwidth in MB per second
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Status Object Severity string Snapshot's severity, based on severity level of current Alerts (Alerts still uncleared) for this Snapshot. Possible values are 'clear', 'information', 'minor', 'major', and 'critical'.
Dell EMC XtremIO Snapshot Relationships Volume Parents string List of parent Volume resources
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details Firmware Version string Current firmware version of the SSD
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details Hardware Revision string Hardware level of power supply unit
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details Identify LED string Indicates whether the identification LED is illuminated for the SSD. The property value is reflected in the GUI LED icon
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details Index integer Index
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details Last IO Error Type string The last IO Error Type
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details Model Name string Vendor's assigned SSD model name
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details Part Number string A string assigned by EMC identifying the part
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details SSD DPG State string Displays the state of the SSD related to the DPG to which it belongs.
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details SSD Failure Reason string SSD Failure Reason
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details SSD UID string UID (unique identification) of the SSD that is inserted into the Slot.
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details Serial Number string Serial Number
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details Slot Number integer Slot index in which SSD currently resides, or Slot index into which the currently-disconnected SSD was previously inserted
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Details Swap LED string Defines whether a replacement procedure is to be activated when a new SSD is inserted into the DAE.
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Bad Sector Count integer Number of bad sectors, detected in the SSD
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Endurance Remaining integer Percentage of SSD endurance remaining
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk IOPS float SSD IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Maximum Observed Throughput float Maximum observed value of metric Maximum Observed Throughput.
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Maximum Observed Total IOPS float Maximum observed value of metric Maximum Observed Total IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Percent Endurance Remaining Level string Percent Endurance Remaining Level
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Read / Write Ratio float The ratio of read to write IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Read IOPS float Read IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Read Throughput float Read Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk SSD Size float The overall size of the SSD
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk SSD Space In Use float SSD Space In Use
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Throughput float Throughput of the SSD
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Useful SSD Space float The useful size of this specific SSD
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Write IOPS float Write IOPS for SSD
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Disk Write Throughput float Write Throughput of the SSD
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status Certainty string XMS Certainty. Indicates confidence that XMS and the cluster are synchronized
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status Diagnostic Health State string Reflects the health of the SSD device itself
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status Enabled State string Indicates whether the SSD is currently enabled or disabled, either by the user or the cluster
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status Encryption Status string SSD's encryption (Data at Rest) status
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status FRU Lifecycle State string SSD's FRU state, using the generic FRU transition states
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status Firmware Version Error string Reason for FRU diagnostic failure when a firmware problem exists
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status Health State string The SSD's state of health
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status IO Error ASC string The ASC code of the most recent I/O error
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status IO Error ASCQ string The ASCQ code of the most recent I/O error
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status IO Error Sense Code integer The sense code of an I/O error
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status IO Error Vendor Specific string Vendor specific information string of the most recent I/O error
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status Last IO Error Timestamp integer Timestamp of the last recorded I/O error
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status Object Severity string SSD's severity, based on severity level of current Alerts (Alerts still uncleared) for this SSD
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status SSD Link 1 Health State string Reflects the SSD health state. Relates to the first port, which should be connected to Storage Controller-1.
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status SSD Link 2 Health State string Reflects the SSD health state. Relates to the first port, which should be connected to Storage Controller-2.
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status Smart Error ASC string The ASC code of the most recent SMART error (two hex digits)
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status Smart Error ASCQ string The ASCQ code of the most recent SMART error (two hex digits)
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Status Status LED string LED state, indicating SSD object faults
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Relationships Data Protection Group Parents string List of parent Data Protection Group resources
Dell EMC XtremIO SSD Relationships Disk Array Enclosure Parents string List of parent Disk Array Enclosure resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Active IPMI Port string The port which is currently being used for IPMI.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details BIOS Firmware Version string The BIOS firmware version of the storage controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details DAE Discovery Needed string Whether or not DAE discovery is needed.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details DAE PSU Discovery Needed string Whether or not the cluster has detected a new DAE PSU.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Dedicated IPMI Port Speed string Negotiated speed of the dedicated IPMI port.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details FC HBA Hardware Revision string Detected Fibre Channel host bus adaptors hardware revision.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details FC HBA Model string Fibre Channel host bus adaptors hardware model.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Link Downed integer The total number of times this port was declared 'down'.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Link Downed Per Long Period integer The number of times InfiniBand port 1 was declared 'down' over the past five minutes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Link Downed Per Minute integer The number of times InfiniBand port 1 was declared 'down' in the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Link Error Recoveries integer The number of times this InfiniBand port successfully completed a link error recovery procedure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Link Error Recoveries Per Long Period integer The number of link error recoveries by InfiniBand port 1 over the past five minutes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Link Error Recoveries Per Minute integer The number of link error recoveries for InfiniBand port 1 over the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Local Link Integrity Errors integer The total number of local link integrity errors encountered by InfiniBand port 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Local Link Integrity Errors Per Long Period integer The number of local link integrity errors encountered by InfiniBand port 1 over the past five minutes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Local Link Integrity Errors Per Minute integer The number of local link integrity errors encountered by InfiniBand port 1 over the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Peer OID string The object index number of the specific peer object connected to the storage controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Port In Peer Index integer Index of the port within the storage controller this port is connected to (0 if the port is unconnected). The value is meaningful only when port_peer_type is not none.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Port Peer Type string Defines whether port 1 is connected to a storage controller, another switch, or is disconnected.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Port Received Errors integer The total number of received errors encountered by InfiniBand port 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Port Received Errors Per Long Period integer The number of received errors encountered by InfiniBand port 1 over the past five minutes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Port Received Errors Per Minute integer The number of received errors encountered by InfiniBand port 1 over the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Port Received Remote Physical Errors integer The total number of received remote physical errors encountered by InfiniBand port 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Port Received Remote Physical Errors Per Long Period integer The number of received remote physical errors over the past five minutes by InfiniBand port 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Port Received Remote Physical Errors Per Minute integer Number of packets received on this InfiniBand port with errors over the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Symbol Errors integer The total number of symbol errors encountered by InfiniBand port 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Symbol Errors Per Long Period integer The number of symbol errors encountered by InfiniBand port 1 over the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 1 Symbol Errors Per Minute integer The number of symbol errors encountered by InfiniBand port 1 in the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Link Downed integer The total number of times InfiniBand port 2 was declared 'down'.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Link Downed Per Long Period integer The number of times InfiniBand port 2 was declared 'down' over the past five minutes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Link Downed Per Minute integer The number of times this InfiniBand port was marked as 'down' over the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Link Error Recoveries integer Number of times this InfiniBand port successfully completed a link error recovery procedure.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Link Error Recoveries Per Long Period integer The number of link error recoveries by InfiniBand port 2 over the past five minutes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Link Error Recoveries Per Minute integer The number of link error recoveries by InfiniBand port 2 over the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Local Link Integrity Errors integer The total number of local link integrity errors encountered by InfiniBand port 2.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Local Link Integrity Errors Per Long Period integer The number of local link integrity errors this InfiniBand port has encountered over the past five minutes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Local Link Integrity Errors Per Minute integer Number of local link integrity errors encountered by InfiniBand port 2 over the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Peer OID string The object index number of the specific peer object connected to the storage controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Port In Peer Index integer Index of the port within the storage controller this port is connected to (0 if the port is unconnected). The value is meaningful only when port_peer_type is not none.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Port Peer Type string Defines whether port 2 is connected to a storage controller, another switch, or is disconnected.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Port Received Errors integer Number of packets received with errors by InfiniBand port 2.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Port Received Errors Per Long Period integer The number of packets received with error by InfiniBand port 2 over the past five minutes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Port Received Errors Per Minute integer Number of packets received on this InfiniBand port with errors over the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Port Received Remote Physical Errors integer Total number of received remote physical errors encountered by InfiniBand port 2.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Port Received Remote Physical Errors Per Long Period integer The number of remote physical errors this InfiniBand port has encountered over the past five minutes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Port Received Remote Physical Errors Per Minute integer The number of remote physical errors encountered by the InfiniBand port.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Symbol Errors integer Total number of symbol errors on this InfiniBand port.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Symbol Errors Per Long Period integer The number of symbol errors this InfiniBand port has encountered over the past five minutes.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB 2 Symbol Errors Per Minute integer The number of symbol errors on this InfiniBand port in the past minute.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB Address 1 string Storage controller's internal backend InfiniBand addresses for port 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB Address 2 string Storage controller's internal backend InfiniBand addresses for port 2.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IB Switch PSU Discovery Needed string Whether or not the cluster has detected a new InfiniBand PSU.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IPMI Address string IPMI address and subnet for the storage controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IPMI Address Subnet string Subnet of the IPMI's address.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IPMI BMC Firmware Version string The firmware version of the IPMI.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IPMI BMC Hardware Revision string The hardware revision of the IPMI.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IPMI BMC Model string The hardware model of the IPMI.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IPMI Connection Error Reason string The reason for the disconnection from the Storage Controller's IPMI.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details IPMI Gateway IP string The IPMI default gateway's IP address.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Identify LED string Whether or not the identification LED is illuminated for the Storage Controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Index integer The index of the storage controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Index In Brick integer Index in brick.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Is SYM Node string Indicates if this storage controller is the storage controller running the SYM.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Local Disk Controller Firmware Version string Storage controller's current firmware version.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Local Disk Controller Hardware Revision string Revision for the local disk storage storage controller hardware.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Local Disk Count integer Number of local disks for the storage controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Low Ram Level string The value from the Storage Controller's 'RAM Level Low' indicator.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Management Gateway IP string The IPMI default gateway's IP management.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Management Port Speed string Management port speed.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Monitored UPS Count integer Number of BBUs that are connected to the storage controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Node CSID integer Internal storage controller naming index number.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Node Front Panel Temperature State string The temperature sensor reading for above normal temperatures.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Node GUID string GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) hardwired in the physical storage controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Node Index integer Node index.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Node Manager Address string The IP addresses used to access the storage controller manager.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Node Manager Address Subnet string The storage controller's subnet mask management IP.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Node Manager Connection Error Reason string Reason for the last disconnection between the XMS and the Storage Controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Node PSU Count integer Storage controller's number of storage controller PSU objects and the list of their object IDs. There should be two PSUs per storage controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Node PSU Discovery Needed string Whether or not the cluster has detected a new Storage Controller PSU.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Node Stop Reason string The reason reported for the Storage Controller stoppage.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Node Stop Type string The type of the most recent stop.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details OS Upgrade Current Step Info string Information about the current step of the OS upgrade (if any).
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details OS Version string Storage Controller operating system version, equivalent to the firmware for other components.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details PCI 10GE HBA Firmware Version string iSCSI host bus adaptors firmware version.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details PCI 10GE HBA Hardware Revision string iSCSI host bus adaptors hardware revision.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details PCI 10GE HBA Model string iSCSI host bus adaptors model name.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details PCI Disk Controller Firmware Version string DAE controller's firmware version.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details PCI Disk Controller Hardware Revision string DAE controller's hardware revision.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details PCI IB HBA Firmware Version string InfiniBand host bus adaptors firmware revision.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details PCI IB HBA Hardware Revision string InfiniBand host bus adaptors hardware revision.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details PCI IB HBA Model string Infiniband host bus adaptors hardware model.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details SAS 1 Port Rate string Rate of the first serial attached SCSI (SAS) port used.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details SAS 2 Port Rate string Rate of the second serial attached SCSI (SAS) port used.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details SC Start Timestamp integer The last time this storage controller was started.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details SC Start Timestamp Display string The storage controller's last start time.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details SSD Count integer The total number of SSDs in this storage controller's X-Brick.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details SSD Discovery Needed string Whether or not the cluster has detected a new SSD.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Serial Number string The serial number of the storage controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Software Version string Software version.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Status LED string Status LED.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Targets Discovery Needed string Whether or not the cluster has detected new targets.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details UPS Discovery Needed string Whether or not BBU discovery is needed.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Details Upgrade Failure Reason string The reason for the failed upgrade (if any).
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Network IB 1 Link Rate In Gbps string The link rate of InfiniBand port 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Network IB 2 Link Rate In Gbps string The InfiniBand link rate for port 2.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Backend Storage Controller State string The state of the backend Storage Controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Current Health State string The current health state of the Storage Controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status DAE Controller Discovery Needed string Whether or not the cluster has detected new DAE controllers.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status DIMM Correctable Errors integer The number of DIMM ECC correctable errors.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status DIMM Health State string The health state of the DIMM.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Dedicated IPMI Link Connection State string The state of the link between the dedicated IPMI port and the other Storage Controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Dedicated IPMI Port State string The state of the dedicated Ethernet port used for IPMI access.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Enabled State string Indicates whether the Storage Controller is currently enabled or disabled, either by user or the cluster.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status FRU Lifecycle State string The Storage Controller's FRU state, using the generic FRU transition states.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Fan Health State string The health state of the least healthy fan, based on both analog and discrete sensors.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Firmware Version Error string Whether or not the firmware or OS upgrade has failed or is in the process of upgrading.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status IB 1 Link Health Level string The most severe problem detected on InfiniBand port 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status IB 1 Port Misconnection string Whether or not a problem exists in InfiniBand port 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status IB 1 Port State string The state of the Storage Controller's InfiniBand port 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status IB 2 Link Health Level string The most severe problem detected over this InfiniBand link.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status IB 2 Port Misconnection string Whether or not there is a connection problem between the Storage Controller and InfiniBand port 2.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status IB 2 Port State string State of the InfiniBand port 2.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status IB Switches Discovery Needed string Whether or not the cluster has detected new InfiniBand switches.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status ISCSI Daemon State string The state of the ISCSI daemon.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Internal Sensor Health State string Reflects health state of the least healthy of all temperature/voltage/fan/current/internal sensor types. Value is based on both the analog and discrete sensors of each type.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Journal State string The state of the Storage Controller's journal.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Local Disk Discovery Needed string Whether or not the cluster has detected a new local disk.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Management Link Health Level string The Storage Controller's management port health state.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Management Port State string The Storage Controller's management port state.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Node Health State string Health state of the Storage Controller and its components.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Node Journaling Health State string The health state of the journaling component.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Node Manager Connection State string The state of the connection between XMS and Storage Controller manager.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status OS Upgrade Current Step integer The current step of the OS upgrade.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Object Severity string Object severity of the storage controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Remote Journal Health State string The health state of the remote journal.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status SAS 1 HBA Port Health Level string The health level of the Storage Controller's SAS port 1.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status SAS 1 Port State string The state of the first SAS port used.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status SAS 2 HBA Port Health Level string The health level of the Storage Controller's SAS port 2.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status SAS 2 Port State string The state of the SAS port 2.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status SC DAE Access State string DAE access state of the Storage Controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Temperature Health State string The health state of the least healthy temperature sensor, based on both analog and discrete sensors.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Upgrade State string The state of the last upgrade process for the Storage Controller.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Status Voltage Health State string The aggregated health state of the voltage sensors.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller User Configuration Management Port Auto-Negotation string Indicates if auto-negotiation is enabled (default) or disabled.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller User Configuration Management Port Duplex string Ethernet port duplex. The current port configuration applies if the port is full duplex or half duplex.
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Relationships Host Interface Children string List of child Host Interface resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Relationships InfiniBand Switch Children string List of child InfiniBand Switch resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Relationships Local Disk Children string List of child Local Disk resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Relationships PSU Children string List of child PSU resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Storage Controller Relationships X-Brick Parents string List of parent X-Brick resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details Alignment Offset integer The alignment offset range(between 0-15).
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details Created From Volume string This parameter contains the snapped_object Volume name, as it was at the Snapshot's creation time, or null when the Volume was not created from a Snapshot. The string remains unchanged when the ancestor is renamed, deleted or reassigned.
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details Destination Snapshot Count integer Number of Volumes directly Snapshotted from this Volume
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details Index integer Volume's index number as defined by the XMS upon its creation (a unique positive number)
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details LB Size integer The "sector size" (LB size) of the Volume
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details LUN Mapping Count integer Number of LUN mappings defined for this Volume
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details NAA Name string Volume's WWN/NAA name, globally unique and unique over time, set by the XMS (or by cluster) once a LUN is mapped to the Volume for the first time
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details Snapshot Group ID string The Volume Snapshot Group (VSG) Index
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details Snapshot Type string The Snapshot is regular (default) or readonly.
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details Unaligned IO Alerts string When this Volume parameter is set to disabled (default), no Alerts are sent for a high number of unaligned I/Os.
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details VAAI Thin Provisioning Alerts string The VAAI Soft Limit warning for this Volume is reported when monitoring is enabled. The threshold is a cluster-wide value as configured in the cluster vaai_tp_limit. The default is disabled.
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details Volume Access string Denotes the type of volume and its accessibility.
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details Volume Size float Total provisioned capacity. Volume KB size as exposed to Initiators
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Details Volume Type string Denotes the Volume type. Values: [regular or readonly]
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Accumulated Read Operation Count integer Total accumulative number of read operations having occurred during the Volume's lifespan
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Accumulated Size of Read float Accumulative capacity KB size of read operations having occurred during the Volume's lifespan
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Accumulated Size of Write float Accumulative capacity KB size of write operations having occurred during the Volume's lifespan
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Accumulated Small Read Operation Count integer Accumulated number of small reads input/output operations of the Volume
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Accumulated Small Write Operation Count integer Accumulated number of small writes input/output operations recursively contained by this Volume
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Accumulated Unaligned Read Operation Count integer Volume's accumulated number of I/Os since adding an Initiator.
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Accumulated Unaligned Write Operation Count integer Cluster's total number of accumulated unaligned writes
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Accumulated Write Operation Count integer Accumulative number of write operations having occurred during the Volume's lifespan
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Average Latency float Average Latency
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk IOPS float IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Logical Space In Use float Logical Space In Use
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Logical Space In Use float Logical space in use.
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Maximum Observed Throughput float Maximum observed value of metric Maximum Observed Throughput.
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Maximum Observed Total IOPS float Maximum observed value of metric Maximum Observed Total IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Read / Write Ratio float The ratio of read to write IOPS.
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Read IOPS float Read IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Read Latency float Read Latency
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Read Throughput float Read Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Small IO Ratio float Small IO Ratio
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Small IOPS float Small IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Small Read IOPS float Small Read IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Small Read Throughput float Small Read Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Small Throughput float Small Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Small Write IOPS float Small Write IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Small Write Throughput float Small Write Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Throughput float Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Unaligned IO Ratio float Unaligned IO Ratio
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Unaligned IOPS float Unaligned IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Unaligned Read IOPS float Unaligned Read IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Unaligned Read Throughput float Unaligned Read Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Unaligned Throughput float Unaligned Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Unaligned Write IOPS float Unaligned Write IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Unaligned Write Throughput float Unaligned Write Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Write IOPS float Write IOPS
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Write Latency float Write Latency
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Disk Write Throughput float Write Throughput
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Status Certainty string Indicates confidence that the XMS and the cluster are synchronized. The value changes from OK if a request is sent while the XMS is unable to determine the success of the request.
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Status Object Severity string Volume's severity, based on severity level of current Alerts (Alerts still uncleared) for this Volume
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Status Small IO Ratio Level string Event triggered whenever the unaligned-io-ratio level changes
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Status Unaligned IO Ratio Level string Event triggered whenever the unaligned-io-ratio level changes
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Relationships Datastore Parents string List of parent Datastore resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Relationships Dell EMC XtremIO Related Objects Parents string List of parent Dell EMC XtremIO Related Objects resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Relationships Dell EMC XtremIO Related Objects Parents string List of parent Dell EMC XtremIO Related Objects resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Relationships Dell EMC XtremIO Tag Parents string List of parent Dell EMC XtremIO Tag resources
Dell EMC XtremIO Volume Relationships Snapshot Children string List of child Snapshot resources
Dell EMC XtremIO X-Brick Details Index integer The X-Brick index number as defined by the XtremIO Management Server upon its creation (a unique positive number).
Dell EMC XtremIO X-Brick Details Index In System integer The X-Brick's index.
Dell EMC XtremIO X-Brick Details SSD Count integer The X-Brick's total number of SSDs.
Dell EMC XtremIO X-Brick Details Storage Controller Count integer X-Brick's total number of Storage Controllers.
Dell EMC XtremIO X-Brick Status Brick State string X-Brick's current state
Dell EMC XtremIO X-Brick Status Object Severity string X-Brick severity, based on severity level of current Alerts (Alerts still uncleared) for this X-Brick. Possible values are 'clear', 'information', 'minor', 'major', and 'critical'.
Dell EMC XtremIO X-Brick Relationships Battery Backup Unit Children string List of child Battery Backup Unit resources
Dell EMC XtremIO X-Brick Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Dell EMC XtremIO X-Brick Relationships Data Protection Group Children string List of child Data Protection Group resources
Dell EMC XtremIO X-Brick Relationships Disk Array Enclosure Children string List of child Disk Array Enclosure resources
Dell EMC XtremIO X-Brick Relationships Storage Controller Children string List of child Storage Controller resources