The Management Pack for F5 BIG-IP creates views that allow the user to view statistics of metrics for F5 BIG-IP resources. The views help give a broad picture of the entire system, as opposed to a more in depth view.

The following views are available in the Management Pack:

View Type Description
F5 BIG-IP Application Service Configuration List Lists configuration metrics for BIG-IP Application Services
F5 BIG-IP Application Service Network Usage List Lists Network usage for BIG-IP applications
F5 BIG-IP Node Configuration List Lists configuration metrics for the BIG-IP nodes
F5 BIG-IP Node Network Usage List Lists network usage for BIG-IP nodes
F5 BIG-IP Pool Configuration List Lists configuration metrics for BIG-IP pools
F5 BIG-IP Pool Member Configuration List Lists configuration metrics for BIG-IP pool members
F5 BIG-IP Pool Member Network Usage List Lists network usage for BIG-IP pool members
F5 BIG-IP Pool Status List Lists pools and their BIG-IP status
F5 BIG-IP System Configuration List Lists configuration metrics for BIG-IP Systems
F5 BIG-IP System Network Usage List Lists systems and their BIG-IP network usage
F5 BIG-IP System Performance List Lists systems and their BIG-IP performance
F5 BIG-IP Virtual Server Configuration List Lists configuration metrics for BIG-IP virtual servers
F5 BIG-IP Virtual Server Network Usage List Lists network performance for BIG-IP Virtual Servers
F5 BIG-IP Virtual Server Status List Lists virtual servers and their BIG-IP status
F5 BIG-IP Virtual Server Network Usage List Lists virtual servers and their BIG-IP network usage
F5 BIG-IP Virtual Server Status List Lists virtual servers and their BIG-IP status

To access the Management Pack views:

  1. Navigate to Environment > All Objects > F5 BIG-IP
  2. Double-click on the desired object (resource).
  3. Select the Details tab, then Views.

The available views for that resource are listed and can be selected.

Accessing Views
