The Management Pack for HPE 3PAR StoreServ collects the following metrics, according to HPE 3PAR StoreServ resource kind.

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Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Description
HPE 3PAR Tag Relationships Datastore Children string List of children Datastore resources
HPE 3PAR Tag Relationships VirtualMachine Children string List of children VirtualMachine resources
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Allocated Capacity integer Allocated capacity of the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Array Capacity Allocated To Virtual Volumes integer The capacity of the Array allocated to Virtual Volumes.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity FC Allocated Capacity integer The allocated capacity on FC devices.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity FC Capacity Allocated to Virtual Volumes integer The capacity of FC devices allocated to Virtual Volumes.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity FC Free Capacity integer The free capacity on FC devices.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Failed Capacity integer Failed capacity of the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Free Capacity integer Free capacity of the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity NL Allocated Capacity integer The allocated capacity on NL devices.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity NL Capacity Allocated to Virtual Volumes integer The capacity of NL devices allocated to Virtual Volumes.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity NL Free Capacity integer The free capacity on NL devices.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity SSD Allocated Capacity integer The allocated capacity on SSD devices.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity SSD Capacity Allocated to Virtual Volumes integer The capacity of SSD devices allocated to Virtual Volumes.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity SSD Free Capacity integer The free capacity on SSD devices.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Total Capacity integer Total capacity of the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Total FC Capacity integer The total Array capacity from FC devices.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Total FC Used Space Ratio double Allocated FC capacity divided by total FC capacity.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Total NL Capacity integer The total Array capacity from NL devices.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Total NL Used Space Ratio double Allocated NL capacity divided by total NL capacity.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Total SSD Capacity integer The total Array capacity from SSD devices.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Total SSD Used Space Ratio double Allocated SSD capacity divided by total SSD capacity.
HPE 3PAR Array Capacity Total Used Space Ratio double Allocated capacity divided by total capacity.
HPE 3PAR Array Details API Version string The version of the API running on the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Allow Raid 0 string Allow RAID-0 CPGs.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Allow Writeback Single Node string Enable the system going into write through if a single node state occurs.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Auto-Export string Automatically export VLUNs after a reboot.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Contact string Point of Contact for the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Geographic Location string Where the array is physically located.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Host DIF string Enable host based T10 Data Integrity Field support for all ports.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Installed Patches string A comma separated list of patches installed on the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Model string The model number of the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Owner string Owner of the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Remote Copy Host Throttling string Enable Remote Copy throttling policy for host IO replicated in asynchronous streaming mode.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Serial Number string The public IPv4 Address associated with the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Session Timeout integer Specifies the value in seconds that can be set for the idle timeout for a CLI session.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Size of Chunklets integer The size of defined 'chunklets' in the system.
HPE 3PAR Array Details System ID string Identifying number of the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Details System Version string The version of the system software running on the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Thermal Shutdown string Enable a system shutdown when the temperature gets too hot.
HPE 3PAR Array Details Timezone string Which timezone the array is located in.
HPE 3PAR Array Disk Event Log Size integer Event log size in bytes
HPE 3PAR Array Network IPv4 Address string The public IPv4 Address associated with the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Network IPv6 Address string The public IPv6 Address associated with the Array.
HPE 3PAR Array Performance Total External Port Throughput float The total external port throughput of I/O operations processed by the array.
HPE 3PAR Array User Configuration Disable Compression string Disable the compression of all new write requests to the compressed VVs
HPE 3PAR Array User Configuration Disable Dedup string Disable the duplication of new write requests to TDVVs serviced by the system.
HPE 3PAR Array User Configuration Failover Matched Set string Enable the automatic failover of matched-set VLUNs during a persistent port failover.
HPE 3PAR Array User Configuration NL Allow Raid 5 string Allow RAID-5 on Near Line drives.
HPE 3PAR Array User Configuration Over Provisioning Ratio Limit float The over provisioning ratio that limits the system and all CPGs
HPE 3PAR Array User Configuration Port Failover string Automatic failover of target ports to their designated partner ports.
HPE 3PAR Array User Configuration Remote Sys Log string Sending events as syslog messages to a remote system.
HPE 3PAR Array Relationships Controller Node Children string List of child Controller Node resources
HPE 3PAR Array Relationships Virtual Volume Children string List of child Virtual Volume resources
HPE 3PAR Controller Node CPU Context Switches float Number of context switches per second
HPE 3PAR Controller Node CPU Idle Time float Percent of the CPU time in idle
HPE 3PAR Controller Node CPU Interrupts float Number of interrupts per second
HPE 3PAR Controller Node CPU System Time float Percent of the CPU time spent in system mode
HPE 3PAR Controller Node CPU User Time float Percent of the CPU time spent in user mode
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Access Read I/O float Number of Read I/Os per second
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Access Write I/O float Number of Write I/Os per second
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Clean integer Number of clean cache pages (valid data on page). A page is clean when data in cache matches data on disk.
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Delayed Copy integer Number of pages waiting for delayed copy on write resolution.
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Free integer Number of cache pages without valid data on them
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Hit Read I/O float Number of Read I/Os per second in which data was already in cache.
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Hit Read Ratio float Read Hits divided by Accesses
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Hit Write I/O float Number of Write I/Os per second in which data was already in cache.
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Hit Write Ratio float Write Hits divided by Accesses
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Lock Bulk I/O float Number of pages being modified per second by host I/O that are being written to disk by the flusher
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Miss Read I/O float Number of Read I/Os per second in which data was not already in cache.
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Miss Write I/O float Number of Write I/Os per second in which data was not already in cache.
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Total Access I/O float Number of total read and write I/Os per second
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Write Multiple integer Number of dirty pages that have been modified more than 1 time.
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Write Once integer Number of dirty pages that have been modified exactly 1 time. A page is dirty when it has been modified in cache but not written to disk.
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Write Scheduled integer Number of pages scheduled to be written to disk
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Cache Writing integer Number of pages being currently written by the flusher to disk
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Details Master Node string Whether or not this node is the Master Node on the given Array
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Status Online string Online status of the controller node
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Relationships Array Parents string List of parent Array resources
HPE 3PAR Controller Node Relationships Port Children string List of child Port resources
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Administrator Growth Increment integer The administrator growth increment, the amount of logical disk storage created on each auto-grow operation
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Raw Total Space integer Sum of raw total user, admin, and snapshot space
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Raw Used Snapshot Administration Space integer Amount of raw (physical) administration space used
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Raw Used Snapshot Space integer Amount of raw (physical) snapshot space used
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Raw Used Space integer Sum of raw used user, admin, and snapshot space
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Raw Used User Space integer Amount of raw (physical) user space used
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Raw Used User Space Ratio double Total raw user space divided by used raw user space.
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Snapshot Growth Increment integer The snapshot growth increment, the amount of logical disk storage created on each auto-grow operation
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Total Raw Snapshot Administration Space integer Total raw (physical) administration space used
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Total Raw Snapshot Space integer Total raw (physical) snapshot space used
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Total Raw User Space integer Total raw (physical) user space used
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Total Snapshot Administration Space integer Total logical disk administration space
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Total Snapshot Space integer Total logical disk snapshot space
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Total Space integer Sum of total user, admin, and snapshot space
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Total Used Space Ratio double Total used space divided by total space.
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Total User Space integer Total logical disk user space
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Used Snapshot Administration Space integer Amount of logical administration space used
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Used Snapshot Space integer Amount of logical snapshot space used
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Used Space integer Sum of used user, admin, and snapshot space
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Used User Space integer Amount of logical user space used
HPE 3PAR CPG Capacity Used User Space Ratio double Total user space divided by used user space.
HPE 3PAR CPG Details Dedup Capable string Whether the CPG is capable of dedpulication
HPE 3PAR CPG Details Domain string Domain to which the CPG belongs
HPE 3PAR CPG Disk Administrator Disk Raid Level integer The RAID type of the administrator logical disk
HPE 3PAR CPG Disk Snapshot Disk Raid Level integer The RAID type of the snapshot logical disk
HPE 3PAR CPG Status State string Overall state of the CPG
HPE 3PAR CPG Relationships Virtual Volume Parents string List of parent Virtual Volume resources
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Chunklets Available (Clean) integer Number of available chunklets on this disk that have no data on them.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Chunklets Available (Dirty) integer Number of available chunklets on this disk that have been used but can be reclaimed.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Chunklets Available (Failed) integer Number of available chunklets on this disk that have failed.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Chunklets Used (Failed) integer Number of used chunklets on this disk that have failed.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Chunklets Used (Healthy) integer Number of used chunklets on this disk that are healthy.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Spare Chunklets Available (Clean) integer Number of available spare chunklets on this disk that have no data on them.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Spare Chunklets Available (Dirty) integer Number of available spare chunklets on this disk that have been used but can be reclaimed.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Spare Chunklets Available (Failed) integer Number of available spare chunklets on this disk that have failed.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Spare Chunklets Used (Failed) integer Number of used spare chunklets on this disk that have failed.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Spare Chunklets Used (Healthy) integer Number of used spare chunklets on this disk that are healthy.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Total Chunklets integer Number of chunklets allocated for production use. Does not include spare or failed chunklets.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Total Chunklets Available integer Number of chunklets available for production use. Does not include used, spare, or failed chunklets.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Total Failed Chunklets integer Number of chunklets that have failed. Totals production and spare failed chunklets.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Total Spare Chunklets integer Number of chunklets allocated for spare use. Does not include production or failed chunklets.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Total Spare Chunklets Available integer Number of chunklets available for spare use. Does not include used, production, or failed chunklets.
HPE 3PAR Disk Capacity Total Used Chunklets Ratio double Total chunklets available divided by total chunklets.
HPE 3PAR Disk Details Cage ID string The ID of the cage in which the disk is located.
HPE 3PAR Disk Details Cage Side string The side of the cage where the disk is located.
HPE 3PAR Disk Details Magazine ID string The ID of the magazine in which the disk is located.
HPE 3PAR Disk Details Position string The position of the disk (Node:Slot:Port).
HPE 3PAR Disk Details Speed integer The speed of the disk's spindle.
HPE 3PAR Disk Details Type string The storage type of the disk drive.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Average I/O Size float The average size of I/O requests processed by the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Average Latency float The average time to service I/O requested from the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Average Read Size float The average size of read requests processed by the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Average Write Size float The average size of write requests processed by the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Busy Time float The average percent of time the disk is performing operations.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Queue Length float The average length of the disk's I/O request queue.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Read I/O float The frequency of read I/O operations performed by the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Read Latency float The average time to service a read requested from the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Read Throughput float The average throughput of read I/O operations processed by the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Total I/O float The frequency of I/O operations performed by the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Total Throughput float The average throughput of I/O operations processed by the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Write I/O float The frequency of write I/O operations performed by the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Write Latency float The average time to service a write requested from the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Performance Write Throughput float The average throughput of write I/O operations processed by the disk.
HPE 3PAR Disk Status Life Left float Estimated percent of lifetime usage remaining.
HPE 3PAR Disk Status Temperature float Internal temperature of the disk drive.
HPE 3PAR Disk Relationships Port Parents string List of parent Port resources
HPE 3PAR Port Details Connection Type string The connection type for the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Details Device Names string List of device names connected to the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Details Hardware Address string The Hardware address for this RCIP/iSCSI port.
HPE 3PAR Port Details IP Address string The IP address of this RCIP/iSCSI port.
HPE 3PAR Port Details MAC Address string The ethernet node MAC address for the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Details Mode string The current mode of the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Details Node WWN string The World Wide Name (WWN) of the node.
HPE 3PAR Port Details PFC Mask string The Primary Flow Control (PFC) mask for the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Details Partner Position string The position of the partner of the port (Node:Slot:Port).
HPE 3PAR Port Details Port WWN string The World Wide Name (WWN) for this Fibre Channel port.
HPE 3PAR Port Details Protocol string The current protocol used by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Details iSCSI Name string The name for this iSCSI port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Average I/O Size float The average size of I/O requests processed by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Average Latency float The average time to service requests by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Average Queue Length float The average length of the I/O queue for the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Average Read Size float The average size of read requests processed by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Average Write Size float The average size of write requests processed by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Busy Time float The utilization percentage of the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Read I/O float The frequency of read I/O operations performed by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Read Latency float The average time to service read requests by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Read Throughput float The average throughput of read I/O operations performed by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Total I/O float The frequency of I/O operations performed by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Total Throughput float The average throughput of I/O operations performed by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Write I/O float The frequency of write I/O operations performed by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Write Latency float The average time to service write requests by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Performance Write Throughput float The average throughput of write I/O operations performed by the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Status Failover State string The current failover state of the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Status Link State string The current link state of the port.
HPE 3PAR Port User Configuration Label string User-supplied label identifying the port.
HPE 3PAR Port Relationships Controller Node Parents string List of parent Controller Node resources
HPE 3PAR Port Relationships Disk Children string List of child Disk resources
HPE 3PAR Port Relationships Port Children string List of child Port resources
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Snapshot Free Space integer The amount of free snapshot space.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Snapshot Raw Reserved Space integer The amount of raw reserved snapshot space.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Snapshot Reserved Space integer The amount of reserved snapshot space.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Snapshot Used Space integer The amount of used snapshot space.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Total Free Space integer The amount of total free space on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Total Reserved Space integer The amount of total reserved space on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Total Size integer The virtual size of volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Total Unreserved Space double The total amount of space that has not been reserved by this Virtual Volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Total Used Space integer The amount of total used space on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Total Used Space Ratio double Total used space divided by total size.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity User Free Space integer The amount of free user space.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity User Raw Reserved Space integer The amount of raw reserved user space.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity User Reserved Space integer The amount of reserved user space.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity User Used Space integer The amount of used user space.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Efficiency Compaction Ratio float The overall amount of storage space saved with 3PAR thin technology.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Efficiency Compression float The amount of storage space saved using compression.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Efficiency Data Reduction float The amount of storage space saved using deduplication and compression together.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Efficiency Deduplication float The amount of storage space saved with 3PAR thin deduplication.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Capacity Efficiency Over Provisioning Ratio float The amount of overprovisioned storage space.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Details Creation Time string The creation time of the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Details Deduplication State string The deduplication state of the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Details Provisioning Type string The provisioning type of the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Details WWN string The WWN of the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Average I/O Size float The average size of I/O requests processed on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Average Latency float The average time to service I/O requested from the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Average Read Size float The average size of read requests processed on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Average Write Size float The average size of write requests processed on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Busy Time float The average percent of time operations are being performed on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Queue Length float The average length of the volume's I/O request queue.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Read I/O float The frequency of read I/O operations performed on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Read Latency float The average time to service a read requested from the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Read Throughput float The average throughput of read I/O operations processed on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Total I/O float The frequency of I/O operations performed on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Total Throughput float The average throughput of I/O operations processed on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Write I/O float The frequency of write I/O operations performed on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Write Latency float The average time to service a write requested from the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Performance Write Throughput float The average throughput of write I/O operations processed on the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Status Additional States string Additional detailed states of the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Status Degraded States string Detailed degraded states of the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Status Failed States string Detailed failed states of the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Status State string The state of the volume.
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Relationships Array Parents string List of parent Array resources
HPE 3PAR Virtual Volume Relationships CPG Children string List of child CPG resources