The Management Pack for HPE OneView collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to HPE OneView resource kinds.

Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Description
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Active Onboard Administrator Preferred IP Address
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Device Bay Count Number of device bays in the enclosure.
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Fan Bay Count Number of fan bays in the enclosure.
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Interconnect Bay Count Number of interconnect bays in the enclosure.
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Model The enclosure model name  e.g. 'BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure G2'.
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Onboard Administrator Bay Count Number of Onboard Administrator bays in the enclosure.
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Part Number
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Power Supply Bay Count Number of power supply bays in the enclosure.
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Rack Name Name of the rack in which the enclosure resides.
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Serial Number
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Standby Onboard Administrator Preferred IP Address
HPE OneView Enclosure Details UUID
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Virtual Connect Manager Mode Flag which indicates whether the enclosure is managed by an appliance.
HPE OneView Enclosure Details Virtual Connect Manager URL URL of the enclosure's management appliance.
HPE OneView Enclosure Power Average Power Average power consumption.
HPE OneView Enclosure Power Derated Capacity
HPE OneView Enclosure Power Peak Power Peak power consumption.
HPE OneView Enclosure Power Power Cap Dynamic power cap setting.
HPE OneView Enclosure Power Rated Capacity
HPE OneView Enclosure Status Ambient Temperature Inlet air temperature.
HPE OneView Enclosure Status Refresh State Indicates if the resource is currently refreshing. Possible values are: NotRefreshing  RefreshFailed RefreshPending Refreshing.
HPE OneView Enclosure Status Remote Support State The current state of Remote Support registration for the enclosure.
HPE OneView Enclosure Status State Current resource state of the enclosure. Possible values are: Adding: The enclosure is being added. Configured: The enclosure is configured and part of a logical enclosure. This is the usual state for an enclosure under full management. Configuring: A transient state while the enclosure is being configured for a logical enclosure. Interrupted: The previous operation on the enclosure did not complete. The operation should be re-attempted. Monitored: The enclosure is being monitored. It is not part of a logical enclosure and only hardware-control operations are available. Pending: There are pending operations on the enclosure. Additional operations are denied. RemoveFailed: The previous operation to remove the enclosure did not succeed. The operation should be re-attempted. Removing: The enclosure is being removed. Unmanaged: The enclosure has been discovered but has not yet been added for management or monitoring. Unsupported: The enclosure model or version is not currently supported by HPE OneView. It cannot be configured or monitored.
HPE OneView Enclosure Status State Reason Indicates the reason the resource in its current state. Possible Values are: None: No reason is available or none applies. NotAdded: The enclosure has not been added. NotOwner: The enclosure reports being managed by something other than this HPE OneView. OperationFailed: A prior operation was interrupted. Unowned: The enclosure reports not being under management. UnsupportedFirmware: The firmware version of the enclosure is not supported by this version of HPE OneView. UpdatingFirmware: A firmware update is in progress.
HPE OneView Enclosure Status Status Overall health status of the enclosure. The enclosure status reflects the hardware health of the enclosure all bays and enclosure components (e.g. enclosure mid-plane  fans  fans power supplies and Onboard Administrators). It explicitly does not include the status of other HPE OneView resources such as blades (server hardware) and interconnects. Possible values are: Critical Disabled OK Unknown Warning.
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Base WWN
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Created Date and time when the resource was created
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Edge Virtual Bridging Available Indicates whether or not Edge Virtual Bridging is available on this interconnect
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Enclosure Name Enclosure name which contains the interconnect
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Enclosure Type The type of enclosure which contains the interconnect
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Enclosure UUID
HPE OneView Interconnect Details ETag Entity tag/version ID of the resource the same value that is returned in the ETag header on a GET of the resource
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Firmware Version
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Host Name
HPE OneView Interconnect Details ID
HPE OneView Interconnect Details IP Address
HPE OneView Interconnect Details LLDP IP Address Mode IP address mode to be considered for the LLDP packet
HPE OneView Interconnect Details MAC Address
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Management Interface
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Maximum Bandwidth Maximum bandwidth that this traffic class can contend up to in a non congestive environment.
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Model Interconnect model
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Modified Date and time when the resource was last modified
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Part Number
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Pause Flood Protection Enabled
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Port Count
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Product Name
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Serial Number
HPE OneView Interconnect Details Sub-port Count
HPE OneView Interconnect Memory Free Memory
HPE OneView Interconnect Memory Free Memory Computed using: free_memory √∑ total_memory
HPE OneView Interconnect Memory Total Memory
HPE OneView Interconnect Memory Used Memory Computed using: (total_memory - free_memory)
HPE OneView Interconnect Memory Used Memory Computed using: (total_memory - free_memory) √∑ total_memory
HPE OneView Interconnect Performance 1-Minute Load Average
HPE OneView Interconnect Performance 15-Minute Load Average
HPE OneView Interconnect Performance 5-Minute Load Average
HPE OneView Interconnect Status Power State Indicates whether the interconnect is currently powered on or off
HPE OneView Interconnect Status Status Overall health status of the resource.
HPE OneView Interconnect Status Support Current State The current state of Remote Support registration for the interconnect
HPE OneView Interconnect Status Support State The state of Remote Support for the interconnect or switch. Possible values: PendingEnable  EnableRequested Enabled PendingDisable DisableRequested Disabled NotSupported.
HPE OneView Port Details Bay Number Bay which holds the port
HPE OneView Port Details Interconnect ID
HPE OneView Port Details Link Aggregation Group ID ID of the Link Aggregation Group in which the port participates
HPE OneView Port Details Name
HPE OneView Port Details Port Monitor Configuration Info How the port monitor is configured to monitor this port
HPE OneView Port Details Split Mode Indicates whether the port is unsplit or unknown if port is unlinked. Only applicable to QX (splittable) ports on HPE VC SE 40Gb F8 interconnect module.
HPE OneView Port Details Type Type of port  including options like Uplink Downlink Stacking Auto Extension FabricExtender ILP Unknown
HPE OneView Port Details Type Extended Extended information for port type
HPE OneView Port Network Average Received Data
HPE OneView Port Network Average Received Packets
HPE OneView Port Network Average Transmitted Data
HPE OneView Port Network Average Transmitted Packets
HPE OneView Port Network Inbound Discards RFC 1213  IfInDiscards: The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
HPE OneView Port Network Inbound Errors RFC 1213  IfInErrors: The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
HPE OneView Port Network Outbound Discards RFC 1213  IfOutDiscards: The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
HPE OneView Port Network Outbound Errors RFC 1213  IfOutErrors: The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
HPE OneView Port Status Available
HPE OneView Port Status Enabled
HPE OneView Port Status Health Status
HPE OneView Port Status Status
HPE OneView Port Status Status Reason Additional details about the port  including information such as Ethernet role (Active/StandBy) Fibre Channel role (LoggedIn/NotLoggedIn) and errors related to port misconfiguration
HPE OneView Server Hardware CPU CPU Average Frequency Average CPU frequency.
HPE OneView Server Hardware CPU CPU Utilization CPU utilization of all CPUs.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Asset Tag The current value of the asset tag for this server hardware. This value can be set in the server hardware's BIOS interface.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Enclosure UUID
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details ETag Entity tag/version ID of the resource  the same value that is returned in the ETag header on a GET of the resource.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Form Factor The physical dimensions of this server. For a blade server this is either HalfHeight or FullHeight. For a rack server this is expressed in U height  e.g. 4U.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Intelligent Provisioning Version The installed version of the HPE Intelligent Provisioning embedded server provisioning tool.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Management Processor Firmware Version The version of the firmware installed on the iLO.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Management Processor Hostname The hostname of the Management Processor.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Management Processor Model The model type of the iLO such as iLO4.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Model The full server hardware model string.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Part Number The part number for this server hardware.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Processor Core Count Number of cores available per processor.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Processor Count Number of processors installed on this server hardware.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Processor Speed Speed of the CPUs.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Processor Type Type of CPU installed on this server hardware.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details ROM Version The version of the server hardware firmware (ROM). After updating the ROM (BIOS) firmware for a server  the server hardware page and the REST API may report an inaccurate ROM version until the server is next powered on and allowed to complete the power-on self-test (POST).
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Serial Number Serial number of the server hardware.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details Server Name The name of the server as reported by the iLO. The iLO gets this information from a running operating system that has monitoring software installed like Agentless Management Service.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Details UUID
HPE OneView Server Hardware Memory Total Memory Amount of memory installed on this server hardware.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Power Average Power Average power consumption.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Power Peak Power Peak power consumption.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Power Power Cap Dynamic power cap setting.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Status Ambient Temperature Inlet air temperature.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Status Management Processor State Current state of the management processor. Values are: OK (OneView is not currently causing the server iLO to reset)  Reset (deprecated) Resetting (OneView is currently managing the reset of the server's iLO. Note: While this is set it will not allow other operations such as profile apply and refresh).
HPE OneView Server Hardware Status Power State Current power state of the server hardware. Values are Unknown  On Off PoweringOn PoweringOff or Resetting.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Status Refresh State Indicates if the resource is currently refreshing. Possible values are NotRefreshing  RefreshPending Refreshing and RefreshFailed.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Status Remote Support State The current state of Remote Support registration for the server.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Status State The current resource state of the server hardware. Allowable values are: Unknown (not initialized)  Adding (server being added) NoProfileApplied (server successfully added) Monitored (server being monitored) Unmanaged (discovered a supported server) Removing (server being removed) RemoveFailed (unsuccessful server removal) Removed (server successfully removed) ApplyingProfile (profile being applied to server) ProfileApplied (profile successfully applied) RemovingProfile (profile being removed) ProfileError (unsuccessful profile apply or removal) Unsupported (server model or version not currently supported by the appliance) and UpdatingFirmware (server firmware update in progress).
HPE OneView Server Hardware Status State Reason The reason for the current resource state of the server hardware. This only applies if the state is 'Unmanaged'  otherwise it is set to 'NotApplicable'. Allowable values are: Unsupported (server model or version not currently supported by the appliance) UpdatingFirmware (server firmware update in progress) NotApplicable (when PhysicalServerState is anything besides 'Unmanaged') NotOwner (no claim on server) Inventory (server added by PDU) Unconfigured (discovery data incomplete or iLO configuration failure) UnsupportedFirmware (iLO firmware version below minimum support level) Interrupted (when PhysicalServerState is a result of an operation that was terminated before completing) and CommunicationError (appliance cannot communicate with iLO or OA).
HPE OneView Server Hardware Status Status Overall health status of the resource. Possible values are: OK  Disabled Warning Critical Unknown.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Status Support State The state of Remote Support for the server. Possible values: PendingEnable EnableRequested Enabled PendingDisable DisableRequested Disabled NotSupported.
HPE OneView Server Hardware Status Unit Identification (UID) Light State State of the unit identification (UID) light on the physical server. Possible values are: Blinking Off On Unsupported.