The Management Pack for IBM HMC collects the metrics listed in the following table, according to the IBM HMC resource kind.

Origin Category Key Label Data Type Units Description
Fiber Channel Port Performance operations Operations Counter Operations
Fiber Channel Port Performance read_throughput Read Throughput Counter Bytes Data read
Fiber Channel Port Performance reads Reads Counter Reads
Fiber Channel Port Performance throughput Throughput Counter Bytes
Fiber Channel Port Performance write_throughput Write Throughput Counter Bytes Data written
Fiber Channel Port Performance writes Writes Counter Writes
Logical Partition Details affinity_score Affinity Score Integer Unitless
Logical Partition Memory assigned_memory Assigned Memory Float Mebibytes
Logical Partition Memory backed_physical_memory Backed Physical Memory Float Mebibytes
Logical Partition Memory current_memory_size Current Memory Size Float Mebibytes
Logical Partition Memory deduplicated_memory Deduplicated Memory Float Mebibytes
Logical Partition CPU donated_processor_cycles Donated Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
Logical Partition CPU entitled_processor_cycles Entitled Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
Logical Partition CPU idle_processor_cycles Idle Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
Logical Partition Performance instruction_execution_time Instruction Execution Time Counter Unitless
Logical Partition Performance instructions_performed Instructions Performed Counter Unitless
Logical Partition Memory mapped_io_memory Mapped I/O Memory Float Mebibytes
Logical Partition Status migration_state Migration State String Unitless
Logical Partition Performance number_of_processor_waits Number Of Processor Waits Counter Unitless
Logical Partition Performance number_of_times_dispatched Number Of Times Dispatched Counter Unitless
Logical Partition Status progress_state Progress State String Unitless
Logical Partition Status remote_restart_state Remote Restart State String Unitless
Logical Partition Status resource_monitoring_control_state Resource Monitoring Control State String Unitless
Logical Partition Performance run_latch_instructions Run Latch Instructions Counter Unitless
Logical Partition CPU run_latch_processor_cycles Run Latch Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
Logical Partition Status state State String Unitless
Logical Partition Performance time_spent_waiting_for_dispatcher Time Spent Waiting For Dispatcher Counter Unitless
Logical Partition Performance time_spent_waiting_for_processor Time Spent Waiting For Processor Counter Unitless
Logical Partition Memory total_io_memory Total I/O Memory Float Mebibytes
Logical Partition CPU utilized_capped_processor_cycles Utilized Capped Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
Logical Partition CPU utilized_uncapped_processor_cycles Utilized Uncapped Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
Logical Partition Status virtual_service_attention_led_is_on Virtual Service Attention LED Is On Boolean Unitless
Logical Partition CPU average_cpu_utilization Average CPU Utilization Float Unitless
Network Adapter Performance dropped_traffic Dropped Traffic Counter Packets
Network Adapter Performance received_throughput Received Throughput Counter Bytes
Network Adapter Performance received_traffic Received Traffic Counter Packets
Network Adapter Performance sent_throughput Sent Throughput Counter Bytes
Network Adapter Performance sent_traffic Sent Traffic Counter Packets
Network Adapter Performance throughput Throughput Counter Bytes
Network Adapter Performance traffic Traffic Counter Operations
Power System Memory available_memory Available Memory Float Mebibytes
Power System Memory available_memory_ratio Available Memory Ratio Float %
Power System CPU available_processing_units Available Processing Units Float Unitless
Power System CPU available_processor_pool_cycles Available Processor Pool Cycles Counter Unitless
Power System CPU borrowed_processor_pool_cycles Borrowed Processor Pool Cycles Counter Unitless
Power System Memory configurable_memory Configurable Memory Float Mebibytes
Power System CPU configurable_processing_units Configurable Processing Units Float Unitless
Power System Performance cycles_spent_starting_processes Cycles Spent Starting Processes Counter Unitless
Power System Memory firmware_assigned_memory Firmware Assigned Memory Float Bytes
Power System Performance firmware_utilized_processor_cycles Firmware Utilized Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
Power System Memory memory_defragmentation_state Memory Defragmentation State String Unitless
Power System Status physical_system_attention_led_is_on Physical System Attention LED Is On Boolean Unitless LED state
Power System Status state State String Unitless Current state
Power System Memory total_memory Total Memory Float Mebibytes
Power System CPU total_processing_units Total Processing Units Float Unitless
Power System CPU total_processor_pool_cycles Total Processor Pool Cycles Counter Unitless
Power System Memory used_memory Used Memory Float Mebibytes
Power System Memory used_memory_ratio Used Memory Ratio Float %
Power System CPU utilized_processor_pool_cycles Utilized Processor Pool Cycles Counter Unitless
Power System CPU average_cpu_utilization Average CPU Utilization Float Unitless
Shared Memory Pool Memory allocated_memory Allocated Memory Float Mebibytes
Shared Memory Pool Memory available_memory Available Memory Float Mebibytes
Shared Memory Pool Memory deduplicated_memory Deduplicated Memory Float Bytes
Shared Memory Pool Memory io_entitled_memory I/O Entitled Memory Float Mebibytes
Shared Memory Pool Memory io_mapped_memory I/O Mapped Memory Float Mebibytes
Shared Memory Pool Memory maximum_memory Maximum Memory Float Mebibytes
Shared Memory Pool Memory memory_assigned_to_logical_partitions Memory Assigned To Logical Partitions Float Mebibytes
Shared Memory Pool Memory memory_assigned_to_system_firmware Memory Assigned To System Firmware Float Mebibytes
Shared Memory Pool Performance page_delays Page Delays Counter Microseconds
Shared Memory Pool Performance page_faults Page Faults Counter Unitless
Shared Memory Pool Performance processor_cycles_used_for_deduplication Processor Cycles Used For Deduplication Float Unitless
Shared Memory Pool Memory used_memory Used Memory Float Mebibytes
Shared Memory Pool Memory utilization Utilization Float %
Shared Processor Pool CPU assigned_processor_cycles Assigned Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
Shared Processor Pool CPU borrowed_processor_units Borrowed Processor Units Float Unitless
Shared Processor Pool CPU utilized_processor_cycles Utilized Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
Shared Processor Pool CPU average_utilization Average Utilization Float Unitless
Shared Storage Pool Disk free_space Free Space Float Mebibytes
Shared Storage Pool Performance operations Operations Counter Operations
Shared Storage Pool Performance read_throughput Read Throughput Counter Bytes Data read
Shared Storage Pool Performance reads Reads Counter Reads
Shared Storage Pool Performance throughput Throughput Counter Bytes
Shared Storage Pool Disk total_space Total Space Float Mebibytes
Shared Storage Pool Disk used_space Used Space Float Mebibytes
Shared Storage Pool Disk used_space_ratio Used Space Ratio Float %
Shared Storage Pool Performance write_throughput Write Throughput Counter Bytes Data written
Shared Storage Pool Performance writes Writes Counter Writes
Single Root IO Virtualization Logical Port Performance dropped_physical_traffic Dropped Physical Traffic Counter Packets
Single Root IO Virtualization Logical Port Performance physical_throughput Physical Throughput Counter Bytes
Single Root IO Virtualization Logical Port Performance physical_traffic Physical Traffic Counter Operations
Single Root IO Virtualization Logical Port Performance received_physical_throughput Received Physical Throughput Counter Bytes
Single Root IO Virtualization Logical Port Performance received_physical_traffic Received Physical Traffic Counter Packets
Single Root IO Virtualization Logical Port Performance sent_physical_throughput Sent Physical Throughput Counter Bytes
Single Root IO Virtualization Logical Port Performance sent_physical_traffic Sent Physical Traffic Counter Packets
Storage Adapter Performance operations Operations Counter Operations
Storage Adapter Performance read_throughput Read Throughput Counter Bytes Data read
Storage Adapter Performance reads Reads Counter Reads
Storage Adapter Performance throughput Throughput Counter Bytes
Storage Adapter Performance write_throughput Write Throughput Counter Bytes Data written
Storage Adapter Performance writes Writes Counter Writes
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance dropped_physical_traffic Dropped Physical Traffic Counter Packets
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance dropped_traffic Dropped Traffic Counter Packets
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance physical_throughput Physical Throughput Counter Bytes
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance physical_traffic Physical Traffic Counter Operations
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance received_physical_throughput Received Physical Throughput Counter Bytes
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance received_physical_traffic Received Physical Traffic Counter Packets
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance received_throughput Received Throughput Counter Bytes
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance received_traffic Received Traffic Counter Packets
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance sent_physical_throughput Sent Physical Throughput Counter Bytes
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance sent_physical_traffic Sent Physical Traffic Counter Packets
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance sent_throughput Sent Throughput Counter Bytes
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance sent_traffic Sent Traffic Counter Packets
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance throughput Throughput Counter Bytes
Virtual Ethernet Adapter Performance traffic Traffic Counter Operations
VIrtual IO Server Status affinity_score Affinity Score Integer Unitless
VIrtual IO Server Memory assigned_memory Assigned Memory Float Mebibytes
VIrtual IO Server CPU donated_processor_cycles Donated Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
VIrtual IO Server CPU entitled_processor_cycles Entitled Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
VIrtual IO Server CPU idle_processor_cycles Idle Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
VIrtual IO Server Performance instruction_execution_time Instruction Execution Time Counter Unitless
VIrtual IO Server Performance instructions_performed Instructions Performed Counter Unitless
VIrtual IO Server Status resource_monitoring_control_state Resource Monitoring Control State String Unitless
VIrtual IO Server Status state State String Unitless
VIrtual IO Server Performance time_spent_waiting_for_dispatcher Time Spent Waiting For Dispatcher Counter Unitless
VIrtual IO Server Memory used_memory_ratio Used Memory Ratio Float %
VIrtual IO Server CPU utilized_capped_processor_cycles Utilized Capped Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
VIrtual IO Server Memory utilized_memory Utilized Memory Float Mebibytes
VIrtual IO Server CPU utilized_uncapped_processor_cycles Utilized Uncapped Processor Cycles Counter Unitless
VIrtual IO Server Status virtual_service_attention_led_is_on Virtual Service Attention LED Is On Boolean Unitless
VIrtual IO Server CPU average_cpu_utilization Average CPU Utilization Float Unitless