The Management Pack for IBM HMC creates Resource Kinds and Relationships (associations) for critical resources in your IBM HMC environment.

Resource Kinds

Identifiers, metrics, and properties are collected for the following IBM HMC resource kinds:

  • Fiber Channel Port
  • Logical Partition
  • Network Adapter
  • Power System
  • Shared Memory Pool
  • Shared Processor Pool
  • Shared Storage Pool
  • Single Root IO Virtualization Logical Port
  • Storage Adapter
  • Virtual Ethernet Adapter
  • Virtual IO Server


Relationships among discovered resources are also created by the Management Pack. The hierarchical structure of those relationships is depicted in the diagram below.

IBM HMC Relationships Diagram

HMC and PowerVC Relationships Diagram-2

External Relationships

The following external relationships can be discovered, in addition to the internal relationships.

  • Logical Partition > SAP HANA System
  • Logical Partition > Oracle Instance
  • Logical Partition > Operating System

See also:

Inventory Tree (Traversal Spec) (IBM HMC)