The Management Pack for Red Hat JBoss EAP collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to Red Hat JBoss EAP resource kinds.

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Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Description
JBoss EAP - Tags Relationships Server Children string List of children Server resources
JBoss EAP - Virtual Machine Tags Relationships Virtual Machine Children string List of children Virtual Machine resources
JBoss EAP Datasource Details Average Blocking Time integer The Average Blocking Time of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Details Average Creation Time integer The Average Creation Time of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Details Maximum Creation Time integer The Maximum Creation Time of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Details Maximum Wait Time integer The Maximum Wait Time of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Details Name string The Name of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Details Total Blocking Time integer The Total Blocking Time of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Details Total Creation Time integer The Total Creation Time of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Network Active Connection Count integer The Active Connection Count of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Network Available Connection Count integer The Available Connection Count of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Network Created Count integer The Created Count of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Network Destroyed Count integer The Destroyed Count of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Network Idle Connection Count integer The Idle Connection Count of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Network In Use Count integer The In Use Count of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Network Maximum Used Count integer The Maximum Used Count of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Network Maximum Wait Count integer The Maximum Wait Count of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Network Percent In Use float The Percent of Connections In Use of the Datasource
JBoss EAP Datasource Network Timed Out Count integer The Timed Out Count of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Network Wait Count integer The Wait Count of the Datasource.
JBoss EAP Datasource Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
JBoss EAP Server Details Build ID string The Build ID of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Host string The Host of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Launch Type string The Launch Type of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Management Major Version string The Management Major Version of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Management Micro Version string The Management Micro Version of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Management Minor Version string The Management Minor Version of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Name string The Name of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Namespaces string The Namespaces of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Process Type string The Process Type of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Product Name string The Product Name of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Product Version string The Product Version of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Product Version Number string The Product Version of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Profile Name string The Profile Name of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Release Code Name string The Release Code Name of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Release Version string The Release Version of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Running Mode string The Running Mode of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Schema Locations string The Schema Locations of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Server State string The Server State of the Server.
JBoss EAP Server Details Started string If the server is started
JBoss EAP Server Memory JVM Committed integer The JVM Committed of the Memory.
JBoss EAP Server Memory JVM Initial Allocation integer The JVM Initial Allocation of the Memory.
JBoss EAP Server Memory JVM Maximum Memory integer The JVM Maximum Memory.
JBoss EAP Server Memory JVM Usage integer The JVM Usage of the Memory.
JBoss EAP Server Memory Object Name string Object Name
JBoss EAP Server Memory Object Pending Finalization Count integer The Object Pending Finalization Count of the Memory.
JBoss EAP Server Operating System Architecture string The Architecture of the Operating System.
JBoss EAP Server Operating System Available Processors integer The Available Processors of the Operating System.
JBoss EAP Server Operating System Free Physical Memory Size integer The Free Physical Memory Size of the Operating System.
JBoss EAP Server Operating System Name string The Name of the Operating System.
JBoss EAP Server Operating System Object Name string Object Name
JBoss EAP Server Operating System Process CPU Time Since Last Collection integer The Process CPU Time of the Operating System since the last collection.
JBoss EAP Server Operating System System Load Average float The System Load Average of the Operating System.
JBoss EAP Server Operating System Version string The Version of the Operating System.
JBoss EAP Server Relationships Datasource Children string List of child Datasource resources
JBoss EAP Server Relationships JBoss EAP - Tags Parents string List of parent JBoss EAP - Tags resources
JBoss EAP Server Relationships Memory Children string List of child Memory resources
JBoss EAP Server Relationships Operating System Children string List of child Operating System resources
JBoss EAP Server Relationships Runtime Children string List of child Runtime resources
JBoss EAP Server Relationships Servlet Children string List of child Servlet resources
JBoss EAP Server Relationships Threading Children string List of child Threading resources
JBoss EAP Server Relationships Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Virtual Machine resources
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Boot Class Path string The Boot Class Path of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Boot Class Path Supported string The Boot Class Path Supported of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Class Path string The Class Path of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Input Arguments integer The Input Arguments of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Library Path string The Library Path of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Management Spec Version string The Management Spec Version of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Name string The Name of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Object Name string Object Name
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Spec Name string The Spec Name of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Spec Vendor string The Spec Vendor of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Spec Version string The Spec Version of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Start Time integer The Start Time of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Uptime integer The Uptime of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Uptime Delta integer The Uptime Delta of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime Uptime Interval integer The Uptime Interval of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime VM Name string The VM Name of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime VM Vendor string The VM Vendor of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Runtime VM Version string The VM Version of the Runtime.
JBoss EAP Server Threading Current Thread CPU Time Since Last Collection integer The Current Thread CPU Time of the Threading since the last collection.
JBoss EAP Server Threading Current Thread User Time Since Last Collection integer The Current Thread User Time of the Threading since the last collection.
JBoss EAP Server Threading Daemon Thread Count integer The Daemon Thread Count of the Threading.
JBoss EAP Server Threading Object Name string Object Name
JBoss EAP Server Threading Peak Thread Count integer The Peak Thread Count of the Threading.
JBoss EAP Server Threading Started Thread Rate Since Last Collection integer The Started Thread Rate of the Threading since the last collection.
JBoss EAP Server Threading Thread Count integer The Thread Count of the Threading.
JBoss EAP Server Threading Total Started Thread Count integer The Total Started Thread Count of the Threading.
JBoss EAP Server Garbage Collector|Details Collection Count Since Last Collection integer The Collection Count of the Garbage Collector since the last collection.
JBoss EAP Server Garbage Collector|Details Collection Time Since Last Collection integer The Collection Time of the Garbage Collector since the last collection.
JBoss EAP Server Garbage Collector|Details Is Valid string The Is Valid of the Garbage Collector.
JBoss EAP Server Garbage Collector|Details Name string The Name of the Garbage Collector.
JBoss EAP Server Garbage Collector|Memory Memory Pool Names string The Memory Pool Names of the Garbage Collector.
JBoss EAP Server Garbage Collector|Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
JBoss EAP Server Garbage Collector|Identifiers Object Name string
JBoss EAP Server HTTP Socket|Details Name string The Name of the HTTP Socket.
JBoss EAP Server HTTP Socket|Network Bound string The Bound of the HTTP Socket.
JBoss EAP Server HTTP Socket|Network Bound Address string The Bound Address of the HTTP Socket.
JBoss EAP Server HTTP Socket|Network Client Mappings integer The Client Mappings of the HTTP Socket.
JBoss EAP Server HTTP Socket|Network Fixed Port string The Fixed Port of the HTTP Socket.
JBoss EAP Server HTTP Socket|Network Port integer The Port of the HTTP Socket.
JBoss EAP Server HTTP Socket|Network Port integer The Port of the HTTP Socket.
JBoss EAP Server HTTP Socket|Network Protocol string The Protocol of the HTTP Socket.
JBoss EAP Server HTTP Socket|Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
JBoss EAP Server HTTP Socket|Identifiers Object Name string
JBoss EAP Server Memory Pool|Details Name string The Name of the Memory Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Memory Pool|Memory Committed Memory Pool integer The Committed Memory Pool of the Memory Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Memory Pool|Memory Current Memory Pool integer The Current Memory Pool of the Memory Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Memory Pool|Memory Init Memory Pool integer The Init Memory Pool of the Memory Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Memory Pool|Memory Maximum Memory Pool integer The Max Memory Pool of the Memory Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Memory Pool|Memory Type string The Type of the Memory Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Memory Pool|Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
JBoss EAP Server Memory Pool|Identifiers Object Name string
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|CPU Active Count integer The Active Count of the Thread Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|CPU Completed Task Count integer The Completed Task Count of the Thread Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|CPU Current Thread Count integer The Current Thread Count of the Thread Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|CPU Keep Alive Time integer The Keep Alive Time of the Thread Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|CPU Largest Thread Count integer The Largest Thread Count of the Thread Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|CPU Maximum Threads integer The Maximum Threads of the Thread Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|CPU Queue Size integer The Queue Size of the Thread Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|CPU Rejected Count integer The Rejected Count of the Thread Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|CPU Task Count integer The Task Count of the Thread Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|CPU Thread Factory integer The Task Count of the Thread Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|Details Name string The Name of the Thread Pool.
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
JBoss EAP Server Thread Pool|Identifiers Object Name string
JBoss EAP Server Web|Details Name string The Name of the Web Application.
JBoss EAP Server Web|Network Active integer The Active Sessions of the Web Application.
JBoss EAP Server Web|Network Average Alive Time integer The Average Alive Time of the Web Application.
JBoss EAP Server Web|Network Context Root string The Context Root of the Web Application.
JBoss EAP Server Web|Network Created integer The Created Session Count of the Web Application.
JBoss EAP Server Web|Network Duplicated integer The Duplicate Session ID count of the Web Application.
JBoss EAP Server Web|Network Expired integer The Expired Sessions of the Web Application.
JBoss EAP Server Web|Network Maximum Active integer The Maximum Active Sessions of the Web Application.
JBoss EAP Server Web|Network Maximum Alive Time integer The Maximum Alive Time of the Web Application.
JBoss EAP Server Web|Network Rejected integer The number of Rejected Sessions of the Web Application.
JBoss EAP Server Web|Network Virtual Host string The Virtual Host of the Web Application.
JBoss EAP Server Web|Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources
JBoss EAP Server Web|Identifiers Object Name string
JBoss EAP Servlet Details Average Response Time integer The Average Response Time of the Application.
JBoss EAP Servlet Details Deployment Name string The Deployment Name of the Application.
JBoss EAP Servlet Details Load Time integer The Load Time of the Application.
JBoss EAP Servlet Details Maximum Request Time integer The Maximum Request Time of the Application.
JBoss EAP Servlet Details Minimum Request Time integer The Minimum Request Time of the Application.
JBoss EAP Servlet Details Name string The Servlet Name of the Application.
JBoss EAP Servlet Details Processing Since Last Collection integer The Processing Time of the Application since the last collection.
JBoss EAP Servlet Details Request Count integer The Request Count of the Application.
JBoss EAP Servlet Relationships Server Parents string List of parent Server resources