The Management Pack for Microsoft Azure SQL creates alerts based on events passed from your Microsoft Azure environment. It provides recommended actions based on various symptoms that it detects in the environment. See the table below for the list of alerts available in the Management Pack.

Name Description Symptom Recommendation
Database has Highly Fragmented Indexes Fragmented Indexes is greater than 30% Highly Fragmented Indexes Performing queries with fragmented indexes can be time consuming and cause poor query performance. Fragmentation can also cause more disk space to be consumed than is needed. Recommend rebuilding the fragmented index. See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.
Query Collection Failure Query collection has failed Query Collection Failure Check the credentials entered for both SQL Database Username and SQL Database Password. If query collection is still failing, check the logs for more details.
Database has Mildly Fragmented Indexes Fragmented Indexes is between 15% and 30% Mildly Fragmented Indexes Performing queries with fragmented indexes can be time consuming and cause poor query performance. Fragmentation can also cause more disk space to be consumed than is needed. Recommend reorganizing the fragmented index. See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.
Database has Missing Beneficial Index Missing beneficial index detected. Missing Beneficial Index Performing queries without indexes can be time consuming and cause poor query performance; consider adding the recommended index. See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.
Database has Never Accessed Indexes Indexes that have never been accessed have been found. Never Accessed Indexes Unused indexes can consume disk space through index storage and consume processing power during index maintenance. Determine if the index is necessary, and if not, consider removing. See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.
Database has Potentially Inefficient Indexes Indexes that are potentially inefficient have been found. Potentially Inefficient Indexes Inefficient indexes have a maintenance cost in terms of space and processing power. Determine if the benefit of the index is greater than the cost of maintaining it. If not, consider removing the index. See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.
Database has Unused Maintained Indexes Unused maintained indexes were found. Unused Maintained Indexes Unused indexes can consume disk space through index storage, and consume processing power during index maintenance. Determine if the index is necessary, and if not, consider removing. See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.
SQL Database High DTU Consumption DTU consumption is over 90% DTU High Consumption Info Consider upgrading to the next performance tier to increase maximum DTUs, or reducing the load on this database.
SQL Database High DTU Consumption DTU consumption is over 90% DTU High Consumption Warning Consider upgrading to the next performance tier to increase maximum DTUs, or reducing the load on this database.
SQL Database High DTU Consumption DTU consumption is over 90% DTU High Consumption Critical Consider upgrading to the next performance tier to increase maximum DTUs, or reducing the load on this database.
SQL Database Low DTU Consumption DTU consumption is consistently under 40% DTU Low Consumption Info Consider downgrading to a lower performance tier to reduce costs, or increasing the load on this database.
SQL Database High Size Usage Database size usage is over 90% High Database Size Usage Info Consider upgrading to the next performance tier to increase maximum database size, or reducing the size of this database.
SQL Database High Size Usage Database size usage is over 90% High Database Size Usage Warning Consider upgrading to the next performance tier to increase maximum database size, or reducing the size of this database.
SQL Database High Size Usage Database size usage is over 90% High Database Size Usage Critical Consider upgrading to the next performance tier to increase maximum database size, or reducing the size of this database.
SQL Data Warehouse High DWU Consumption DWU consumption is over 90% DWU High Consumption Info Consider upgrading to the next performance tier to increase maximum DWUs, or reducing the load on this data warehouse.
SQL Data Warehouse High DWU Consumption DWU consumption is over 90% DWU High Consumption Warning Consider upgrading to the next performance tier to increase maximum DWUs, or reducing the load on this data warehouse.
SQL Data Warehouse High DWU Consumption DWU consumption is over 90% DWU High Consumption Critical Consider upgrading to the next performance tier to increase maximum DWUs, or reducing the load on this data warehouse.
SQL Data Warehouse Low DWU Consumption DWU consumption is consistently under 40% DWU Low Consumption Info Consider downgrading to a lower performance tier to reduce costs, or increasing the load on this data warehouse.
High Failed Connections There are an unusually high number of failed connections. High Failed Connections Consider checking the logs to determine the cause of these failed connections.
High CPU Usage CPU usage is greater than 90% High CPU Usage Consider lowering the load on this machine.
Disk Write Operations are High There are an unusually high number of disk write operations. High Disk Write Operations Consider checking the logs to determine the cause of the increase in writes.
Disk Read Operations are High There are an unusually high number of disk read operations. High Disk Reads Operations Consider checking the logs to determine the cause of the increase in reads.
Network In is High The network traffic coming into this virtual machine is unusually high. High Network In Consider checking the logs to determine the cause of the increase in incoming network traffic.
Network Out is High The network traffic going out of this virtual machine is unusually high. High Network Out Consider checking the logs to determine the cause of the increase in outgoing network traffic.