The Management Pack for Microsoft SCOM dynamically generates metrics from SCOM based on your specific SCOM configuration.

Note: The following list of metrics should be present for most SCOM installations; however, there may be additional/fewer metrics returned depending on your particular SCOM setup.

Download metrics list as .csv file

Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics Lock Requests float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics Total Lock Requests float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics Deadlocks float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics Total Deadlocks float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics Open Connections float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics Transactions float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics Total Transactions float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics Task Limits Reached float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics Total Task Limits Reached float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics Buffer Cache Hit Ratio float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics Logins float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics I/O Received float
SCOM - Microsoft.SQLServer.DBEngine General Metrics I/O Sent float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Processor Time float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Highest Processor Time float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Highest Network Traffic float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Highest Pages float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Highest Memory Used float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Highest Pool Nonpaged float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Highest Pool Paged float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Lowest Available Memory integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Lowest Logical Disk Free Space float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Lowest Logical Disk Free Space integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Highest Network Bandwidth Used float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Processor Queue Length float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Memory Usage float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Available Memory float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Total Available Memory float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Used Memory integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Total Memory integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Pages float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Pool Nonpaged float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Pool Paged float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Network Traffic float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Average Disk Transfer Duration float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Network Bandwidth Used float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Current Disk Queue Length float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Logical Disk Free Space integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Logical Disk Used Space integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Logical Disk Free Space integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Logical Disk Total Space integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics Bandwidth Total float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.VirtualMachine General Metrics CPU Total float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.ServerRole General Metrics Processor Time float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.ServerRole General Metrics Memory Usage float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.ServerRole General Metrics Available Memory float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.ServerRole General Metrics Pages/sec float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.ServerRole General Metrics Pool Nonpaged float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.ServerRole General Metrics Pool Paged float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.ServerRole General Metrics Processor Queue Length float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.ServerRole General Metrics Network Traffic float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.ServerRole General Metrics Average Disk Transfer Duration float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.ServerRole General Metrics Network Bandwidth Usage float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.ServerRole General Metrics Current Disk Queue Length float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Highest Processor Time float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Highest Network Traffic float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Highest Pages float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Highest Memory Used float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Highest Pool Nonpaged float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Highest Pool Paged float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Lowest Available Memory integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Lowest Logical Disk Free Space float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Lowest Logical Disk Free Space integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Highest Network Bandwidth Used float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Processor Time float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Processor Queue Length float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Memory Usage float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Available Memory float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Total Available Memory float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Used Memory integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Total Memory integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Pages float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Pool Nonpaged float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Pool Paged float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Network Traffic float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Average Disk Transfer Duration float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Network Bandwidth Usage float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Current Disk Queue Length float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Logical Disk Free Space integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Logical Disk Used Space integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Logical Disk Free Space integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Logical Disk Total Space integer
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Percent Bandwidth Total float
SCOM - Microsoft.Windows.Computer General Metrics Percent CPU Total float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Highest Processor Time float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Highest Network Traffic float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Highest Pages float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Highest Memory Used float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Highest Pool Nonpaged float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Highest Pool Paged float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Lowest Available Memory integer
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Lowest Logical Disk Free Space float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Lowest Logical Disk Free Space integer
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Highest Network Bandwidth Used float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Processor Time float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Processor Queue Length float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Memory Usage float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Available Memory float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Used Memory integer
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Total Memory integer
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Pages float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Pool Nonpaged float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Pool Paged float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Network Traffic float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Average Disk Transfer Duration float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Network Bandwidth Usage float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Current Disk Queue Length float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Percent Bandwidth Total float
SCOM - Hyper-V Cluster Cluster Metrics Percent CPU Total float