The Management Pack for Microsoft SQL Server creates alerts and provides recommended actions based on various symptoms (health status notifications and events) that it detects in your Microsoft SQL Server environment. See the table below for the list of alerts available in the Management Pack.

Important: Alerts indicated with an asterisk (*) will not come through when the Exclude All Events Advanced Setting when Creating an Adapter Instance (Microsoft SQL Server) is set to True.
Name Description Symptom Recommendation

MS SQL Server Deprecated Feature*

This alert indicates a deprecated feature is being used on the MS SQL Server.

MS SQL Server Deprecated Feature

To avoid failures due to this feature in future updates, it is recommended to update the feature to the current implementation.

MS SQL Server Low Page Life Expectancy*

The actual page life expectancy is lower than the ideal page life expectancy.

MS SQL Server Low Page Life Expectancy

Increase the memory on the SQL Server to allow for a greater page life expectancy.

MS SQL Server Average Query CPU Time is High

This alert indicates that the average query CPU time has risen above normal.

Average Query CPU Time is High

MS SQL Server Number of Queries That End In Deadlock has Risen

This alert indicates that the number of queries that end in deadlocks has risen above normal.

Number of Queries That End In Deadlock has Risen

MS SQL Server Cluster Owner Is Down

This alert indicates that the owning node of the cluster is down.

MS SQL Server Cluster Owner Is Down

MS SQL Server Cluster Owner Is Paused

This alert indicates that the owning node of the cluster is paused.

MS SQL Server Cluster Owner Is Paused

MS SQL Database Index: Never Accessed Indexes*

This alert indicates that there are indexes that have not been accessed since the SQL Server was started or the database was closed, whichever is shorter.

Never Accessed Indexes

Unused indexes can consume disk space through index storage and consume processing power during index maintenance. Determine if the index is necessary, and, if not, consider removing.

MS SQL Database file close to max capacity limit*

This alert indicates that there is a file on the database that is close to reaching its max capacity limit.

Database file close to max capacity limit

MS SQL Database Index: Unused Maintained Indexes*

This alert indicates that there are indexes that are being maintained but have not been read.

MS SQL Database Index: Unused Maintained Indexes

Unused indexes can consume disk space through index storage and consume processing power during index maintenance. Determine if the index is necessary, and, if not, consider removing.

MS SQL Database Index: Potentially Inefficient Indexes*

This alert indicates that there are indexes that are being written to more than they are being read and are potentially inefficient.

Potentially Inefficient Indexes

Inefficient indexes have a maintenance cost in terms of space and processing power. Determine if the benefit of the index is greater than the cost of maintaining it. If not, consider removing the index.

MS SQL Database Index: Missing Beneficial Index*

This alert indicates that there is a missing beneficial index that is being recommended by MS SQL Server.

Missing Beneficial Index

Performing queries without indexes can be time consuming and cause poor query performance. Consider adding the recommended index.

MS SQL Database Index: Highly Fragmented Indexes*

This alert indicates there are indexes that are greater than 30% fragmented.

Highly Fragmented Indexes

Performing queries with fragmented indexes can be time consuming and cause poor query performance. Fragmentation can also cause more disk space to be consumed than is needed. Recommend rebuilding the fragmented index.

MS SQL Database Index: Mildly Fragmented Indexes*

This alert indicates there are indexes that are between 15% and 30% fragmented.

Mildly Fragmented Indexes

Performing queries with fragmented indexes can be time consuming and cause poor query performance. Fragmentation can also cause more disk space to be consumed than is needed. Recommend reorganizing the fragmented index.

MS SQL Database Is In Emergency State

This alert indicates the MS SQL Database is in an Emergency State.

MS SQL Database Is In Emergency State

MS SQL Database Is In Offline State

This alert indicates the MS SQL Database is in an Offline State.

MS SQL Database Is In Offline State

MS SQL Database Is In Non-Critical Non-Online State

This alert indicates the MS SQL Database is in a non-critical non-online state.

MS SQL Database Is In Suspect State

MS SQL Database Is In Recovery Pending State

MS SQL Database Is In Recovery State

MS SQL Database Is In Restoring State

MS SQL Always On Group Database Is In a Not Healthy State

This alert indicates the MS SQL Always On Group Database is in a Not Healthy State.

MS SQL Always On Group Database Is In a Not Healthy State

MS SQL Always On Group Database Is In a Partially Healthy State

This alert indicates the MS SQL Always On Group Database is in a Partially Healthy State.

MS SQL Always On Group Database Is In a Partially Healthy State

MS SQL Always On Group Database Is In a Suspended State

This alert indicates the MS SQL Always On Group Database is in a Suspended State.

MS SQL Always On Group Database Is In a Suspended State

MS SQL Always on Availability Group in Non Healthy State

This alert indicates the MS SQL Always On Availability Group is in a non healthy synchronization state.

MS SQL Always on Availability Group in Non Healthy State

MS SQL Always on Availability Group in Partially Healthy State

This alert indicates the MS SQL Always On Availability Group is in a partially healthy synchronization state.

MS SQL Always on Availability Group in Partially Healthy State

Error reading database log

An error occurred while processing the log for database <database-name>. If possible, restore from backup. If a backup is not available, it might be necessary to rebuild the log.

An error occurred while processing the log for database <database-name>. The log block version <log-version> is unsupported. This server supports log version <log-version> to <log-version>.

An error occurred while processing the log for database <database-name>. The log block could not be decrypted.

Error Fetching Page Attempt to fetch logical page <#>_PGID in database <database-name> failed. It belongs to allocation unit <allocation-unit> not to <allocation-unit>.
Cannot Find File Cannot find file ID <fileID-name> on device <device-name>.
Consistency Errors Database <database-name>: consistency errors in system catalogs prevent further DBCC processing.
Recovery Error An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database <database_name> (<databaseID#>:<instanceID#>) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them, or restore from a known good backup. If errors are not corrected or expected, contact Technical Support.
Recovery Failed Restore recovery failed because a problem was detected with data in a temporary file that is needed for recovery. This error can be caused because of a storage device failure or because the restore checkpoint restart file has been moved or deleted. Retry...(truncated).
Invalid File ID Could not open File Control Block (FCB) for invalid file ID <file-ID> in database <database-name>. Verify the file location. Execute DBCC CHECKDB.
Consistency-Base I/O Error SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: <error-name>. It occurred during a <messageID>_MSG of page <page-number>_PGID in database ID <database-ID> at offset <offset> in file <filename> Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or operating system error log may provide more detail.
Operating System Error The operating system returned error <error-name> to SQL Server during a <messageID>_MSG at offset <offset> in file <file-name>. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and operating system error log may provide more detail. This is a severe system-level error condition hat threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.
Couldn't Allocate space Could not allocate space for object <object-name>. <Reason> in database <database-name> because the <file-group-name> filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.
Transaction Log Full The transaction log for database <database-name> is full due to <reason>.
Backup Failed

Backup failed to complete the command <command-name>. Check the backup application log for detailed messages.

Backup failed because there is a mismatch in file metadata for file <file-name>.

Could not open file Open Failed: Could not open file <file-name> for file number <file-#>. OS error: <error>.
Operating System File Error <Error Prefix>: Operating system error <error> occurred while creating or opening file <file-name>. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation.
Database Corruption Corruption in database ID <database-ID#>, object ID <object-ID#> possibly due to schema or catalog inconsistency. Run DBCC CHECKCATALOG.
SQL Server Agent is not running SQL Server Agent is currently not running. SQL Server Agent is Stopped. Install and/or start SQL Server Agent.
Job Failed A job has failed.