One of the required configuration tasks for the Management Pack is to create a set of credentials in vROps.
- From the top navigation bar, select Administration. In the left panel, expand the Management category and select Credentials.
- In the right panel, click the Add icon. In the Manage Credential window that appears, enter the information as follows:
- Credential name: A name for this set of Management Pack credentials
User Name: MS SQL Server User Name
Note: Your MS SQL user account can be a local SQL account, or an account authenticated with Active Directory.
Password: The password associated with your MS SQL Server User Name
Important: vCenter credentials are optional, but may be used to connect to the vCenter API, which allows the management pack to make
MS SQL Server instance to VM relationships via a secondary MAC address. This "back-up" method of creating the external relationship occurs only if necessary. For example, in mirrored environments where servers contain the same IP addresses, etc., and double relationships may occur.
- ClickOKto save the credential.