The Management Pack for Microsoft SQL Server collects the following metrics, according to Microsoft SQL Server resource kind.

Important: The CPU Usage metric for Microsoft SQL Server Instances is not available on MS SQL Server Standard or  Express editions.

For the list of metrics collected for each required permission indicated in Assigning MS SQL User Privileges, see: Metrics (Microsoft SQL Server)#Metrics by Permission.

Download metrics list as .csv file

Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Description
Microsoft SQL Server Tag Relationships Virtual Machine Children string List of children Virtual Machine resources
Microsoft SQL Server Tag Relationships Instance Children string List of children Instance resources
Microsoft SQL Server Relationships Instance Children string List of children Instance resources
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group General Automated Backup Preference string Automated backup perference for availability group.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group General Name string Name of availability group.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group General Replica ID string Replica ID of availability group.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group General Replicas string List of replicas being used by availability group.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group General Group ID (Deprecated) string
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group Status Primary Recovery Health string Description of recovery health of the primary replica.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group Status Primary Replica string Primary replica on availability group.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group Status Secondary Recovery Health string Description of recovery health of the secondary replica.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group Status Synchronization Health float Number represenation of rollup of synchronization health of all availability replicas in the availability group.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group Status Synchronization Health Property string Description of rollup of synchronization health of all availability replicas in the availability group.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group Relationships Database Children string List of child Database resources
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group Relationships Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Virtual Machine resources
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group HADR Replica Server Availability Group Name string Name of availability group.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group HADR Replica Server Group ID string Group ID of availability group.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group HADR Replica Server Name string Name of replica server.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group HADR Replica Server Availability Mode string Description of HADR replica server availablility mode.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group HADR Replica Server Failover Mode string Failover mode for HADR replica server.
Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Group HADR Replica Server Always On Availability Group Parents string List of parent Always On Availability Group resources
Microsoft SQL Server Database Active Processes Active Connections float Nubmer of active connections to database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Active Processes Active Transactions float Number of active transactions on database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Availability States Suspended Reason string If the database is suspended, the reason for the suspended state.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Availability States Synchronization Health string Description of the synchronization_health of the availability database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Availability States Synchronization State string Description of the data-movement state.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Data Space float Database data space.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Disk Space Available float Amount of space available on database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Index Space float Database index space
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Log Size float Size of the log area in memory for database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Reserved Space float Database reserved space.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Reserved Space Unused float Database unused reserved space.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Size Used float Database size.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Space Available float Percentage of space available on disk used by database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Space Used float Percentage of space used on disk used by database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Total Space float Total space of disk used by database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Unallocated Space Available float Unallocated space available on database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Capacity Usable Disk Space float The amount of space on disk that is usable by a database, this includes the free space of the entire disk, and any space being used by the database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Config Auto Close string Shows whether auto close is enabled
Microsoft SQL Server Database Config Auto Close Enabled string Shows whether auto close is enabled.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Config Auto Create Statistics string Shows whether auto create statistics is enabled.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Config Auto Shrink string Shows whether auto shrink is enabled.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Config Auto Shrink Enabled string Shows whether auto shrink is enabled.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Config Auto Update Statistics string Shows whether auto update statistics is enabled.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Config Read Only string Shows whether read only mode is enabled.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Config Single User Mode string Shows whether single user mode is enabled.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Disk Access Bytes Read float The Bytes Read of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Disk Access Bytes Written float The Bytes Written of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Disk Access IOPS float The IOPS of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Disk Access Read Delay float The Read Delay of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Disk Access Read Operations float The Read Operations of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Disk Access Total bytes float The Total bytes of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Disk Access Write Delay float The Write Delay of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Disk Access Write Operations float The Write Operations of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database General Availability Group Name string Name of availability group.
Microsoft SQL Server Database General Creation Date string The database creation date.
Microsoft SQL Server Database General Recovery Model string The recovery model of the database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database General Resource Name string The Resource Name of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database General Status string The current status of the database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database General Time Since Creation float Days since database was created.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Growth Smallest Fixed Size File Growth Increment float The Smallest Fixed Size File Growth Increment of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Growth Smallest Percent-based File Growth Increment float The Smallest Percent-based File Growth Increment of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Index Performance User Lookups float The User Lookups of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Index Performance User Scans float The User Scans of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Index Performance User Seeks float The User Seeks of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Index Performance User Updates float The User Updates of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Memory Buffer Pool Size float The Buffer Pool Size of the Database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Memory Effective Server Total float Total effective memory available to the SQL server.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Memory Effective Used float The amount of effective server memory in MB used by the database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Memory Effective Used Pages float The number of effective server memory pages used by the database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Data File Size float Size of the data file on a database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Log Cache Hit Ratio float Database log cache hit ratio.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Log Cache Hit Ratio Base float Database base log chache hit ratio.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Log Cache Reads float Database log cache reads over time.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Log File Size float Size of log file on database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Log File Used float Percentage of log file used on database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Log File Used Size float Log file size used on database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Log Pool Cache Misses float Database log cache misses over time.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Log Pool Disk Reads float Number of disk reads due to log cache misses for a database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Log Pool Requests float Database log cache requests over time.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Tracked Transactions float Database tracked transactions over time.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Transactions float Database transactions over time.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance Write Transactions float Database write transactions over time.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Size Database Backup Size float Database backup size
Microsoft SQL Server Database Size Database Log Size float Database log size.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Size Database Row Size float Database row size.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Size Total Used Disk Size float Total database file size on disk, this includes allocated but unused.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Relationships Always On Availability Group Parents string List of parent Always On Availability Group resources
Microsoft SQL Server Database Relationships File Children string List of child File resources
Microsoft SQL Server Database Relationships Instance Parents string List of parent Instance resources
Microsoft SQL Server Database Object Database Name string The Database Name of the Object.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Object Host string The Host of the Object.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Object Instance string The Instance of the Object.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Object Object Name string The Object Name of the Object.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Object Average Page Lock Wait Duration float Average page log wait time on database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Object Average Row Lock Wait Duration float Average row lock wait time on database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Object Page Locks float Number of page locks used by database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Object Page Lock Waits float Number of page locks currently in waiting state on database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Object Row Locks float Number of row locks on database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Object Row Lock Waits float Number of row locks currently in waiting state on database.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Object Database Parents string List of parent Database resources
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Buffer Cache Hit Ratio float The Buffer Cache Hit Ratio of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Buffer Ideal Page Life Expectancy float The Buffer Ideal Page Life Expectancy of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Buffer Page Life Expectancy integer The Buffer Page Life Expectancy of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Buffer Pool Hit Ratio float The Buffer Pool Hit Ratio of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Buffer Pool Size float The Buffer Pool Size of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Checkpoint Pages float The Checkpoint Pages of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Database Pages integer The Database Pages of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Free List Stalls float The Free List Stalls of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Lazy Writes float The Lazy Writes of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Page Lookups float The Page Lookups of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Page Reads float The Page Reads of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Page Splits float The Page Splits of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Page Writes float The Page Writes of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Procedure Cached Pages integer The Procedure Cached Pages of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Read Aheads float The Read Aheads of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Buffer Target Pages integer The Target Pages of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance CPU CPU Usage float The CPU Usage of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance CPU Max CPU Percent float This is a hard limit of 100% used for capacity calculations.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Cluster State Cluster Owner Status string The status of the owner cluster node.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Cluster State Cluster Status string The worst status across all nodes in the cluster.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Cluster State Number of Healthy Cluster Nodes integer The number of nodes in a cluster in the up state.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Cluster State Number of Unhealthy Cluster Nodes integer The number of nodes in a cluster in a down, paused, or unknown state.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Cluster State Is Current Owner (Deprecated) string
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Cluster State Status Text (Deprecated) string
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Cluster State Status Value (Deprecated) integer
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Connection Capacity Active Connections integer The Active Connections of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Connection Capacity Connections integer The Connections of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Connection Capacity Possible Connections integer The Possible Connections of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Connections Connections Reset float The Connections Reset of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Connections Logins float The Logins of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Connections Logouts float The Logouts of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Connections User Connections integer The User Connections of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Data File Size integer The Data File Size of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Log Cache Hit Ratio float The Log Cache Hit Ratio of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Log Cache Hit Ratio Base integer The Log Cache Hit Ratio Base of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Log Cache Misses float The Log Cache Misses of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Log Cache Reads float The Log Cache Reads of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Log Cache Requests float The Log Cache Requests of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Log File Size integer The Log File Size of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Log File Usage integer The Log File Usage of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Log File Used Size integer The Log File Used Size of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Log Pool Disk Reads float The Log Pool Disk Reads of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Track Transactions float The Track Transactions of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Transaction Summary float SQL Instance Transaction Summary
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Transactions float The Transactions of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Database Performance Write Transactions float The Write Transactions of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Access Bytes Read float Disk read rate of MS SQL Server.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Access Bytes Written float Disk write rate of MS SQL Server.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Access IOPS float Total amount of disk write and read operations.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Access Read Operations float This metric represents the amount of disk read operations over time.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Access Total bytes float Total throughput on disk.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Access Write Operations float This metrice represents the amount of disk write operations over time.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Capacity Total Disk Space integer The Total Disk Space of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Capacity Used Disk Space integer The Used Disk Space of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General AWE Enabled string AWE Enabled
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General CPU Count integer CPU Count
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General Current Cluster Owner string The name of the node in the cluster that is the current owner.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General MSSQL Architecture Type string MSSQL Architecture Type
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General Max Thread Count integer Max Thread Count
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General OS Architecture Type string OS Architecture Type
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General OS Memory integer OS Memory
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General Resource Name string The Resource Name of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General SQL Version string The SQL Version of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General Server Name string The Server Name of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General Service Name string The Service Name of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General Thread Size integer Thread Size
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General Type string The Type of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General Type string The Type of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance General Windows Version string The Windows Version of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance History Creation Date string The Creation Date of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance History Days Since Last Start integer The Days Since Last Start of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance History Most Recent Start Date string The Most Recent Start Date of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance History Time Since Creation integer The Time Since Creation of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Jobs Failed Jobs integer The Failed Jobs of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Jobs Successful Jobs integer The Successful Jobs of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Locks Average Wait Time integer The Average Wait Time of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Locks Average Wait Time Base integer The Average Wait Time Base of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Locks Deadlocks float The Deadlocks of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Locks Instance Wait Time float The Instance Wait Time of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Locks Lock Requests float The Lock Requests of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Locks Lock Timeouts float The Lock Timeouts of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Locks Lock Wait Time integer The Lock Wait Time of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Locks Lock Waits float The Lock Waits of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance MAC Addresses Agent Running string Indicates whether or not the agent is running. Agent must run to retrieve MAC Address.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance MAC Addresses MAC Addresses string Connected MAC Addresses
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Available Physical Memory float The Available Physical Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Connection Memory integer The Connection Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Database Cache Memory integer The Database Cache Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Effective Total Memory float The total amount of memory available between SQL Server and unused memory on the host.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Free Memory integer The Free Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Granted Workspace Memory integer The Granted Workspace Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Lock Memory integer The Lock Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Log Pool Memory integer The Log Pool Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Max Server Memory integer The Max Server Memory
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Maximum Workspace Memory integer The Maximum Workspace Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Memory Usage float The percentage of memory that is being utilized by SQL Server.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Optimizer Memory integer The Optimizer Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Physical Memory Max float The Physical Memory Max of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Physical Memory Recommended float The Physical Memory Recommended of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Physical Memory Used float The Physical Memory Used of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Reserved Server Memory integer The Reserved Server Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory SQL Cache Memory integer The SQL Cache Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Stolen Server Memory float The Stolen Server Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Total Physical Memory float The Total Physical Memory of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Memory Total Server Memory float The Total System Memory
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Process States Background Processes integer The Background Processes of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Process States Blocked Processes integer The Blocked Processes of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Process States Dormant Processes integer The Dormant Processes of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Process States Preconnect Processes integer The Preconnect Processes of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Process States Runnable Processes integer The Runnable Processes of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Process States Running Processes integer The Running Processes of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Process States Sleeping Processes integer The Sleeping Processes of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Process States Suspended Processes integer The Suspended Processes of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Queries Average Query CPU integer The Average Query CPU of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Queries Average Query Executions integer The Average Query Executions of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Queries Dead Locked Queries integer The Dead Locked Queries of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Queries High Query CPU integer The High Query CPU of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Queries High Query Executions integer The High Query Executions of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Queries Total Query CPU integer The Total Query CPU of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Queries Total Query Executions integer The Total Query Executions of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Statements Batch Compilation Ratio float The Batch Compilation Ratio of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Statements Batch Requests float The Batch Requests of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Statements Forced Parameterizations float The Forced Parameterizations of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Statements SQL Compilations float The SQL Compilations of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Statements SQL Recompilation Ratio float The SQL Recompilation Ratio of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Statements SQL Recompilations float The SQL Recompilations of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Tasks Runnable Tasks Count integer The Runnable Tasks Count of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Threads Threads integer The Threads of the Instance.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Relationships Cluster Node Children string List of child Cluster Node resources
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Relationships Database Children string List of child Database resources
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Relationships Job Children string List of child Job resources
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Relationships Microsoft SQL Server Parents string List of parent Microsoft SQL Server resources
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Relationships Microsoft SQL Server Tag Parents string List of parent Microsoft SQL Server Tag resources
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Relationships Query Children string List of child Query resources
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Relationships Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Virtual Machine resources
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Relationships Wait Type Children string List of child Wait Type resources
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Drive ID string The Drive ID of the Disk.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Host string The Host of the Disk.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Instance string The Instance of the Disk.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Disk Size integer The Disk Size of the Disk.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Available Disk Space integer The Available Disk Space of the Disk.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Resource Name string The Resource Name of the Disk.
Microsoft SQL Server Instance Disk Instance Parents string List of parent Instance resources
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Average Execution Time float The Average Execution Time of the Query.
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Execution Count float The Execution Count of the Query.
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Execution Count Counter float Execution Count Counter
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Execution Delta integer Execution Delta
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Execution Time float Execution Time
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Last Execution float The Last Execution of the Query.
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Last Update double Last time query was last updated
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Query HTML string The HTML version of the SQL text of this query
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Query Name string The Query Name of the Query.
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Query Text string The Query Text of the Query.
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Total Elapsed Time float Total Elapsed Time
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Total Logical Reads float Total Logical Reads
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Total Logical Writes float Total Logical Writes
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Total Physical Reads float Total Physical Reads
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Total Worker Time integer Total Worker Time
Microsoft SQL Server Query General Unique Query Plans integer The Unique Query Plans of the Query.
Microsoft SQL Server Query Relationships Instance Parents string List of parent Instance resources
Microsoft SQL Server Wait Type General Last Update double Last time wait type was last updated
Microsoft SQL Server Wait Type General Wait Time integer Total wait time for this wait type in milliseconds.
Microsoft SQL Server Wait Type General Waiting Tasks Count float Number of waits on this wait type. This counter is incremented at the start of each wait.
Microsoft SQL Server Wait Type Relationships Instance Parents string List of parent Instance resources
Microsoft SQL Server Job General Description string Description
Microsoft SQL Server Job


Name string Name
Microsoft SQL Server Job General Next Scheduled Run string Next Scheduled Run
Microsoft SQL Server Job General Steps integer Number of steps in the job
Microsoft SQL Server Job Relationships Instance Parents string List of Parent Instance Resources

Metrics by Permission

The following table indicates the metrics collected for each required permission indicated in Assigning MS SQL User Privileges.

Permission Resource Group Metric

Buffer Pool Size

Buffer Ideal Page Life Expectancy

Buffer Pool Hit Ratio

Total Server Memory

Max Server Memory

Total Physical Memory

Available Physical Memory

Physical Memory Used

Physical Memory Recommended

Physical Memory Max

Stolen Server Memory

SQL Cache Memory

Reserved Server Memory

Optimizer Memory

Maximum Workspace Memory

Log Pool Memory

Lock Memory

Granted Workspace Memory

Free Memory

Database Cache Memory

Connection Memory

Background Processes

Runnable Processes

Running Processes

Dormant Processes

Blocked Processes

Preconnect Processes

Sleeping Processes

Suspended Processes


Batch Requests

SQL Compilations

SQL Recompilations

Forced Parameterizations

SQL Recompilation Ratio

Batch Compilation Ratio

Lazy Writes

Page Writes

Free List Stalls

Checkpoint Pages

Buffer Page Life Expectancy

Page Lookups

Page Reads

Database Pages

Read Aheads

Procedure Cached Pages

Target Pages

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio



Connections Reset

User Connections

Creation Date

Most Recent Start Date

Time Since Creation

Days Since Last Start

Max Thread Count

Thread Size

CPU Count

OS Memory

Used Disk Space

Total Disk Space

CPU Usage


Active Connections


Possible Connections

Data File Size

Log File Size

Log File Used Size

Log Cache Reads

Log Cache Hit Ratio

Log Cache Hit Ratio Base

Log Cache Requests

Log Cache Misses

Log Pool Disk Reads

Write Transactions

Track Transactions

Log File Usage

Instance Wait Time

Runnable Tasks Count

Page Splits

Lock Requests

Lock Timeouts


Lock Waits

Lock Wait Time

Average Wait Time

Average Wait Time Base

Total Query CPU

High Query CPU

Average Query CPU

Total Query Executions

High Query Executions

Average Query Executions

Dead Locked Queries


Total bytes

Read Operations

Bytes Read

Write Operations

Bytes Written


SQL Handle

Statement Start Offset

Statement End Offset

Query Name

Query Text

Unique Query Plans

Execution Count

Execution Time

Last Execution

Average Execution Time

Total Physical Reads

Total Logical Reads

Total Logical Writes

Total Elapsed Time


Drive ID

Resource Name

Disk Size

Available Disk Space


Database Name

Effective Used Pages

Effective Used

Effective Server Total

User Scans

User Seeks

User Lookups

User Updates

Buffer Pool Size


Total bytes

Read Operations

Bytes Read

Write Operations

Bytes Written

Read Delay

Write Delay

Data File Size

Log File Size

Log File Used Size

Log File Used

Log Cache Reads

Log Cache Hit Ratio

Log Cache Hit Ratio Base

Log Pool Requests

Log Pool Cache Misses

Log Pool Disk Reads


Write Transactions

Tracked Transactions

Active Connections

Active Transactions

Size Used

Disk Space Available

Log Size

Space Available

Space Used

Total Space

Usable Disk Space

Synchronization State

Synchronization Health

Suspended Reason

Availability Group Name

Cluster Node

Node Name

Status Value

Status Text

Is Current Owner

Availability Group

Replica ID

Group ID


Automated Backup Preference


Primary Replica

Primary Recovery Health

Secondary Recovery Health

Synchronization Health

Synchronization Health Property

HADR Replica

Availability Group Name

Group ID


Availability Mode

Failover Mode

Wait Type

Wait Type

Wait Time

Waiting Tasks Count


Program Name

Open Sessions

CPU Time

Memory Usage

Max Elapsed Time



Logical Reads

public Instance

AWE Enabled

Total Server Memory

Max Server Memory

Creation Date

Most Recent Start Date

Time Since Creation

Days Since Last Start

Max Thread Count

Thread Size

CPU Count

OS Memory


Database Name

Data Space

Index Space

Reserved Space

Reserved Space Unused


Database Name

File ID

Physical Name


Used Space

Autogrow Type

Autogrow Percent

Autogrow Fixed

Autogrow Amount

Allocated Free Space

Free Space

Percent Used



Max Size



Creation Date

Most Recent Start Date

Time Since Creation

Days Since Last Start

Max Thread Count

Thread Size

CPU Count

OS Memory

Used Disk Space

Total Disk Space


Drive ID

Resource Name

Disk Size

Available Disk Space


Database Name

Smallest Percent-based File Growth Increment

Smallest Fixed Size File Growth Increment

Database Row Size

Database Log Size

Total Used Disk Size

Size Used

Disk Space Available

Log Size

Space Available

Space Used

Total Space

Usable Disk Space

Data Space

Index Space

Reserved Space

Reserved Space Unused

Availability Group Name

Availability Group

Replica ID

Group ID


Automated Backup Preference


Primary Replica

Primary Recovery Health

Secondary Recovery Health

Synchronization Health

Synchronization Health Property

HADR Replica

Availability Group Name

Group ID


Availability Mode

Failover Mode

GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[sysjobhistory] Instance

Successful Jobs

Failed Jobs


Job ID


Last Run Time

Last Message

Last Step

Last Run Status

Raw Last Run Status

Next Scheduled Run

Last Run Duration



Database Name

Resource Name

Recovery Model


Creation Date

Time Since Creation

Auto Close

Auto Create Statistics

Auto Shrink

Auto Update Statistics

Single User Mode

Read Only

Effective Used Pages

Effective Used

Effective Server Total

User Scans

User Seeks

User Lookups

User Updates

Auto Close Enabled

Auto Shrink Enabled

Active Connections

Active Transactions

Size Used

Disk Space Available

Log Size

Space Available

Space Used

Total Space

Usable Disk Space

Synchronization State

Synchronization Health

Suspended Reason

GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[sysjobactivity] Job

Job ID


Last Run Time

Last Message

Last Step

Last Run Status

Raw Last Run Status

Next Scheduled Run

Last Run Duration


GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[sysjobs_view] Job

Job ID


Last Run Time

Last Message

Last Step

Last Run Status

Raw Last Run Status

Next Scheduled Run

Last Run Duration


GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[sysjobsteps] Job Step

Job ID

Step ID

Step UID

Step Name



Last Run Outcome

Last Run Duration