The Management Pack for MySQL creates views that allow the user to view statistics of metrics for MySQL resources. The views help give a broad picture of the entire system, as opposed to a more in depth view.

The following views are available in the Management Pack:

View Type Description
MySQL Adapter Active Alerts List Shows active alerts for MySQL adapter resources and their descendants
MySQL Adapter Database KPIs List Shows all KPIs for MysQL adapter database
MySQL Adapter Health List Shows health and availability for MySQL adapter resources
MySQL Adapter Instance KPIs List Shows all KPIs for MySQL adapter instance
MySQL Adapter Instance Properties List Shows properties for MySQL adapter instance
MySQL Adapter Query KPIs List Shows all KPIs for MySQL adapter query
MySQL Adapter Query Properties List Shows properties for MySQL adapter query
MySQL Adapter Replication Master Properties List Shows properties for MySQL adapter replication master
MySQL Adapter Replication Slave Properties List Shows properties for MySQL adapter replication slave
MySQL Adapter Table KPIs List Shows all KPIs for MySQL adapter table
MySQL Adapter Tablespace Properties List Shows properties for MySQL adapter tablespace
MySQL Database Overview List Shows an overview of MySQL databases
MySQL Database Usage (Historic Data) Trend Shows the trends in the number of rows inserted, updated, and deleted for a given database
MySQL Instance Overview List Shows an overview of MySQL instances
MySQL Instance Usage (Historic Data) Trend Shows the number of rows that have been inserted, updated, deleted, or selected for a given MySQL instance
MySQL Master List Shows master properties
MySQL Master Stats List Shows master stats
MySQL Query List Shows details for MySQL queries
MySQL Query Text Text Shows the query text for the selected MySQL query
MySQL Slave List Shows slave properties
MySQL Slowest Queries List Shows details for the slowest queries in a MySQL system
MySQL Table Usage (Historic Data) Trend Shows the number of rows inserted, updated, and deleted for a given MySQL table as a trend
MySQL Throughput List Shows I/O related information for MySQL systems

To access the Management Pack views:

  1. Navigate to Environment > All Objects > MySQL.
  2. Double-click on the desired object (resource).
  3. Select the Details tab, then Views.

The available views for that resource are listed and can be selected.

Accessing Views
