The Management Pack for NetApp FAS/AFF collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to NetApp FAS/AFF resource kinds.



Category Key Label Data Type Units Description
Aggregate Capacity available_data Available Data Float %
Aggregate Capacity available_data_capacity Available Data Capacity Float Gibibytes
Aggregate Capacity daily_growth_rate Daily Growth Rate Float %
Aggregate Capacity days_to_full Days To Full Integer Days
Aggregate Capacity external_capacity_tier_space_used External Capacity Tier Space Used Float Gibibytes
Aggregate Performance iops IOPS Float Operations per Second
Aggregate Performance latency Latency Float Milliseconds
Aggregate Capacity overcommitted_capacity Overcommitted Capacity Float %
Aggregate Capacity snapshot_reserve_available Snapshot Reserve Available Float %
Aggregate Capacity snapshot_reserve_available_capacity Snapshot Reserve Available Capacity Float Gibibytes
Aggregate Capacity snapshot_reserve_total_capacity Snapshot Reserve Total Capacity Float Gibibytes
Aggregate Capacity snapshot_reserve_used Snapshot Reserve Used Float %
Aggregate Capacity snapshot_reserve_used_capacity Snapshot Reserve Used Capacity Float Gibibytes
Aggregate Status state State Enum Unitless
Aggregate Status status Status Enum Unitless
Aggregate Performance throughput Throughput Float Mebibytes per Second
Aggregate Capacity total_committed Total Committed Float Gibibytes
Aggregate Capacity total_data_capacity Total Data Capacity Float Gibibytes
Aggregate Capacity used_data Used Data Float %
Aggregate Capacity used_data_capacity Used Data Capacity Float Gibibytes
Aggregate Performance used_headroom Used Headroom Float %
Aggregate Performance utilization Utilization Float %
Cluster Capacity aggregate_total_capacity Aggregate Total Capacity Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity aggregate_unused_capacity Aggregate Unused Capacity Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity aggregate_used_capacity Aggregate Used Capacity Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity allocated_lun_capacity Allocated LUN Capacity Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity available_capacity Available Capacity Float Gibibytes
Cluster Capacity capacity_utilization Capacity Utilization Float %
Cluster Performance iops IOPS Float Operations per Second
Cluster Details node_count Node Count Integer Unitless
Cluster Capacity raw_capacity Raw Capacity Float Tebibytes
Cluster Status status Status Enum Unitless
Cluster Performance throughput Throughput Float Mebibytes per Second
Cluster Capacity total_capacity Total Capacity Float Gibibytes
Cluster Capacity total_cluster_storage_grid_capacity_space_used Total Cluster Storage Grid Capacity Space Used Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity total_external_capacity_tier_licensed_space Total External Capacity Tier Licensed Space Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity total_external_capacity_tier_licensed_space_used Total External Capacity Tier Licensed Space Used Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity unallocated_lun_capacity Unallocated LUN Capacity Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity unconfigured_raw_capacity Unconfigured Raw Capacity Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity used_capacity Used Capacity Float Gibibytes
Cluster Capacity volume_protection_capacity Volume Protection Capacity Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity volume_total_capacity Volume Total Capacity Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity volume_unused_capacity Volume Unused Capacity Float Tebibytes
Cluster Capacity volume_used_capacity Volume Used Capacity Float Tebibytes
LIF Performance iops IOPS Float Operations per Second
LIF Performance latency Latency Float Milliseconds
LIF Status status Status Enum Unitless
LIF Performance throughput Throughput Float Mebibytes per Second
LUN Capacity available_capacity Available Capacity Float Gibibytes
LUN Capacity capacity_utilization Capacity Utilization Float %
LUN Performance iops IOPS Float Operations per Second
LUN Performance latency Latency Float Milliseconds
LUN Status status Status Enum Unitless
LUN Performance throughput Throughput Float Mebibytes per Second
LUN Capacity total_capacity Total Capacity Float Gibibytes
LUN Capacity used_capacity Used Capacity Float Gibibytes
Namespace Capacity available_capacity Available Capacity Float Gibibytes
Namespace Capacity capacity_utilization Capacity Utilization Float %
Namespace Performance iops IOPS Float Operations per Second
Namespace Performance latency Latency Float Milliseconds
Namespace Status state State Enum Unitless
Namespace Status status Status Enum Unitless
Namespace Performance throughput Throughput Float Mebibytes per Second
Namespace Capacity total_capacity Total Capacity Float Gibibytes
Namespace Capacity used_capacity Used Capacity Float Gibibytes
NFS Export Status junction_path_active Junction Path Active Enum Unitless
NFS Export Status status Status Enum Unitless
NFS Export Status volume_state Volume State Enum Unitless
NFS Export User Configuration rule_index Rule Index String Unitless
NFS Export Details svm_id SVM ID Integer Unitless SVM ID.
NFS Export Details volume_id Volume ID Integer Unitless Volume ID.
Node Capacity available_capacity Available Capacity Float Gibibytes
Node Capacity capacity_utilization Capacity Utilization Float %
Node Performance flash_cache_reads Flash Cache Reads Float %
Node Performance iops IOPS Float Operations per Second
Node Performance latency Latency Float Milliseconds
Node Status status Status Enum Unitless
Node Performance throughput Throughput Float Mebibytes per Second
Node Capacity total_capacity Total Capacity Float Gibibytes
Node Capacity used_capacity Used Capacity Float Gibibytes
Node Performance utilization Utilization Float %
Node Uncategorized metric_key_value_of_100_custom_metric Value of 100 for Capacity Calculations Float %
Port Details speed Speed Integer Megabits per Second
Port Status status Status Enum Unitless
Port Performance throughput Throughput Float Mebibytes per Second
Port Performance utilization Utilization Float %
QOS Policy Group Details expected_latency Expected Latency Float Milliseconds Expected latency value of a policy.
QTree Capacity disk_used_percentage Disk Used Percentage Float % Displays the percentage of the disk space used.
QTree Capacity files_used_percentage Files Used Percentage Float % Displays the percentage of files used in the qtree.
QTree Status status Status Enum Unitless Displays the current status of the qtree.
SVM Capacity available_capacity Available Capacity Float Gibibytes
SVM Performance iops IOPS Float Operations per Second
SVM Performance latency Latency Float Milliseconds
SVM Status status Status Enum Unitless
SVM Performance throughput Throughput Float Mebibytes per Second
SVM Capacity total_capacity Total Capacity Float Gibibytes
SVM Capacity used_data Used Data Float %
SVM Capacity used_data_capacity Used Data Capacity Float Gibibytes
Volume Capacity available_data Available Data Float %
Volume Capacity available_data_capacity Available Data Capacity Float Gibibytes
Volume Capacity compression_space_savings Compression Space Savings Float Gibibytes
Volume Capacity daily_growth_rate Daily Growth Rate Float %
Volume Capacity days_to_full Days To Full Integer Days
Volume Capacity deduplication_space_savings Deduplication Space Savings Float Gibibytes
Volume Capacity inode_utilization Inode Utilization Float %
Volume Performance iops IOPS Float Operations per Second
Volume Performance latency Latency Float Milliseconds
Volume User Configuration quota_committed_capacity Quota Committed Capacity Float Gibibytes
Volume Capacity snapshot_overflow Snapshot Overflow Float %
Volume Capacity snapshot_reserve_available Snapshot Reserve Available Float %
Volume Capacity snapshot_reserve_available_capacity Snapshot Reserve Available Capacity Float Gibibytes
Volume Capacity snapshot_reserve_total_capacity Snapshot Reserve Total Capacity Float Gibibytes
Volume Capacity snapshot_reserve_used Snapshot Reserve Used Float %
Volume Capacity snapshot_reserve_used_capacity Snapshot Reserve Used Capacity Float Gibibytes
Volume Status state State Enum Unitless
Volume Status status Status Enum Unitless
Volume Performance throughput Throughput Float Mebibytes per Second
Volume Capacity total_data_capacity Total Data Capacity Float Gibibytes
Volume Details total_number_of_inodes Total Number Of Inodes Integer Unitless
Volume Details type Type String Unitless
Volume Capacity used_data Used Data Float %
Volume Capacity used_data_capacity Used Data Capacity Float Gibibytes