Using the predictive analytics capabilities of vRealize Operations through capacity definitions, the Management Pack for NetApp HCI & SolidFire populates capacities as indicated in the table below.

Capacity Definitions List

Resource Calculated Capacity Metric Max Metric Usage Metric
Cluster vRealize Calculated IOPS Capacity max_iops current_iops
Cluster vRealize Calculated Used Space Capacity max_used_space used_space
Cluster vRealize Calculated Provisioned Space Capacity max_provisioned_space provisioned_space
Cluster vRealize Calculated Metadata Space Capacity max_used_metadata_space used_metadata_space
Volume vRealize Calculated QOS IOPS Maximum Capacity qos_max_iops actual_iops
VVOL vRealize Calculated QOS IOPS Maximum Capacity qos_max_iops actual_iops

Capacity Tab Example in vROps 6.7
