You may find that your Palo Alto Networks Environment Overview dashboard displays a large number of Virtual Machines in the Environment Overview widget. You can filter this dashboard widget to show only the VMs hosting your Palo Alto Next-Generation Firewalls to limit the resources shown. The following tag is available for filtering the Environment Overview widget:

  • Palo Alto Networks VM Tag

To select the tag for filtering, perform the following steps:

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Dashboards .
  2. Select the specific dashboard you want to filter (in this case, Palo Alto Networks Environment Overview).
  3. For the dashboard widget you want to filter (in this case, Environment Overview), hover over the widget header at the top until icons appear on the right.
  4. Select Edit Widget .

  5. In the dialog that appears, under Select which tags to filter, select the desired Palo Alto Networks VM tag from the list.
  6. To save your configuration and exit the Edit window, click Save .

    Now only the VMs hosting Firewalls should be present from the Environment Overview widget.