The Management Pack for SAP HANA collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to SAP HANA resource kinds.

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Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Description
SAP HANA Tag Relationships Virtual Machine Children string List of children Virtual Machine resources
SAP HANA Disk Capacity Total Size integer The Total Size of the Disk.
SAP HANA Disk Capacity Used Size integer The Used Size of the Disk.
SAP HANA Disk Capacity Utilization float The Utilization of the Disk.
SAP HANA Disk Details Device Name string The Device Name of the Disk.
SAP HANA Disk Details Disk IDs on Device string The Disk IDs on Device of the Disk.
SAP HANA Disk Details Host string The Host of the Disk.
SAP HANA Disk I/O Total Read Size integer The Total Read Size of the Disk.
SAP HANA Disk I/O Total Reads float The Total Reads of the Disk.
SAP HANA Disk I/O Total Write Size integer The Total Write Size of the Disk.
SAP HANA Disk I/O Total Writes float The Total Writes of the Disk.
SAP HANA Disk Relationships System Parents string List of parent System resources
SAP HANA Host CPU CPU Usage float The CPU Usage of the Host.
SAP HANA Host CPU CPU Utilization float The CPU Utilization of the Host.
SAP HANA Host CPU Database CPU Time float The Database CPU Time of the Host.
SAP HANA Host CPU Total CPU Time float The Total CPU Time of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Cache Cache Capacity integer The Cache Capacity of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Cache Cache Entries float The Cache Entries of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Cache Cache Hits float The Cache Hits of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Cache Cache Inserts float The Cache Inserts of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Cache Cache Invalidates float The Cache Invalidates of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Cache Cache Misses float The Cache Misses of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Cache Caches integer The Caches of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Cache Used Cache integer The Used Cache of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Details Failover Group string The Failover Group of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Details IP Address string The IP Address of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Details Max Service Start Time string The Max Service Start Time of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Details Storage Partition string The Storage Partition of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Memory Database Memory Used integer The Database Memory Used of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Memory Database Memory Utilization float The Database Memory Utilization of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Memory Database Resident Memory integer The Database Resident Memory of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Memory Memory Allocation Limit integer The Memory Allocation Limit of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Memory Physical Memory Utilization float The Physical Memory Utilization of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Memory Total Physical Memory integer The Total Physical Memory of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Memory Total Resident Memory integer The Total Resident Memory of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Memory Used Physical Memory integer The Used Physical Memory of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Network Total Data Received float The Total Data Received of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Network Total Data Sent float The Total Data Sent of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Network Total Data Transferred float The Total Data Transferred of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Roles Actual Indexserver Role string The Actual Indexserver Role of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Roles Actual Nameserver Role string The Actual Nameserver Role of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Roles Configured Indexserver Role string The Configured Indexserver Role of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Roles Configured Nameserver Role string The Configured Nameserver Role of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Status Active string The Active of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Status Failover string The Failover of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Status Record Locks integer The Record Locks of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Status Status string The Status of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Status Uptime float The Uptime of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Swap Swap Utilization float The Swap Utilization of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Swap Total Swap Capacity integer The Total Swap Capacity of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Swap Used Swap integer The Used Swap of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Aborting Transactions integer The Aborting Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Active Prepare Commit Transactions integer The Active Prepare Commit Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Active Transactions integer The Active Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Average Current Transaction Run Time float The Average Current Transaction Run Time of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Current Transactions integer The Current Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions DDL Garbage Collection Transactions integer The DDL Garbage Collection Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions External Transactions integer The External Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Garbage Collection Transactions integer The Garbage Collection Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Inactive Transactions integer The Inactive Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Internal Transactions integer The Internal Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Max Current Transaction Run Time float The Max Current Transaction Run Time of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Partial Aborting Transactions integer The Partial Aborting Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Precommitted Transactions integer The Precommitted Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions Total Transactions integer The Total Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Transactions User Transactions integer The User Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Active Threads integer The Active Threads of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Average Response Time float The Average Response Time of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Blocked Transactions integer The Blocked Transactions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Current Connections integer The Current Connections of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Expensive Statements integer The Expensive Statements of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Expensive Statements Duration integer The Expensive Statements Duration of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Idle Connections integer The Idle Connections of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Inactive Threads integer The Inactive Threads of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Jobs integer The Jobs of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Request Rate float The Request Rate of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Running Connections integer The Running Connections of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Total Select Executions float The Total Select Executions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Workload Total Update Executions float The Total Update Executions of the Host.
SAP HANA Host Relationships Service Children string List of child Service resources
SAP HANA Host Relationships System Parents string List of parent System resources
SAP HANA Host Relationships Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Virtual Machine resources
SAP HANA Service CPU Process CPU integer The Process CPU of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Cache Cache Capacity integer The Cache Capacity of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Cache Cache Entries float The Cache Entries of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Cache Cache Hits float The Cache Hits of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Cache Cache Inserts float The Cache Inserts of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Cache Cache Invalidates float The Cache Invalidates of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Cache Cache Misses float The Cache Misses of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Cache Cache Used integer The Cache Used of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Cache Caches integer The Caches of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Details Process ID integer The Process ID of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Details SQL Port string The SQL Port of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Details Service Port string The Service Port of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Details Service Role string Coordinator type in distributed landscape
SAP HANA Service Details Start Time string The Start Time of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Details Uptime float The Uptime of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Garbage Collection Enters float The Enters of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Garbage Collection Histories float The Histories of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Garbage Collection Processed Jobs float The Processed Jobs of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Garbage Collection Queue Empty Count float The Queue Empty Count of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Garbage Collection Queue Load Count float The Queue Load Count of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Garbage Collection Queue NonEmpty Load Count float The Queue NonEmpty Load Count of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Garbage Collection Savepoints float The Savepoints of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Garbage Collection Started Jobs float The Started Jobs of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Garbage Collection Waiters float The Waiters of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Memory Effective Allocation Limit integer The Effective Allocation Limit of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Memory Memory Used integer The Memory Used of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Memory Utilization float The Utilization of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Status Active string The Active of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Status Record Locks integer The Record Locks of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Aborting Transactions integer The Aborting Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Active Prepare Commit Transactions integer The Active Prepare Commit Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Active Threads integer The Active Threads of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Active Transactions integer The Active Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Average Current Transaction Run Time float The Average Current Transaction Run Time of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Blocked Transactions integer The Blocked Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Current Transactions integer The Current Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload DDL Garbage Collection Transactions integer The DDL Garbage Collection Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Expensive Statements integer The Expensive Statements of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Expensive Statements Duration integer The Expensive Statements Duration of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload External Transactions integer The External Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Garbage Collection Transactions integer The Garbage Collection Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Idle Connections integer The Idle Connections of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Inactive Threads integer The Inactive Threads of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Inactive Transactions integer The Inactive Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Internal Transactions integer The Internal Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Jobs integer The Jobs of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Max Current Transaction Run Time float The Max Current Transaction Run Time of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Open Files integer The Open Files of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Partial Aborting Transactions integer The Partial Aborting Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Pending Requests integer The Pending Requests of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Precommitted Transactions integer The Precommitted Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Requests float The Requests of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Response Time integer The Response Time of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload Running Connections integer The Running Connections of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Workload User Transactions integer The User Transactions of the Service.
SAP HANA Service Relationships Host Parents string List of parent Host resources
SAP HANA Service Relationships Volume Children string List of child Volume resources
SAP HANA Service Service Shared Memory Category string The Category of the Service Shared Memory.
SAP HANA Service Service Shared Memory Host string The Host of the Service Shared Memory.
SAP HANA Service Service Shared Memory Port string The Port of the Service Shared Memory.
SAP HANA Service Service Shared Memory Allocated Size integer The Allocated Size of the Service Shared Memory.
SAP HANA Service Service Shared Memory Free Size integer The Free Size of the Service Shared Memory.
SAP HANA Service Service Shared Memory Used Size integer The Used Size of the Service Shared Memory.
SAP HANA Service Service Shared Memory Service Parents string List of parent Service resources
SAP HANA System CPU Average Core Utilization float The average core utilization the System.
SAP HANA System CPU I/O Wait Time float The I/O Wait Time of the System.
SAP HANA System CPU Idle Time float The Idle Time of the System.
SAP HANA System CPU System Time float The System Time of the System.
SAP HANA System CPU User Time float The User Time of the System.
SAP HANA System Details Total Hosts integer The Total Hosts of the System.
SAP HANA System Details Version string The Version of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Data Backup Capacity integer The Data Backup Capacity of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Data Backup Usage integer The Data Backup Usage of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Data Backup Utilization float The Data Backup Utilization of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Data Capacity integer The Data Capacity of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Data Usage integer The Data Usage of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Data Utilization float The Data Utilization of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Log Backup Capacity integer The Log Backup Capacity of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Log Backup Usage integer The Log Backup Usage of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Log Backup Utilization float The Log Backup Utilization of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Log Capacity integer The Log Capacity of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Log Usage integer The Log Usage of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Log Utilization float The Log Utilization of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Trace Capacity integer The Trace Capacity of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Trace Usage integer The Trace Usage of the System.
SAP HANA System Disk Trace Utilization float The Trace Utilization of the System.
SAP HANA System Host Information CPU Cores integer The CPU Cores of the System.
SAP HANA System Host Information CPU Model string The CPU Model of the System.
SAP HANA System Host Information Hostnames string The Hostnames of the System.
SAP HANA System Host Information IP Addresses string The IP Addresses of the System.
SAP HANA System Host Information Operating System Name string The Operating System Name of the System.
SAP HANA System Host Information Physical Memory integer The Physical Memory of the System.
SAP HANA System Host Information Public Name string The Public Name of the System.
SAP HANA System Host Information Swap Memory integer The Swap Memory of the System.
SAP HANA System License Days Until License Expiration string The Days Until License Expiration of the System.
SAP HANA System License Hardware Key string The Hardware Key of the System.
SAP HANA System License Install Number string The Install Number of the System.
SAP HANA System License License Expiration Date string The License Expiration Date of the System.
SAP HANA System License License is Enforced string The License is Enforced of the System.
SAP HANA System License License is Locked Down string The License is Locked Down of the System.
SAP HANA System License License is Permanent string The License is Permanent of the System.
SAP HANA System License License is Valid string The License is Valid of the System.
SAP HANA System License Product Limit integer The Product Limit of the System.
SAP HANA System License Product Name string The Product Name of the System.
SAP HANA System License Product Usage integer The Product Usage of the System.
SAP HANA System License Product Utilization float The Product Utilization of the System.
SAP HANA System License System ID string The System ID of the System.
SAP HANA System License System Number string The System Number of the System.
SAP HANA System Memory Global Allocation Limit integer The Global Allocation Limit of the System.
SAP HANA System Memory Physical Memory Used integer The Physical Memory Used of the System.
SAP HANA System Memory Physical Memory Utilization float The Physical Memory Utilization of the System.
SAP HANA System Memory Total Physical Memory integer The Total Physical Memory of the System.
SAP HANA System Memory Total Virtual Memory integer The Total Virtual Memory of the System.
SAP HANA System Memory Virtual Memory Used integer The Virtual Memory Used of the System.
SAP HANA System Memory Virtual Memory Utilization float The Virtual Memory Utilization of the System.
SAP HANA System Status Alerts Status string The Alerts Status of the System.
SAP HANA System Status All Services Started Status string The All Services Started Status of the System.
SAP HANA System Status CPU Status string The CPU Status of the System.
SAP HANA System Status Disk Data Status string The Disk Data Status of the System.
SAP HANA System Status Disk Log Status string The Disk Log Status of the System.
SAP HANA System Status Disk Trace Status string The Disk Trace Status of the System.
SAP HANA System Status Last Update Install Time string The Last Update Install Time of the System.
SAP HANA System Status Memory Status string The Memory Status of the System.
SAP HANA System Workload Average Response Time float The Average Response Time of the System.
SAP HANA System Workload Blocked Transactions integer The Blocked Transactions of the System.
SAP HANA System Workload Expensive Statement Duration integer The Expensive Statement Duration of the System.
SAP HANA System Workload Expensive Statements integer The Expensive Statements of the System.
SAP HANA System Workload Idle Connections integer The Idle Connections of the System.
SAP HANA System Workload Inactive Hosts float The Inactive Hosts of the System.
SAP HANA System Workload Jobs integer The Jobs of the System.
SAP HANA System Workload Request Rate float The Request Rate of the System.
SAP HANA System Workload Running Connections integer The Running Connections of the System.
SAP HANA System Workload Running Hosts integer The Running Hosts of the System.
SAP HANA System Relationships Disk Children string List of child Disk resources
SAP HANA System Relationships Host Children string List of child Host resources
SAP HANA Volume Calls Close Calls float The Close Calls of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Calls Exists Calls float The Exists Calls of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Calls GetDeviceID Calls float The GetDeviceID Calls of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Calls GetModificationTime Calls float The GetModificationTime Calls of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Calls GetSize Calls float The GetSize Calls of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Calls Open Calls float The Open Calls of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Calls Remove Calls float The Remove Calls of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Calls Resize Calls float The Resize Calls of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Calls Sync Calls float The Sync Calls of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Capacity Data Size integer The Data Size of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Capacity Log Size integer The Log Size of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Details Disk IDs string The Disk IDs of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Details Host string The Host of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Details Port string The Port of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Details Service Name string The Service Name of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Details Subpath string The Subpath of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O EOF Reads float The EOF Reads of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Appends float The Total Appends of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Async Reads float The Total Async Reads of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Async Writes float The Total Async Writes of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Failed Reads float The Total Failed Reads of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Failed Writes float The Total Failed Writes of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Full Retry Reads float The Total Full Retry Reads of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Full Retry Writes float The Total Full Retry Writes of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total I/O Time float The Total I/O Time of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Read Size float The Total Read Size of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Read Time float The Total Read Time of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Reads float The Total Reads of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Short Reads float The Total Short Reads of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Short Writes float The Total Short Writes of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Sync Reads float The Total Sync Reads of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Sync Writes float The Total Sync Writes of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Trigger Async Reads float The Total Trigger Async Reads of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Trigger Async Writes float The Total Trigger Async Writes of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Write Size float The Total Write Size of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Write Time float The Total Write Time of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume I/O Total Writes float The Total Writes of the Volume.
SAP HANA Volume Relationships Service Parents string List of parent Service resources