The Management Pack for VMware Tanzu Application Service creates Resource Kinds and Relationships (associations) for critical resources in your Pivotal Cloud Foundry environment.

Resource Kinds

Performance, health, and availability data are collected for the following PCF resource kinds:

  1. Access
  2. Application
  3. Application Instance
  4. Availability Zone
  5. BOSH Job
  6. Bulletin Board System (BBS)
  7. CC-Bridge
  8. Cloud Controller
  9. Consul
  10. Diego Brain
  11. Diego Cell
  12. Doppler Server
  13. Etcd Server
  14. Foundation
  15. GoRouter
  16. Organization
  17. Service
  18. Space
  19. Traffic Controller


Relationships among discovered resources are also created by the Management Pack. The organizational and hierarchical structure of those relationships is depicted in the diagram below.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry Relationships Diagram

Note: External relationships to Azure VMs require the Management Pack for Microsoft Azure, and external relationships to EC2 Instances require the Management Pack for Amazon Web Services.

External Relationships

In addition to internal relationships, the Management Pack for PCF includes the following external relationships:

  • Virtual Machine/EC2 Instance > BBS
  • Virtual Machine/EC2 Instance > BOSH Job
  • Virtual Machine/EC2 Instance > Cloud Controller
  • Virtual Machine/EC2 Instance > Consul
  • Virtual Machine/EC2 Instance > Diego Brain

  • Virtual Machine/EC2 Instance > Diego Cell
  • Virtual Machine/EC2 Instance > Doppler Server
  • Virtual Machine/EC2 Instance > etcd
  • Virtual Machine/EC2 Instance > GoRouter

  • Virtual Machine/EC2 Instance > Traffic Controller