The Management Pack for VMware Tanzu Application Service creates alerts (and in most cases provides recommended actions) based on various symptoms it detects in your VMware Tanzu Application Service Environment. See the table below for the list of alerts available in the management pack.

Note: The alerts below are based on VMware Tanzu Application Service KPI best practices. For more information on VMware Tanzu Application Service KPIs, see: VMware Tanzu Application Service's Key Performance Indicators documentation.
Name Description Symptom Recommendation
Cloud Controller Memory Usage is High This alert indicates that the percentage of memory usage is high Percentage of Memory Used is High
Cloud Controller Memory Usage is Very High This alert indicates that the percentage of memory usage is very high Percentage of Memory Used is Very High
Firehose Throughput delta is high Firehose log receiver may need to be scaled up. Total messages received across all Doppler listeners is high Pivotal recommends that you do not scale down these components on flat or downward delta trends because unexpected spikes in throughput can cause log loss if not scaled appropriately.
Truncating Buffer Dropped Messages is Greater Than 0 This alert indicates that the nozzle or the TrafficController is not keeping up. Truncating Buffer Dropped Messages is Greater Than 0 In order to reduce logging message loss try scaling up the nozzle or the Traffic Controller.
Doppler Server has Firehose Dropped Messages Critical This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in pcf. Firehose Dropped Messages Critical Scale up the Firehose log receiver and Dopplers.
Doppler Server has Firehose Dropped Messages Warning This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in pcf. Firehose Dropped Messages Warning Scale up the Firehose log receiver and Dopplers.
total routes delta is low This alert indicates that the total routes delta is low. Total routes delta is High

1. For capacity needs, scale up or down the Gorouter VMs as necessary.

2. For significant drops in current total routes, see the gorouter.ms_since_last_registry_update metric value for additional context.

3. Check the Gorouter and Route Emitter logs to see if they are experiencing issues when connecting to NATS.

4. Check the BOSH logs to see if the NATS, Gorouter, or Route Emitter VMs are failing.

5. Look broadly at the health of all VMs, particularly Diego-related VMs.

6. If problems persist, pull the Gorouter and Route Emitter logs and contact Pivotal Support.

total routes delta is high This alert indicates that the total routes delta is high. Total routes delta is High

1. For capacity needs, scale up or down the Gorouter VMs as necessary.

2. For significant drops in current total routes, see the gorouter.ms_since_last_registry_update metric value for additional context.

3. Check the Gorouter and Route Emitter logs to see if they are experiencing issues when connecting to NATS.

4. Check the BOSH logs to see if the NATS, Gorouter, or Route Emitter VMs are failing.

5. Look broadly at the health of all VMs, particularly Diego-related VMs.

6. If problems persist, pull the Gorouter and Route Emitter logs and contact Pivotal Support.

Server Errors Rate is high This alert indicates that an app may be crashing. Server Errors rate is High

1. Look for out-of-memory errors and other app-level errors.

2. As a temporary measure, ensure that the troublesome app is scaled to more than one instance.

Number of 502 Bad Gateways is high This alert indicates that route tables may be stale. Number of 502 Bad Gateways is High

1. Check the Gorouter and Route Emitter logs to see if they are experiencing issues when connecting to NATS.

2. Check the BOSH logs to see if the NATS, Gorouter, or Route Emitter VMs are failing.

3. Look broadly at the health of all VMs, particularly Diego-related VMs.

4. If problems persist, pull Gorouter and Route Emitter logs and contact Pivotal Support to say there has been an unusual increase in Gorouter bad gateway responses.

router handling latency average is high This alert indicates that a gorouter job may be impacting responsiveness Router handling latency is High

Extended periods of high latency can point to several factors. The Gorouter latency measure includes network and app latency impacts as well.

1. First inspect logs for network issues and indications of misbehaving apps.

2. If it appears that the Gorouter needs to scale due to ongoing traffic congestion, do not scale on the latency metric alone. You should also look at the CPU utilization of the Gorouter VMs and keep it within a maximum 60-70% range.

3. Resolve high utilization by scaling the Gorouter.

backend exhausted connections is high This alert indicates that PCF may have one or more unresponsive applications Backend Exhausted Connections is High

1. If gorouter.backend_exhausted_conns spikes, first look to the Router Throughput metric gorouter.total_requests to determine if this measure is high or low in relation to normal bounds for this deployment.

2. If Router Throughput appears within normal bounds, it is likely that gorouter.backend_exhausted_conns is spiking due to an unresponsive application, possibly due to application code issues or underlying application dependency issues. To help determine the problematic application, look in access logs for repeated calls to one application. Then proceed to troubleshoot this application accordingly.

3. If Router Throughput also shows unusual spikes, the cause of the increase in gorouter.backend_exhausted_conns spikes is likely external to the platform. Unusual increases in load may be due to expected business events driving additional traffic to applications. Unexpected increases in load may indicate a DDoS attack risk.

GoRouter has Maximum file descriptors Critical This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in pcf. Maximum file descriptors Critical

1. Identify which app(s) are requesting excessive connections and resolve the impacting issues with these apps.

2. If the above recommended mitigation steps have not already been taken, do so.

3. Consider adding more Gorouter VM resources to increase the number of available file descriptors.

GoRouter has Maximum file descriptors Warning This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in pcf. Maximum file descriptors Warning

1. Identify which app(s) are requesting excessive connections and resolve the impacting issues with these apps.

2. If the above recommended mitigation steps have not already been taken, do so.

3. Consider adding more Gorouter VM resources to increase the number of available file descriptors.

GoRouter has Time Since Last Route Register Received Critical This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in pcf. Time Since Last Route Register Received Critical

1. Search the Gorouter and Route Emitter logs for connection issues to NATS.

2. Check the BOSH logs to see if the NATS, Gorouter, or Route Emitter VMs are failing.

3. Look more broadly at the health of all VMs, particularly Diego-related VMs.

4. If problems persist, pull the Gorouter and Route Emitter logs and contact Pivotal Support to say there are consistently long delays in route registry.

Route Emitter Sync Pass Duration Max is High

If all or many jobs showing as impacted, there is likely an issue with Diego.

Route Emitter Sync Pass Duration Max is High

1. Investigate the Route Emitter and Diego BBS logs for errors.

2. Verify that app routes are functional by making a request to an app, pushing an app and pinging it, or if applicable, checking that your smoke tests have passed.

If one or a few jobs showing as impacted, there is likely a connectivity issue and the impacted job should be investigated further.

Disk Usage is High This alert indicates that the disk usage for this cell is high Disk Usage is high
Total Amount of Disk Space Available is Very Low This alert indicates that the disk usage for this cell is very high Disk Usage is Very High
Total Amount of Memory Available is Low This alert indicates that the amount of memory available for this cell to allocate to containers is low Total Amount of Memory Available is Low
Diego Cell has Remaining Disk Available Critical This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in pcf. Remaining Disk Available Critical

1. Assign more resources to the cells or assign more cells.

2. Scale additional Diego cells via Ops Manager.

Diego Cell has Remaining Disk Available Warning This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in pcf. Remaining Disk Available Warning

1. Assign more resources to the cells or assign more cells.

2. Scale additional Diego cells via Ops Manager.

Diego Cell has Unhealthy Cells Critical This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in pcf. Unhealthy Cells Critical

1. Investigate BBS logs for faults and errors.

2. If a particular cell or cells appear problematic, pull logs for that cell, as well as the BBS logs before contacting Pivotal Support.

Diego Cell has Overall Remaining Memory Available Critical This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in pcf. Overall Remaining Memory Available Critical

1. Assign more resources to the cells or assign more cells.

2. Scale additional Diego cells via Ops Manager.

Diego Cell has Overall Remaining Memory Available Warning This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in pcf. Overall Remaining Memory Available Warning

1. Assign more resources to the cells or assign more cells.

2. Scale additional Diego cells via Ops Manager.

Diego Cell has Cell Rep Time to Sync Critical This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in pcf. Cell Rep Time to Sync Critical

1. Investigate BBS logs for faults and errors.

2. If a particular cell or cells appear problematic, pull logs for the cells and the BBS logs before contacting Pivotal Support.

Diego Cell has Cell Rep Time to Sync Warning This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in pcf. Cell Rep Time to Sync Warning

1. Investigate BBS logs for faults and errors.

2. If a particular cell or cells appear problematic, pull logs for the cells and the BBS logs before contacting Pivotal Support.

Diego Brain has Auctioneer App Instance (AI) Placement Failures Critical This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in pcf. Auctioneer App Instance (AI) Placement Failures Critical

1. To best determine the root cause, examine the Auctioneer logs. Depending on the specific error and resource constraint, you may also find a failure reason in the Cloud Controller (CC) API.

2. Investigate the health of your Diego cells to determine if they are the resource type causing the problem.

3. Consider scaling additional cells using Ops Manager.

4. If scaling cells does not solve the problem, pull Diego brain logs and BBS node logs and contact Pivotal Support telling them that LRP auctions are failing.

Diego Brain has Auctioneer App Instance (AI) Placement Failures Warning This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in pcf. Auctioneer App Instance (AI) Placement Failures Warning

1. To best determine the root cause, examine the Auctioneer logs. Depending on the specific error and resource constraint, you may also find a failure reason in the Cloud Controller (CC) API.

2. Investigate the health of your Diego cells to determine if they are the resource type causing the problem.

3. Consider scaling additional cells using Ops Manager.

4. If scaling cells does not solve the problem, pull Diego brain logs and BBS node logs and contact Pivotal Support telling them that LRP auctions are failing.

Diego Brain has Auctioneer Task Placement Failures Critical This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in pcf. Auctioneer Task Placement Failures Critical

1. In order to best determine the root cause, examine the Auctioneer logs. Depending on the specific error or resource constraint, you may also find a failure reason in the CC API.

2. Investigate the health of Diego cells.

3. Consider scaling additional cells using Ops Manager.

4. If scaling cells does not solve the problem, pull Diego brain logs and BBS logs for troubleshooting and contact Pivotal Support for additional troubleshooting. Inform Pivotal Support that Task auctions are failing.

Diego Brain has Auctioneer Task Placement Failures Warning This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in pcf. Auctioneer Task Placement Failures Warning

1. In order to best determine the root cause, examine the Auctioneer logs. Depending on the specific error or resource constraint, you may also find a failure reason in the CC API.

2. Investigate the health of Diego cells.

3. Consider scaling additional cells using Ops Manager.

4. If scaling cells does not solve the problem, pull Diego brain logs and BBS logs for troubleshooting and contact Pivotal Support for additional troubleshooting. Inform Pivotal Support that Task auctions are failing.

Diego Brain has Auctioneer Time to Fetch Cell State Critical This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in pcf. Auctioneer Time to Fetch Cell State Critical

1. Check the health of the cells by reviewing the logs and looking for errors.

2. Review IaaS console metrics.

3. Pull Diego brain logs and cell logs and contact Pivotal Support telling them that fetching cell states is taking too long.

Diego Brain has Auctioneer Time to Fetch Cell State Warning This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in pcf. Auctioneer Time to Fetch Cell State Warning

1. Check the health of the cells by reviewing the logs and looking for errors.

2. Review IaaS console metrics.

3. Pull Diego brain logs and cell logs and contact Pivotal Support telling them that fetching cell states is taking too long.

Diego Brain has Auctioneer Lock Lost Critical This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in pcf. Auctioneer Lock Lost Critical

1. Run monit status on the Diego Database VM to check for failing processes.

2. If there are no failing processes, then review the logs for Auctioneer. - Recent logs for Auctioneer should show all but one of its instances are currently waiting on locks, and the active Auctioneer should show a record of when it last attempted to execute work. This attempt should correspond to app development activity, such as cf push.

3. If you are unable to resolve the issue, pull logs from the Diego BBS and Auctioneer VMs, which includes the Locket service component logs, and contact Pivotal Support.

BBS has Locket Active Presences is high This alert indicates that the BBS has Locket Active Presences is high Locket Active Presences is high The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
BBS has VM Memory Used Critical This alert indicates that the BBS has VM Memory Used Critical BBS VM Memory Used Critical The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
BBS has VM Memory Used Warning This alert indicates that the BBS has VM Memory Used Warning BBS VM Memory Used Warning The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
BBS has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the BBS has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical BBS VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

BBS has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the BBS has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning BBS VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

BBS has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the BBS has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical BBS VM Persistent Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

BBS has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the BBS has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning BBS VM Persistent Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

BBS has VM Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the BBS has VM Disk Used Critical BBS VM Disk Used Critical Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
BBS has VM Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the BBS has VM Disk Used Warning BBS VM Disk Used Warning Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
BBS has VM User CPU Utilization Critical This alert indicates that the BBS has VM User CPU Utilization Critical BBS VM User CPU Utilization Critical

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

BBS has VM User CPU Utilization Warning This alert indicates that the BBS has VM User CPU Utilization Warning BBS VM User CPU Utilization Warning

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

BBS BBS has VM is not Healthy This alert indicates that the BBS VM is not healthy BBS VM is not Healthy Investigate CF logs for the unhealthy component(s).
Bosh Job has VM Memory Used Critical This alert indicates that the Bosh Job has VM Memory Used Critical Bosh Job VM Memory Used Critical The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Bosh Job has VM Memory Used Warning This alert indicates that the Bosh Job has VM Memory Used Warning Bosh Job VM Memory Used Warning The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Bosh Job has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Bosh Job has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical Bosh Job VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Bosh Job has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Bosh Job has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning Bosh Job VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Bosh Job has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Bosh Job has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical Bosh Job VM Persistent Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Bosh Job has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Bosh Job has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning Bosh Job VM Persistent Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Bosh Job has VM Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Bosh Job has VM Disk Used Critical Bosh Job VM Disk Used Critical Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Bosh Job has VM Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Bosh Job has VM Disk Used Warning Bosh Job VM Disk Used Warning Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Bosh Job has VM User CPU Utilization Critical This alert indicates that the Bosh Job has VM User CPU Utilization Critical Bosh Job VM User CPU Utilization Critical

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Bosh Job has VM User CPU Utilization Warning This alert indicates that the Bosh Job has VM User CPU Utilization Warning Bosh Job VM User CPU Utilization Warning

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Bosh Job Bosh Job has VM is not Healthy This alert indicates that the Bosh Job VM is not healthy Bosh Job VM is not Healthy Investigate CF logs for the unhealthy component(s).
Diego Brain has VM Memory Used Critical This alert indicates that the Diego Brain has VM Memory Used Critical Diego Brain VM Memory Used Critical The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Diego Brain has VM Memory Used Warning This alert indicates that the Diego Brain has VM Memory Used Warning Diego Brain VM Memory Used Warning The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Diego Brain has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Diego Brain has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical Diego Brain VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Diego Brain has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Diego Brain has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning Diego Brain VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Diego Brain has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Diego Brain has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical Diego Brain VM Persistent Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Diego Brain has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Diego Brain has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning Diego Brain VM Persistent Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Diego Brain has VM Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Diego Brain has VM Disk Used Critical Diego Brain VM Disk Used Critical Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Diego Brain has VM Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Diego Brain has VM Disk Used Warning Diego Brain VM Disk Used Warning Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Diego Brain has VM User CPU Utilization Critical This alert indicates that the Diego Brain has VM User CPU Utilization Critical Diego Brain VM User CPU Utilization Critical

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Diego Brain has VM User CPU Utilization Warning This alert indicates that the Diego Brain has VM User CPU Utilization Warning Diego Brain VM User CPU Utilization Warning

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Diego Brain Diego Brain has VM is not Healthy This alert indicates that the Diego Brain VM is not healthy Diego Brain VM is not Healthy Investigate CF logs for the unhealthy component(s).
Diego Cell has VM Memory Used Critical This alert indicates that the Diego Cell has VM Memory Used Critical Diego Cell VM Memory Used Critical

The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.

Diego Cell has VM Memory Used Warning This alert indicates that the Diego Cell has VM Memory Used Warning Diego Cell VM Memory Used Warning The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Diego Cell has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Diego Cell has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical Diego Cell VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Diego Cell has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Diego Cell has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning Diego Cell VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Diego Cell has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Diego Cell has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical Diego Cell VM Persistent Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Diego Cell has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Diego Cell has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning Diego Cell VM Persistent Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Diego Cell has VM Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Diego Cell has VM Disk Used Critical Diego Cell VM Disk Used Critical Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Diego Cell has VM Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Diego Cell has VM Disk Used Warning Diego Cell VM Disk Used Warning Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Diego Cell has VM User CPU Utilization Critical This alert indicates that the Diego Cell has VM User CPU Utilization Critical Diego Cell VM User CPU Utilization Critical

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Diego Cell has VM User CPU Utilization Warning This alert indicates that the Diego Cell has VM User CPU Utilization Warning Diego Cell VM User CPU Utilization Warning

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Diego Cell Diego Cell has VM is not Healthy This alert indicates that the Diego Cell VM is not healthy Diego Cell VM is not Healthy Investigate CF logs for the unhealthy component(s).
Cloud Controller has VM Memory Used Critical This alert indicates that the Cloud Controller has VM Memory Used Critical Cloud Controller VM Memory Used Critical The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Cloud Controller has VM Memory Used Warning This alert indicates that the Cloud Controller has VM Memory Used Warning Cloud Controller VM Memory Used Warning The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Cloud Controller has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Cloud Controller has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical Cloud Controller VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Cloud Controller has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Cloud Controller has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning Cloud Controller VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Cloud Controller has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Cloud Controller has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical Cloud Controller VM Persistent Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Cloud Controller has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Cloud Controller has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning Cloud Controller VM Persistent Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Cloud Controller has VM Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Cloud Controller has VM Disk Used Critical Cloud Controller VM Disk Used Critical Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Cloud Controller has VM Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Cloud Controller has VM Disk Used Warning Cloud Controller VM Disk Used Warning Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Cloud Controller has VM User CPU Utilization Critical This alert indicates that the Cloud Controller has VM User CPU Utilization Critical Cloud Controller VM User CPU Utilization Critical

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Cloud Controller has VM User CPU Utilization Warning This alert indicates that the Cloud Controller has VM User CPU Utilization Warning Cloud Controller VM User CPU Utilization Warning

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Cloud Controller Cloud Controller has VM is not Healthy This alert indicates that the Cloud Controller VM is not healthy Cloud Controller VM is not Healthy Investigate CF logs for the unhealthy component(s).
Consul has VM Memory Used Critical This alert indicates that the Consul has VM Memory Used Critical Consul VM Memory Used Critical The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Consul has VM Memory Used Warning This alert indicates that the Consul has VM Memory Used Warning Consul VM Memory Used Warning The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Consul has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Consul has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical Consul VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Consul has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Consul has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning Consul VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Consul has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Consul has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical Consul VM Persistent Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Consul has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Consul has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning Consul VM Persistent Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Consul has VM Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Consul has VM Disk Used Critical Consul VM Disk Used Critical Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Consul has VM Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Consul has VM Disk Used Warning Consul VM Disk Used Warning Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Consul has VM User CPU Utilization Critical This alert indicates that the Consul has VM User CPU Utilization Critical Consul VM User CPU Utilization Critical

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Consul has VM User CPU Utilization Warning This alert indicates that the Consul has VM User CPU Utilization Warning Consul VM User CPU Utilization Warning

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Consul Consul has VM is not Healthy This alert indicates that the Consul VM is not healthy Consul VM is not Healthy Investigate CF logs for the unhealthy component(s).
Doppler Server has VM Memory Used Critical This alert indicates that the Doppler Server has VM Memory Used Critical Doppler Server VM Memory Used Critical The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Doppler Server has VM Memory Used Warning This alert indicates that the Doppler Server has VM Memory Used Warning Doppler Server VM Memory Used Warning The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Doppler Server has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Doppler Server has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical Doppler Server VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Doppler Server has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Doppler Server has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning Doppler Server VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Doppler Server has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Doppler Server has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical Doppler Server VM Persistent Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Doppler Server has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Doppler Server has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning Doppler Server VM Persistent Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Doppler Server has VM Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Doppler Server has VM Disk Used Critical Doppler Server VM Disk Used Critical Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Doppler Server has VM Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Doppler Server has VM Disk Used Warning Doppler Server VM Disk Used Warning Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Doppler Server has VM User CPU Utilization Critical This alert indicates that the Doppler Server has VM User CPU Utilization Critical Doppler Server VM User CPU Utilization Critical

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Doppler Server has VM User CPU Utilization Warning This alert indicates that the Doppler Server has VM User CPU Utilization Warning Doppler Server VM User CPU Utilization Warning

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Doppler Server Doppler Server has VM is not Healthy This alert indicates that the Doppler Server VM is not healthy Doppler Server VM is not Healthy Investigate CF logs for the unhealthy component(s).
etcd Server has VM Memory Used Critical This alert indicates that the etcd Server has VM Memory Used Critical etcd Server VM Memory Used Critical The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
etcd Server has VM Memory Used Warning This alert indicates that the etcd Server has VM Memory Used Warning etcd Server VM Memory Used Warning The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
etcd Server has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the etcd Server has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical etcd Server VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

etcd Server has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the etcd Server has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning etcd Server VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

etcd Server has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the etcd Server has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical etcd Server VM Persistent Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

etcd Server has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the etcd Server has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning etcd Server VM Persistent Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

etcd Server has VM Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the etcd Server has VM Disk Used Critical etcd Server VM Disk Used Critical Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
etcd Server has VM Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the etcd Server has VM Disk Used Warning etcd Server VM Disk Used Warning Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
etcd Server has VM User CPU Utilization Critical This alert indicates that the etcd Server has VM User CPU Utilization Critical etcd Server VM User CPU Utilization Critical

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

etcd Server has VM User CPU Utilization Warning This alert indicates that the etcd Server has VM User CPU Utilization Warning etcd Server VM User CPU Utilization Warning

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

etcd Server etcd Server has VM is not Healthy This alert indicates that the etcd Server VM is not healthy etcd Server VM is not Healthy Investigate CF logs for the unhealthy component(s).
GoRouter has VM Memory Used Critical This alert indicates that the GoRouter has VM Memory Used Critical GoRouter VM Memory Used Critical The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
GoRouter has VM Memory Used Warning This alert indicates that the GoRouter has VM Memory Used Warning GoRouter VM Memory Used Warning The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
GoRouter has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the GoRouter has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical GoRouter VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

GoRouter has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the GoRouter has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning GoRouter VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

GoRouter has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the GoRouter has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical GoRouter VM Persistent Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

GoRouter has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the GoRouter has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning GoRouter VM Persistent Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

GoRouter has VM Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the GoRouter has VM Disk Used Critical GoRouter VM Disk Used Critical Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
GoRouter has VM Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the GoRouter has VM Disk Used Warning GoRouter VM Disk Used Warning Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
GoRouter has VM User CPU Utilization Critical This alert indicates that the GoRouter has VM User CPU Utilization Critical GoRouter VM User CPU Utilization Critical

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

GoRouter has VM User CPU Utilization Warning This alert indicates that the GoRouter has VM User CPU Utilization Warning GoRouter VM User CPU Utilization Warning

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

GoRouter GoRouter has VM is not Healthy This alert indicates that the GoRouter VM is not healthy GoRouter VM is not Healthy Investigate CF logs for the unhealthy component(s).
Traffic Controller has VM Memory Used Critical This alert indicates that the Traffic Controller has VM Memory Used Critical Traffic Controller VM Memory Used Critical The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Traffic Controller has VM Memory Used Warning This alert indicates that the Traffic Controller has VM Memory Used Warning Traffic Controller VM Memory Used Warning The response depends on the job the metric is associated with. If appropriate, scale affected jobs out and monitor for improvement.
Traffic Controller has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Traffic Controller has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical Traffic Controller VM Ephemeral Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Traffic Controller has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Traffic Controller has VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning Traffic Controller VM Ephemeral Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out the affected jobs.

Traffic Controller has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Traffic Controller has VM Persistent Disk Used Critical Traffic Controller VM Persistent Disk Used Critical

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Traffic Controller has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Traffic Controller has VM Persistent Disk Used Warning Traffic Controller VM Persistent Disk Used Warning

1. Run bosh vms --details to view jobs on affected deployments.

2. Determine cause of the data consumption, and, if appropriate, increase disk space or scale out affected jobs.

Traffic Controller has VM Disk Used Critical This alert indicates that the Traffic Controller has VM Disk Used Critical Traffic Controller VM Disk Used Critical Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Traffic Controller has VM Disk Used Warning This alert indicates that the Traffic Controller has VM Disk Used Warning Traffic Controller VM Disk Used Warning Investigate what is filling the jobs system partition. This partition should not typically fill because BOSH deploys jobs to use ephemeral and persistent disks.
Traffic Controller has VM User CPU Utilization Critical This alert indicates that the Traffic Controller has VM User CPU Utilization Critical Traffic Controller VM User CPU Utilization Critical

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Traffic Controller has VM User CPU Utilization Warning This alert indicates that the Traffic Controller has VM User CPU Utilization Warning Traffic Controller VM User CPU Utilization Warning

1. Investigate the cause of the spike.

2. If the cause is a normal workload increase, then scale up the affected jobs.

Traffic Controller Traffic Controller has VM is not Healthy This alert indicates that the Traffic Controller VM is not healthy Traffic Controller VM is not Healthy Investigate CF logs for the unhealthy component(s).