Connect your vCenter to VMware Cloud Gateway to monitor your vSphere infrastructure from vSphere+.

When you connect your vCenter to VMware Cloud Gateway, it establishes a connection between your vCenter and vSphere+.


Ensure that the time is in sync between your vCenter and VMware Cloud Gateway.


  1. In a web browser, go to https://gw-address:5480/gw-platform/ where gw-address is the IP address or FQDN of VMware Cloud Gateway.
  2. On the VMware Cloud card, click Launch.
  3. On the Connect vCenter Servers card, click Connect.
    VMware Cloud Gateway uses the credentials only for authentication purposes and does not store the information.
  4. Click Add vCenter Servers and enter your vCenter details.
  5. (Optional) If you want to add multiple vCenter instances, click Add vCenter Servers again and enter your vCenter details.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the check box to accept your vCenter sending data to VMware Cloud.
  8. Click Connect N vCenter Server where N is the number of vCenters that you want to connect.

What to do next

When the registration is complete, you can monitor your vCenter instances from the VMware Cloud Console. To view all the vCenter instances, log in to and click Inventory.

vSphere+ adds a few roles prefixed with CloudServicesGateway in your vCenter. These roles enable vSphere+ to manage your vCenter. Do not modify or delete these roles.