You run the AI and ML applications and workloads on a vSphere Bitfusion client. You can install the vSphere Bitfusion client on any machine that runs a supported Linux operating system.

How to install the vSphere Bitfusion client on Ubuntu Linux

You can install the vSphere Bitfusion client on Ubuntu Linux.



  1. Download the vSphere Bitfusion client for your Linux distribution from the VMware website at
  2. To update the package information from all configured sources, run the sudo apt-get update command.
  3. Install the package by running the sudo apt-get install -y ./bitfusion_client_version command, where bitfusion_client_version is the filename of the vSphere Bitfusion client.
    For example, sudo apt-get install -y ./bitfusion-client-ubuntu2204_4.5.2-16_amd64.deb
  4. (Optional) Verify the version of the vSphere Bitfusion client.
    bitfusion version
    Bitfusion version 4.5.2

What to do next

Activate the vSphere Bitfusion client. See How to activate a vSphere Bitfusion client.

How to install the vSphere Bitfusion client on CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and Rocky Linux.

You can install the vSphere Bitfusion client on CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), and Rocky Linux.



  1. Install the required dependencies of the vSphere Bitfusion client for your operating system.
    The Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) is an additional repository for CentOS, Rocky Linux, and RHEL that provides access to install packages for commonly used software.
    • In CentOS 7, Rocky Linux 8 and 9, run the sudo yum install -y epel-release command.
    • In RHEL 7, run the yum -y install command.
    • In RHEL 8, run the dnf -y install command.
    • In SLES 15, you must enable additional repositories by running the export ENV ADDITIONAL_MODULES=sle-module-desktop-applications,sle-module-development-tools,PackageHub,sle-module-server-applications,sle-module-legacy,sle-module-public-cloud; zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys update -y commands.
  2. Add the public key for VMware Bitfusion to the GNU Privacy Guard (GPG).
    sudo rpm --import
  3. Download your vSphere Bitfusion client version from the VMware website at
  4. Install the client package by running the sudo yum install -y ./bitfusion_client_version command, where bitfusion_client_version is the filename of the vSphere Bitfusion client.
    For example, sudo yum install -y ./bitfusion-client-centos7-4.5.2-16.x86_64.rpm.
  5. (Optional) Verify the version of the vSphere Bitfusion client.
    bitfusion version
    Bitfusion version 4.5.2

What to do next

Activate the vSphere Bitfusion client. See How to activate a vSphere Bitfusion client.