After you create and configure an Oracle database and user for vCenter Server, you must create a 64-bit DSN on the machine on which you plan to install vCenter Server. During the vCenter Server installation, you use the DSN to establish a connection between vCenter Server and the database.


Install the Oracle Client p16656151 (Patch 19) or later,, or later, or


  1. On the machine on which you plan to install vCenter Server, select Start > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).
  2. On the System DSN tab, modify an existing or create a new Oracle ODBC connection.
    • To modify an existing Oracle ODBC connection, select the connection from the System Data Source list and click Configure.
    • To create an Oracle ODBC connection, click Add, select the Oracle client, and click Finish.
  3. In the Data Source Name text box, enter an ODBC data source name (DSN).
    For example, VMware vCenter Server.
  4. (Optional) In the Description text box, enter an ODBC DSN description.
  5. In the TNS Service Name text box, enter the net service name for the database to which you want to connect.
    For example, VPX_TNS.

    This is the net service name that you previously configured in the tnsnames.ora file that is located in the NETWORK\ADMIN folder in the Oracle database installation location.

  6. In the User ID text box, enter the database user name for vCenter Server.
    For example, VPXADMIN.
  7. Click Test Connection.
  8. In the Password text box, enter the password of the database user and click OK.
    If you configured the DNS correctly, the Connection successful message appears.
  9. Click OK.