To apply VLAN tagging globally on all distributed ports, you must set the VLAN policy on a distributed port group. To integrate the virtual traffic on the port with physical VLANs in a different way from the parent distributed port group, you must use the VLAN policy on a distributed port.


To override a policy on distributed port level, enable the port-level override option for this policy. See Configure Overriding Networking Policies on Port Level.


  1. In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to the distributed switch.
  2. Navigate to the VLAN policy on the distributed port group or distributed port.
    Option Action
    Distributed port group
    1. From the Actions menu, select Distributed Port Group > Manage Distributed Port Groups.
    2. Select VLAN and click Next.
    3. Select the port group and click Next.
    Distributed port
    1. On the Networks tab, click Distributed Port Groups and double-click a distributed port group.
    2. On the Ports tab, select a port and click the Edit distributed port settings icon.
    3. Select VLAN.
    4. Select Override next to the properties to override.
  3. From the VLAN type drop-down menu, select the type of VLAN traffic filtering and marking, and click Next.
    Option Description
    None Do not use VLAN.

    Use this option in case of External Switch Tagging.

    VLAN Tag traffic with the ID from the VLAN ID field.

    Type a number between 1 and 4094 for Virtual Switch Tagging.

    VLAN Trunking Pass VLAN traffic with ID within the VLAN trunk range to guest operating system. You can set multiple ranges and individual VLANs by using a comma-separated list. For example: 1702-1705, 1848-1849.

    Use this option for Virtual Guest Tagging.

    Private VLAN Associate the traffic with a private VLAN created on the distributed switch.
  4. Review your settings and apply the configuration.