After you create a datastore cluster, you can customize it and use it to manage storage I/O and space utilization resources. Using Storage DRS Maintenance ModeYou place a datastore in maintenance mode when you need to take it out of use to service it. A datastore enters or leaves maintenance mode only as the result of a user request. Applying Storage DRS RecommendationsStorage DRS collects resource usage information for all datastores in a datastore cluster. Storage DRS uses the information to generate recommendations for virtual machine disk placement on datastores in a datastore cluster. Change Storage DRS Automation Level for a Virtual MachineYou can override the datastore cluster-wide automation level for individual virtual machines. You can also override default virtual disk affinity rules. Set Up Off-Hours Scheduling for Storage DRSYou can create a scheduled task to change Storage DRS settings for a datastore cluster so that migrations for fully automated datastore clusters are more likely to occur during off-peak hours. Storage DRS Anti-Affinity RulesYou can create Storage DRS anti-affinity rules to control which virtual disks should not be placed on the same datastore within a datastore cluster. By default, a virtual machine's virtual disks are kept together on the same datastore. Clear Storage DRS StatisticsTo diagnose problems with Storage DRS, you can clear Storage DRS statistics before you manually run Storage DRS. Storage vMotion Compatibility with Datastore ClustersA datastore cluster has certain vSphere Storage vMotion® requirements.