Distributed virtual port group privileges control the ability to create, delete, and modify distributed virtual port groups.

The table describes the privileges required to create and configure distributed virtual port groups.

You can set this privilege at different levels in the hierarchy. For example, if you set a privilege at the folder level, you can propagate the privilege to one or more objects within the folder. The object listed in the Required On column must have the privilege set, either directly or inherited.

Table 1. Distributed Virtual Port Group Privileges
Privilege Name Description Required On
dvPort group.Create

Allows creation of a distributed virtual port group.

Virtual port groups
dvPort group.Delete

Allows deletion of distributed virtual port group.

To have permission to perform this operation, a user or group must have this privilege assigned in both the object and its parent object.

Virtual port groups
dvPort group.Modify

Allows modification of a distributed virtual port group configuration.

Virtual port groups
dvPort group.Policy operation

Allows setting the policy of a distributed virtual port group.

Virtual port groups
dvPort group.Scope operation

Allows setting the scope of a distributed virtual port group.

Virtual port groups