You can run the installer provided by your vendor to install, uninstall, or upgrade I/O filters.

When you work with I/O filters, the following considerations apply:

  • vCenter Server uses ESX Agent Manager (EAM) to install and uninstall I/O filters. As an administrator, never invoke EAM APIs directly for EAM agencies that are created or used by vCenter Server. All operations related to I/O filters must go through VIM APIs. If you accidentally modify an EAM agency that was created by vCenter Server, you must revert the changes. If you accidentally destroy an EAM agency that is used by I/O filters, you must call Vim.IoFilterManager#uninstallIoFilter to uninstall the affected I/O filters. After uninstalling, perform a fresh reinstall.
  • When a new host joins the cluster that has I/O filters, the filters installed on the cluster are deployed on the host. vCenter Server registers the I/O filter storage provider for the host. Any cluster changes become visible in the VM Storage Policies interface of the vSphere Web Client.
  • When you move a host out of a cluster or remove it from vCenter Server, the I/O filters are uninstalled from the host. vCenter Server unregisters the I/O filter storage provider.
  • If you use a stateless ESXi host, it might lose its I/O filter VIBs during a reboot. vCenter Server checks the bundles installed on the host after it reboots, and pushes the I/O filter VIBs to the host if necessary.