Start a simultaneous scan of hosts, virtual machines, and virtual appliances, by scanning a container object that is a data center or a data center folder.

After you import a VMware Studio created virtual appliance in the vSphere Web Client, power it on so that it is discovered as a virtual appliance.


  1. Use the vSphere Web Client to log in to a vCenter Server Appliance, or to a vCenter Server system with which Update Manager is registered.
  2. From the inventory object navigator, right-click a vCenter Server instance, a data center, a cluster, or a VM Folder, and select Update Manager > Scan for Updates.
    The Scan wizard opens.
  3. Select the types of updates for which you want to perform scan operation.
    • For the ESXi hosts in the container object, you can scan for Patches and Extensions and Upgrades.
    • For virtual machines and virtual appliances in the data center, you can scan for Virtual appliance upgrades, VMware Tools upgrades, and VM Hardware upgrades.
  4. Click OK.


The selected inventory object and all child objects are scanned against the attached baselines, depending on the options that you selected. The larger the virtual infrastructure and the higher up in the object hierarchy you initiate the scan, the longer the scan takes.

What to do next

Stage and remediate the scanned inventory object with Update Manager in the vSphere Web Client.