You can manually remediate virtual machines and virtual appliances immediately, or can schedule a remediation at a time that is convenient for you.

You can perform an orchestrated upgrade by using a virtual machine baseline group. The VMware Tools upgrade baseline runs first, followed by the virtual machine hardware upgrade baseline.


  1. Connect the vSphere Web Client to a vCenter Server Appliance, or a vCenter Server system with which Update Manager is registered, and select Home > vCenter Inventory Lists.
  2. Select Home > VMs and Templates.
  3. From the inventory object navigator, select a virtual machine, and click the Update Manager tab.
  4. Click Remediate.
    If you selected a container object, all virtual machines and appliances in the container are also remediated.
  5. On the Select baselines page of the Remediate wizard, select the baseline group and upgrade baselines to apply.
  6. Select the virtual machines and appliances that you want to remediate, and click Next.
  7. On the Schedule page, specify a name and an optional description for the task.
    The time you set for the scheduled task is the time of the vCenter Server instance to which Update Manager is connected.
  8. Enter specific times for powered on, powered off, or suspended virtual machines, or keep the selected option to Run this action now to begin the process immediately after you complete the wizard.
  9. (Optional) Choose whether to upgrade VMware Tools on power cycle.
    This option is active only when you perform an upgrade against a single Upgrade VMware Tools to Match Host baseline. You can only enable VMware Tools upgrade on power cycle from the Remediate wizard, but you cannot disable it. You can disable the setting by clicking the VMware Tools upgrade settings button in the Update Manager Compliance view and deselecting the check box of a virtual machine in the Edit VMware Tools upgrade settings window.
  10. (Optional) Specify the rollback options.
    This option is not available if you selected to upgrade VMware Tools on power cycle.
    1. On the Rollback Options page of the Remediate wizard, select Take a snapshot of the virtual machines before remediation to enable rollback.
      A snapshot of the virtual machine (or virtual appliance) is taken before remediation. If the virtual machine (or virtual appliance) needs to roll back, you can revert to this snapshot.

      Update Manager does not take snapshots of fault tolerant virtual machines.

      If you perform a VMware Tools upgrade and select to upgrade VMware Tools on power cycle, Update Manager takes no snapshots of the selected virtual machines before remediation.

    2. Specify when the snapshot should be deleted or select Don’t delete snapshots.
    3. Enter a name and optionally a description for the snapshot.
    4. (Optional) Select the Take a snapshot of the memory for the virtual machine check box.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Review the Ready to Complete page, and click Finish.