The network ports are configured during installation. In the Network Settings for Update Manager, you can only edit the setting to use IP address or host name for the patch store in the Update Manager network connectivity settings.


  • If any remediation or scan tasks are running, cancel them or wait until they complete.
  • To obtain metadata for the patches, Update Manager must have access to, and requires outbound ports 80 and 443.


  1. In the Home view of the vSphere Web Client, select the Update Manager icon.
  2. From the Objects tab, select an Update Manager instance.
    The Objects tab also displays all the vCenter Server system to which an Update Manager instance is connected.
  3. Click the Manage tab.
  4. Click Settings, and select Network Connectivity.
  5. See information about the network connectivity settings for Update Manager.
    Option Description
    SOAP port Update Manager client uses this port to communicate with the Update Manager server.
    Server port (range: 80, 9000–9100) Listening port for the Web server that provides access to the patch depot for ESXi hosts.
    IP address or host name for the patch store The IP address or name of the host where patches are downloaded and stored.

    You can only edit the IP address or host name for the patch store. The ports are defined during installation.

  6. Click Edit, and select an IP address or host name for the patch store.
    Important: Use an IP address whenever possible to avoid any potential DNS resolution problems. If you must use a DNS name instead of an IP address, ensure that the DNS name you specify can be resolved from vCenter Server, and all hosts and virtual appliances managed by Update Manager.
  7. Click OK.

What to do next

Restart the Update Manager service for network changes to take effect.