The vCenter Server upgrade wizard prompts you for the upgrade information. It is a best practice to keep a record of the values that you entered in case you must reinstall the product.

Important: vSphere supports upgrades from vCenter Server 5.5 and later to vCenter Server 6.5. To upgrade from vCenter Server 5.0 or 5.1, you must first upgrade the vCenter Server instance to version 5.5 Update 2 and then upgrade it to vCenter Server 6.5. For information about upgrading vCenter Server 5.0 or 5.1 to version 5.5, see the VMware vSphere 5.5 Documentation.

You can use this worksheet to record information that you might need when upgrading vCenter Server for Windows in the future.

You will see the default values in the table below only if you left the default values when you installed the source vCenter Server instance.

Table 1. Information Required for Upgrading vCenter Server for Windows.
Required Information Default Value Your Entry
vCenter Single Sign-On administrator user name [email protected]
Important: The user must be administrator@ your_domain_name.
You cannot change the default user name during upgrade.
vCenter Single Sign-On administrator password
Enable or disable Use the same credentials for vCenter Server Enabled by default
vCenter Server user name [email protected]
Important: The user must be administrator@ your_domain_name.
vCenter Server password
Syslog Service Port 514
Syslog Service TLS Port 1514
Auto Deploy Management Port 6502
Auto Deploy Service Port 6501
ESXi Dump Collector Port 6500
Destination Directory

The folder paths cannot contain non-ASCII characters, commas (,), periods (.), exclamation points (!), pound signs (#), at signs (@), or percentage signs (%).

Directory to install vCenter Server C:\Program Files\VMware
Directory to store data for vCenter Server C:\ProgramData\VMware
Directory to which to export your 5.x data C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware\vCenterServer\export
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For information about the CEIP, see the Configuring Customer Experience Improvement Program section in vCenter Server and Host Management.

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