You can use one or more command arguments to set the execution parameters of the migrate command.

You can add a space-separated list of arguments to the CLI upgrade command.
vcsa-deploy migrate list_of_arguments path_to_the_json_file

The required template argument provides the path of a JSON file that describes the vCenter Server Appliance deployment procedure.

Important: The string values, including the passwords, must contain only ASCII characters. Extended ASCII and non-ASCII characters are unsupported.

To set a value that contains the backslash (\) or quotation mark (") character, you must precede the character with the backslash (\) character. For example, "password":"my\"password" sets the password my"password, "image":"C:\\vmware\\vcsa" sets the path C:\vmware\vcsa.

The boolean values must contain only lowercase characters. Can be either true or false. For example, "ssh.enable":false.

Optional Argument Description
--accept-eula Accepts the end-user license agreement.

Required for executing the deployment command.

-h, --help Displays the help message for the command.
--template-help Displays the help message for the configuration parameters in the JSON deployment file. You can use vcsa-deploy [subcommand] --help for a list of subcommand-specific arguments.
-v, --verbose Adds debug information to the console output.
-t, --terse Hides the console output. Displays only warning and error messages.
--log-dir, LOG_DIR Sets the location of the log and other output files that the installer generates.
--skip-ovftool-verification Performs basic verification of the configuration parameters in the JSON file and deploys the appliance. Does not perform verification of the OVF Tool parameters.
--no-esx-ssl-verify Skips the SSL verification for ESXi connections.
Important: Avoid using this option because it might cause problems during deployment or after deployment because of invalidated values passed to the appliance.
deployment-target-ssl-thumbprint TARGET_THUMBPRINT Sets the thumbprint to pass to the OVF Tool for verifying the ESXi or vCenter Server deployment target.
--verify-only Performs basic verification of the configuration parameters in the JSON file and verification of the OVF Tool parameters. Does not deploy the appliance.
--verify-template-only Performs the basic template verification without installing Upgrade Runner, running prechecks, or upgrading the vCenter Server Appliance.
--precheck-only Installs Migration Assistant on the source vCenter Server virtual machine instance and runs a complete set of prechecks without performing the migration.
--acknowledge-ceip Confirms acknowledgement of your VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) participation. This argument is required if ceip.enabled is set to true in the upgrade template.
Exit Code Description
0 Command ran successfully
1 Runtime error
2 Validation error
3 Template error