For URL-based patching, by default the vCenter Server Appliance is configured to use the default VMware repository URL that is preset for the build profile of the appliance. You can configure a custom repository URL as the current source of patches for your environment's requirements.

By default the current repository for URL-based patching is the default VMware repository URL.

If the vCenter Server Appliance is not connected to the Internet or if your security policy requires it, you can build and configure a custom repository. The custom patching repository runs on a local Web server within your data center and replicates the data from the default repository. Optionally, you can set up an authentication policy for accessing the Web server that hosts the custom patching repository.


Log in to the vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface as root.


  1. If you want to configure a custom repository URL, build the repository on your local Web server.
    1. Log in to VMware Customer Connect at
    2. Select VC from the Select a Product drop-down and the vCenter Server version from the Select Version drop-down.
    3. Click SEARCH.
    4. Download the ISO image.
    5. Confirm that the md5sum is correct by using an MD5 checksum tool.
    6. On your Web server, create a repository directory under the root.
      For example, create the vc_update_repo directory.
    7. Extract the ZIP file into the repository directory.
      The extracted files are in the manifest and package-pool subdirectories.
  2. In the vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface, click Update.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Select the Repository settings.
    Option Description
    Use default repository Uses the default VMware repository URL that is preset for the build profile of the appliance.
    Use specified repository Uses a custom repository. You must enter the repository URL, for example,

    The repository URL must use a secure protocol such as HTTPS or FTPS.

  5. If the specified repository requires authentication, enter the user name and password.
  6. Click OK.

What to do next

Check for and Install vCenter Server Appliance Patches