You can configure the amount of detail that vCenter Server collects in log files.


Required privilege: Global.Settings


  1. In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to the vCenter Server instance.
  2. Select the Configure tab.
  3. Under Settings, select General.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Select Logging settings.
  6. Select the logging options.
    Option Description
    None (Disable logging) Turns off logging
    Error (Errors only) Displays only error log entries
    Warning (Errors and warnings) Displays warning and error log entries
    Info (Normal logging) Displays information, error, and warning log entries
    Verbose (Verbose) Displays information, error, warning, and verbose log entries
    Trivia (Extended verbose) Displays information, error, warning, verbose, and trivia log entries
  7. Click OK.


Changes to the logging settings take effect immediately. You do not need to restart vCenter Server system.