To remain in compliance with the licensing models of products that you use with vSphere, you must remove all unassigned licenses from the inventory. If you have divided, combined, or upgraded licenses in Customer Connect, you must remove the old licenses.

For example, suppose that you have upgraded a vSphere license from 6.0 to 6.5 in Customer Connect. You assign the license to ESXi 6.5 hosts. After assigning the new vSphere 6.5 licenses, you must remove the old vSphere 6.0 license from the inventory.


  • To view and manage licenses in the vSphere environment, you must have the Global.Licenses privilege on the vCenter Server system, where the vSphere Web Client runs.


  1. In the vSphere Web Client, select Administration, and under Licensing, select Licenses.
  2. Select the Licenses tab.
  3. From the Show drop-down menu, select Unassigned to display only the unassigned licenses.
  4. Press Ctrl+A to select all licenses to remove.
  5. Click Remove Licenses (Remove llicense icon).
  6. Review the confirmation message and click Yes.