You use categories to group tags together and define how tags can be applied to objects.

Every tag must belong to one and only one category. You must create at least one category before creating any tags.


Required privilege: vSphere Tagging.Create vSphere Tag Category on the root vCenter Server.


  1. From the vSphere Web Client Home, click Tags & Custom Attributes.
  2. Click the Tags tab and click Categories
  3. Click the New Category icon ().
  4. Edit the category options.
    Option Description
    Category Name The category name must be unique to the currently selected vCenter Server system.
    Description You can provide text in the description to describe the purpose or use of the category.
    • Select One tag per object to allow only one tag from this category to be applied to an object at any one time.

      Use this option for categories whose tags are mutually exclusive. For example, a category called Priority with tags High, Medium, and Low should allow one tag per object, because an object should have only one priority.

    • Select Many tags per object to allow multiple tags from the category to be applied to an object at any one time.

      Use this option for categories whose tags are not mutually exclusive.

    After you have set the cardinality of a category, you can change the cardinality from One tag per object to Many tags per object, but not from Many tags per object to One tag per object.

    Associable Object Types

    Select whether tags in this category can be assigned to all objects or only to a specific type of managed object, such as virtual machines or datastores.

    After you have set the associable object types for a category, you can change a category that is associable with a single object type to be associable with all object types. You cannot restrict a category that is associable to all object types to being associable to a single object type.

  5. Click OK.