When running in interactive mode, vimtop recognizes several single-key commands.

All interactive mode panels recognize the commands listed in the following table.

Table 1. Interactive Mode Single-Key Commands
Key Names Description
h Show a help menu for the current panel, giving a brief summary of commands, and the status of secure mode.
i Show or hide the top line view of the overview panel of the vimtop plug-in.
t Show or hide the Tasks section, which displays information in the overview panel about the tasks currently running on the vCenter Server instance.
m Show or hide the Memory section in the overview panel.
f Show or hide the CPU section which displays information in the overview panel about all available CPUs.
g Show or hide the CPUs section which displays information in the overview panel about the top 4 physical CPUs.
spacebar Immediately refreshes the current pane.
p Pause the displayed information about the services resource use in the current panels.
r Refresh the displayed information about the services resource use in the current panels.
s Set refresh period.
q Exit the interactive mode of the vimtop plug-in.
k Displays the Disks view of the main panel.
o Switch the main panel to Network view.
Esc Clear selection or return to the Processes view of the main panel.
Enter Select a service to view additional details.
n Show or hide names of the headers in the main panel.
u Show or hide the measurement units in the headers in the main panel.
left, right arrows Select columns.
up, down arrows Select rows.
<,> Move a selected column.
Delete Remove selected column.
c Add a column to the current view of the main panel. Use spacebar to add or remove columns from the displayed list.
a Sort the selected column in ascending order.
d Sort the selected column in descending order.
z Clear the sort order for all columns.
l Set width for the selected column.
x Return the column widths to their default values.
+ Expand selected item.
- Collapse selected item.
w Write the current setup to a vimtop configuration file. The default file name is the one specified by -c option, or /root/vimtop/vimtop.xml if the -c option is not used. You can also specify a different file name on the prompt generated by the w command.