To enable access to the vCenter Server Appliance Bash shell by using the vSphere Web Client, the user you use to log in must be a member of the SystemConfiguration.BashShellAdministrators group. By default, this group is empty and you must add a user to the group manually.


Verify that the user you use to log in to the vCenter Server instance is a member of the SystemConfiguration.Administrators group in the vCenter Single Sign-On domain.


  1. Use the vSphere Web Client to log in as administrator@your_domain_name to the vCenter Server instance in the vCenter Server Appliance.
    The address is of the type http:// appliance-IP-address-or-FQDN/vsphere-client.
  2. Click Administration.
  3. Under Single Sign-On, click Users and Groups.
  4. On the Groups tab, select the SystemConfiguration.BashShellAdministrators group.
  5. In the Group Members pane, click the Add member icon.
  6. Double-click users from the list or type names in the Users text box.
  7. Click OK.