You can redirect the vCenter Server Appliance log files to another machine, for example, if you want to preserve storage space on the vCenter Server Appliance.


Log in to the vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface as root.


  1. In the vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface, select Syslog Configuration.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. From the Common Log Level drop-down menu, select the log files to redirect.
    Option Description
    * All log files are redirected to the remote machine.
    info Only informational log files are redirected to the remote machine.
    notice Only notices are redirected to the remote machine.

    Notice indicates normal but significant condition.

    warn Only warnings are redirected to the remote machine.
    error Only error messages are redirected to the remote machine.
    crit Only critical log files are redirected to the remote machine.
    alert Only alerts are redirected to the remote machine.

    Alert indicates that action must be taken immediately.

    emerg Only emergency log files are redirected to the remote machine.

    Emergency indicates that the system stopped responding and cannot be used.

  4. In the Remote Syslog Host text box, enter the FQDN or IP address of the machine on which you want to export the log files.
  5. In the Remote Syslog Port text box, enter the port number to use for communication with the machine on which you want to export the log files.
  6. From the Remote Syslog Protocol drop-down menu, select the protocol to use.
    Option Description
    TCP Transmission Control Protocol
    UDP User Datagram Protocol
    TLS Transport Layer Security
    RELP Reliable Event Logging Protocol
  7. Click OK.
    The new configuration settings are shown in the Remote Syslog Configuration pane.
  8. (Optional) To stop redirecting log files to another machine, click Reset.