If you have deployed the vCenter Server Appliance with an embedded Platform Services Controller, you can export a support bundle containing the log files for a specific product included in the vCenter Server Appliance or for a specific service in the Platform Services Controller. If you have deployed the vCenter Server Appliance with an external Platform Services Controller, you can export support bundles for specific services or for specific products, depending on the node that you select in the vSphere Web Client.


Verify that the user who logs in to the vCenter Server instance in the vCenter Server Appliance is a member of the SystemConfiguration.Administrators group in vCenter Single Sign-On.


  1. Use the vSphere Web Client to log in as administrator@your_domain_name to the vCenter Server instance in the vCenter Server Appliance.
    The address is of the type http:// appliance-IP-address-or-FQDN/vsphere-client.
  2. On the vSphere Web Client main page, hover over the Home icon, click Home, and select System Configuration.
  3. Under System Configuration, click Nodes.
  4. Select a node from the list.
  5. Click the Actions menu and select Export Support Bundle.
  6. In the Export Support Bundle window, expand the trees to view the services running in the appliance and deselect the services for which you do not want to export log files.
    All the services are selected by default. If you want to export the support bundle and send it to VMware Support, leave all check boxes selected. The services are separated in two categories: a Cloud infrastructure category, which contains the services of specific products in the appliance, and a Virtual appliance category, which contains the services specific for the appliance and the vCenter Server product.
  7. Click the Export Support Bundle and save the bundle on your local machine.


You saved the support bundle to your machine and can explore it.