When you deploy a template to the vCenter Server inventory, you provide a name for it. The name must be unique within the folder where the template is located. The name can contain up to 80 characters. You can select a datacenter or folder location for the template, depending on your organizational needs.

Folders provide a way to store virtual machines and templates for different groups in an organization and you can set permissions on them. If you prefer a flatter hierarchy, you can put all virtual machines and templates in a datacenter and organize them a different way.

A folder cannot contain virtual machines or templates with identical names.

The template name determines the name of the files and folder on the disk. For example, if you name the template win8tmp, the template files are named win8tmp.vmdk, win8tmp.nvram, and so on. If you change the template name, the names of the files on the datastore do not change.


  1. Enter a name for the template.
  2. Select or search for the datacenter or folder in which to deploy the template.
  3. Click Next.