You can edit the settings of a subscribed library to optimize storage space and network bandwidth by switching between the options to download content from the published library. You might also need to update the password for authentication to the library in case the administrator of the published library changes the password.


Required privileges: Content library.Update subscribed library and Content library.Probe subscription information on the subscribed library.


  1. In the vSphere Web Client navigator, select vCenter Inventory Lists > Content Libraries.
  2. Right-click a subscribed library and select Edit Settings.
  3. Edit the settings of the subscribed library.
    • Enable or disable the automatic synchronization with the published library.
    • Update the password for authentication to the published library.
    • Select a download method. You can either download all library content immediately or download library content only when needed.

      If you switch from the option to download content only when needed to the option to download all library content immediately, a synchronization task starts and content starts downloading. The number and size of items in the published library determine the amount of time and network bandwidth that the task requires.

  4. Click OK.