You can set the default compatibility for virtual machine creation on the host, cluster, or data center. These options ensure that when virtual machines are added to an existing vSphere environment, they are compatible with the host versions that reside there.

The following conditions apply:

  • To set the default compatibility on the cluster, the cluster must contain hosts that are connected and not in maintenance mode.
  • A default compatibility setting on the host overrides a default cluster or data center setting.
  • A default compatibility setting on the cluster overrides a default data center setting.


Required privileges:
  • On the host or cluster: Host.Inventory.Modify cluster
  • On the data center: Datacenter.Reconfigure datacenter


  • Select a host, cluster, or data center in the inventory.
    Option Action
    1. Click the Configure tab, and click Settings.
    2. In the Virtual Machines section, select Default VM Compatibility and click Edit.
    3. Select the compatibility from the drop-down menu and click OK.
    Note: You can set the compatibility only on hosts that are not part of a cluster.
    1. Click the Configure tab and click Settings.
    2. In the Configuration section, select General and click the Edit button next to Default VM Compatibility.
    3. Select the compatibility from the drop-down menu and click OK.

    When you change the compatibility for a cluster, the compatibility for all hosts in the cluster changes as well.

    Data Center
    1. Right-click the data center and select Edit Default VM Compatibility.
    2. Select the compatibility from the drop-down menu and click OK.


When you create a virtual machine on one of these objects, the default compatibility setting is used.