Configure the BIOS boot setting for ESXi if you want the server to boot into ESXi by default.

ESXi Installable and ESXi Embedded cannot exist on the same host.


  1. While the ESXi host is powering on, press the key required to enter your host’s BIOS setup.
    Depending on your server hardware, the key might be a function key or Delete. The option to enter the BIOS setup might be different for your server.
  2. Select the BIOS boot setting.
    Option Description
    If you are using the installable version of ESXi Select the disk on which you installed the ESXi software and move it to the first position in the list. The host boots into ESXi.
    If you are using ESXi Embedded Select the USB flash device and move it to the first position in the list. The host starts in ESXi mode.