Before you can manage vSphere Auto Deploy with rules that you create with PowerCLI cmdlets, you must install PowerCLI.


  • Select a version of PowerCLI compatible with your version of ESXi by using the VMware Product Interoperability Matrix .
  • Check system requirements for the version of PowerCLI that you selected by using the Compatibility Matrix on the PowerCLI home page for the respective PowerCLI version.
  • Open PowerShell on your workstation. In Windows Server configurations where PowerShell Gallery is not available by default, you must add the PowerShell Gallery as a trusted repository.


  1. Download a version of PowerCLI later than PowerCLI 6.5R1 from the PowerCLI home page.
  2. To install all PowerCLI modules, run the command: Install-Module VMware.PowerCLI -Scope CurrentUser. Alternatively, you can install individual PowerCLI modules by running the Install-Module cmdlet with the module name.
    If you see a warning that you are installing modules from an untrusted repository, press y and then press Enter to confirm the installation.
  3. (Optional) If you need to install PowerCLI offline, download the PowerCLI ZIP file from the PowerCLI home page and transfer the ZIP file to your local machine.
    1. Check the PowerShell Module path by using the command: $env:PSModulePath.
    2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file to one of the listed folders.
    3. Unblock the files by using the commands cd <path_to_powershell_modules_folder> and Get-ChildItem * -Recurse | Unblock-File.
    You can verify that the PowerCLI module is available by using the command Get-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI* -ListAvailable.

What to do next

Configure the settings of your target hosts to prepare them for provisioning with vSphere Auto Deploy.