When you create an image profile and exit the PowerCLI session, the image profile is no longer available when you start a new session. You can export the image profile to a ZIP file software depot, and add that depot in the next session.


Install the PowerCLI and all prerequisite software. See Install vSphere ESXi Image Builder and Prerequisite Software.


  1. In a PowerCLI session, create an image profile, for example by cloning an existing image profile and adding a VIB.
  2. Export the image profile to a ZIP file by calling Export-EsxImageProfile with the ExportToBundle parameter.
    Export-EsxImageProfile	-ImageProfile "my_profile" -ExportToBundle -FilePath
  3. Exit the PowerCLI session.
  4. When you start a new PowerCLI session, add the depot that contains your image profile to access it.
    Add-EsxSoftwareDepot "C:\isos\temp-base-plus-vib25.zip"