You can use command arguments to set the execution parameters of the vcsa-util converge command.

The vsca-util converge command reconfigures a vCenter Server with an external Platform Services Controller to a vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller.

Use the following command converge a single standalone vCenter Server with an external Platform Services Controller to a vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller:
vcsa-util converge [--help] [--template-help] [--log-dir LOG_DIR] [--pause-on-warnings] [--verbose | --terse] [--no-ssl-certificate-verification] [--skip-domain-handling] [--verify-template-only | --precheck-only]  [--silent] [--backup-taken] [--skip-reboot] [--skip-domain-hadling] converge.json
Use the following command to decommission a Platform Services Controller:
vcsa-util decommision [--help] [--template-help] [--log-dir LOG_DIR] [--pause-on-warnings] [--verbose | --terse] [--no-ssl-certificate-verification] [--verify-template-only | --precheck-only] decommission_psc.json
Argument Description
converge.json JSON file or path to the JSON file that contains the configuration parameters to specify the converge procedure.
decommission_psc.json JSON file or path to the JSON file that contains the configuration parameters to specify the decommission procedure.
--backup-taken (Optional) Ensure that the backup is already taken. If this argument is not provided, you are prompted for confirmation.
-v, --verbose (Optional) Display debug information in the console. If you set this parameter, you cannot set --terse.
-t, --terse (Optional) Display only warning and error information in the console. If you set this parameter, you cannot set --verbose.
--log-dir (Optional) Specify LOG_DIR as the directory for log and other output files.
--no-ssl-certificate-verification (Optional) Skip security certificate verification for all server connections.
--pause-on-warnings (Optional) Pause and wait for an acknowledgement of some warnings.
--precheck-only (Optional) Perform the prechecks for converge.
--verify-template-only (Optional) Perform only the basic template verification, but do not run additional prechecks. For additional precheck verification, use the --precheck-only parameter.
--silent (Optional) Run converge in silent mode, avoiding prompts. If this argument is specified, converge avoids prompts and uses the default values.
--skip-reboot (Optional) Skip rebooting machine after joining ADdomain. This is applicable only for AD domain environments.
--skip-domain-handling (Optional) Skip any operation that joins to a domain.
--template-help (Optional) Retrieve the help for the template settings.
-h, --help (Optional) Display the help message for the vsca-util command.