Configure the response that VM Component Protection (VMCP) makes when a datastore encounters a PDL or APD failure.

This page is editable only if you have activated vSphere HA.


  1. In the vSphere Client, browse to the vSphere HA cluster.
  2. Click the Configure tab.
  3. Select vSphere Availability and click Edit.
  4. Click Failures and Responses, and expand either Datastore with PDL or Datastore with APD .
  5. If you clicked Datastore with PDL, you can set the VMCP failure response for this type of issue, either Disabled, Issue Events, or Power off and restart VMs.
  6. If you clicked Datastore with APD, you can set the VMCP failure response for this type of issue, either Disabled, Issue Events, Power off and restart VMs--Conservative restart policy, or Power off and restart VMs--Aggressive restart policy. You can also set Response recovery, which is the number of minutes that VMCP waits before taking action.
  7. Click OK.


Your settings for the VMCP failure response take effect.