To perform particular activities on an ESXi host, a user must have permissions that are associated with a particular role. In the VMware Host Client, you can assign roles to users and give the users the permissions necessary to perform various tasks on the host.


  1. Right-click Host in the VMware Host Client inventory and click Permissions.
  2. Click Add user.
  3. Click the arrow next to the Select a user text box and select the user that you want to assign a role to.
  4. Click the arrow next to the Select a role text box and select a role from the list.
  5. (Optional) Select Propagate to all children or Add as group.
    If you set a permission at a vCenter Server level and propagate it to the children objects, the permission applies to data centers, folders, clusters, hosts, virtual machines, and other objects in the vCenter Server instance.
  6. Click Add and click Close.