The Virtual Disk Requests chart displays virtual disk usage for the virtual machine.

After you click Overview on the Performance tab of the virtual machine, you can view this chart by selecting Home from the View drop-down menu. It is available at collection (display) levels 3 and 4.

Table 1. Data Counters
Chart Label Description
Read Requests Number of virtual disk read commands completed on each virtual disk on the virtual machine. The aggregate number of all virtual disk read commands is also displayed in the chart.
  • Counter: numberRead
  • Stats Type: Absolute
  • Unit: Number
  • Rollup Type: Average
  • Collection Level: 2
Write Requests Number of virtual disk write commands completed on each virtual disk on the virtual machine. The aggregate number of all virtual disk write commands is also displayed in the chart.
  • Counter: numberWrite
  • Stats Type: Absolute
  • Unit: Number
  • Rollup Type: Average
  • Collection Level: 2